New habits that are likely permanent

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Feb 20, 2010
Flyover country
Since the world changed earlier this year, we have all made a lot of adjustments to our daily lives. Some are major, some are trivial, but we recognize them as adjustments to the world we live in now.

What new habits have you developed that you think may become permanent ones, even after the pandemic is over?

Obviously, we all have much cleaner hands than we used to, which is definitely a good thing, so hand washing has a good chance of being one.

In my case, I used to get my aerobic exercise kind of sporadically (3-4 times a week), but since March I've been looking forward to it every day and now I get at least a 3 mile run in almost every morning. I think I'll probably keep that up because I enjoy it so much.

I get depressed thinking about potential long term changes to what we used to do: eating out, concerts and plays, and vacations (including yearly cruise). I hope this will just be a long term aberration.
Unless/until there is a vaccine we will probably never go back to the gym. It only takes one idiot and like most places there is no shortage of them in WV. For now we go for walks but when the weather gets too cold for that I guess we'll just have to make do when we can. In the past buying exercise equipment has not worked out well so I doubt we'll bother going that route again.

Other than dropping the gym there hasn't been much change in day-to-day life since we're introverted homebodies anyway. We do miss seeing family but I suppose that will be resolved eventually too.

We don't miss travel because neither one of us likes it and we only do so out of necessity anyway.
I've developed a new exercise regimen that doesn't involve going to a gym. A combination of following cardio/resistance/flexibility videos and using a couple of older exercise machines and weights I own. Plus walking outside (used to be an avid runner but gave it up 8-9 years ago). I doubt I'll return to the gym.
Great thread topic. I’ve gone from 3 miles 3 times a week to every day, and I think it will continue. I’m also reading a great deal more and am confident this too will continue.

It only takes one idiot and like most places there is no shortage of them in WV.
I’ve been to many places around the US and the world and I can say with confidence WV has no monopoly in this category. They seem to be very well represented everywhere I’ve been.
After COVID started, I upped my running, biking, hiking, walking and outside time in an effort to possibly improve immunity and improve my respiratory system. Don't know if its working, but I plan to continue as long as I can.

Also washing hands more frequently and using hand sanitizer a lot. Wearing gloves a lot.

Increased levels of vitamin D (sun and drops). My vitamin D was low before, but now I see a need to permanently amp it up.

Haven't shaked hands or hugged anyone in a while. Not sure if this will be permanent or not.
I'm more of an optimist and don't predict major long term changes. C19 might be around for a while, but I think science will defeat it by YE 2021.

However, I will be searching for products that come from anywhere BUT China. I will also be politically active from my district to DC in getting US supply chains out of China. At mega-c@rp, I used to source materials from China. The government is barbaric, workers live in 21st century sweat shops, and we subsidize both.
I'm more of an optimist and don't predict major long term changes. C19 might be around for a while, but I think science will defeat it by YE 2021.
I agree. I think in 2-3 years this will be a memory and we will be mostly back to normal, and we will look back at this year as an aberration.
I agree. I think in 2-3 years this will be a memory and we will be mostly back to normal, and we will look back at this year as an aberration.

But I think the point of this thread is "what have you found that you WANT to keep part of your routine/life regardless of covid?" - ie, more exercise. Things we might want to do if it disappeared tomorrow.

One nice thing my sister and I started doing: We used to meet up off and on, once every 3 months or so, at a restaurant for happy hour.

Since stay-at-home, this became our back yard patios, and weekly. Far cheaper too! We are going to keep this up. A little wine and cheese and sisterly chit chat is a good way to end the week any time.
I've started doing weekly zoom calls with a bunch of friends. We expanded it to include some friends who've moved out of state. It's nice to spend 40 minutes catching up on everyone's life. DH has done the same with his siblings... I joked that Covid brought them closer.

Like others - it will be a long time before I go back to the gym... but my walks have gotten longer and faster paced. Dog is starting to drag at the end of them. But the longer range walkabouts are now part of the routine.

Sewing. I started making m*sks and have improved enough to take on some projects the family wanted me to sew. So Covid has improved my functionality.
I'm more of an optimist and don't predict major long term changes. C19 might be around for a while, but I think science will defeat it by YE 2021.

However, I will be searching for products that come from anywhere BUT China. I will also be politically active from my district to DC in getting US supply chains out of China. At mega-c@rp, I used to source materials from China. The government is barbaric, workers live in 21st century sweat shops, and we subsidize both.

Unfortunately, we have already shipped almost all manufacturing overseas, to China, and others. Buy American sounds great, but we don't make anything anymore.

With today's automation, I think many things COULD be made here, for a few percent more than somewhere else. So, the push should be to bring manufacturing back.

I have seen the barbaric sweat shops you describe, and they are real. Fortunately for me and my former MC, we actually were making high value items and sending them to China, but i am sure they have learned to copy, so MC will slowly lose that business. Glad I am out.
I would like continue to eliminate hand shaking, or at least reduce it.
Enjoying riding my bike. I miss stair machine from gym. But I have an elliptical. Can't have too many cross training options with my joints!
Grocery pickup, fewer extracurricular activities for the kids, great exercise routine for the first time in years, more (Healthier) meals at home. Lots of positives that we plan on keeping.
Since the world changed earlier this year, we have all made a lot of adjustments to our daily lives. Some are major, some are trivial, but we recognize them as adjustments to the world we live in now.

What new habits have you developed that you think may become permanent ones, even after the pandemic is over?

Obviously, we all have much cleaner hands than we used to, which is definitely a good thing, so hand washing has a good chance of being one.

In my case, I used to get my aerobic exercise kind of sporadically (3-4 times a week), but since March I've been looking forward to it every day and now I get at least a 3 mile run in almost every morning. I think I'll probably keep that up because I enjoy it so much.


I never liked shaking hands before and I don't ever plan to do it again, it is a nasty habit

I have been riding my bike alot and plan to keep it up

I have set up a small gym in my house with weights, bands, yoga stuff, etc so I doubt if I ever going a gym again.

I am enjoying cooking so I think I will go much less to restaurants

I have been cutting my hair and DH's hair and doing a pretty good job if I do say so, so we will probably not go back to the hair salon

DH and I have enjoyed sitting on our porch playing cards. We have found several fun card games for 2 (gin rummy, crazy 8, Uno, Monopoly Deal, Quiddler)

We are bird watchers and with some of our favorite birding areas closed we have are enjoying birding from our front porch, we are surprised and how many birds we have seen from our porch

I have been calling my elderly mother everyday and plan to continue to do so

I really like grocery curbside pick up--I never plan to go into a grocery again

I have quit watching so much TV news and instead I am listening to NPR on the radio--NPR is great
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Until there is a vaccine, or proven effective therapeutic, our routines will be permanently altered. No gym, grocery shopping, no dining "in", or bars, no gatherings, small or large, no winter snow birding in Mexico. So sad..... Once things are safe I see us easing back into all of these things, but on a delayed basis.

We may never shake hands or hug again, but I feel at the right time, life will return to normal; with one exception. I think on line ordering will continue to escalate. I don't think though that our on line grocery ordering will continue. It works, but the in store shopping experience is preferable, if safe.
Society has taboos against women over 60 wearing their hair long, but with salons feeling very unsafe I just let my hair grow. I've discovered I look better than I thought with very long, wavy hair. Plus, I just enjoy breaking taboos that are basically stupid.
Definitely plan to continue grocery shopping via Walmart curbside pickup! So efficient!
I quit wearing makeup almost totally. No more manicures or pedicures, all done at home. I am doing almost all of my shopping on-line and really have enjoyed that change. I do all of my yoga via Zoom. We spend a lot of time at home. I do still see my immediate family, at a distance, no hugging. We put in a pool in 2018 and that has turned out to be a great decision.

I live in Iowa so I am worried about the cold weather. We do have a few more options of things that are somewhat safe to do outside, but that will change by November 1.
+1 on very minimal makeup (I find makeup to be surprisingly aging - it shows all the lines); haven't had more than two manicures in my life. Hmm, I wonder how much $$ that saves over a lifetime? :LOL:

I quit wearing makeup almost totally. No more manicures or pedicures, all done at home. .
Cutting people off short. Like to talk some more but adios, we're done, I'm outta here.
We haven't cancelled our gym membership yet because we have a great grandfathered deal. But it may be time since I don't see a return this year.

Sorely miss my 3-4 hours of racquetball a week. But replaced it with more pickleball. And since my kids and their spouses are also avoiding the gym, they also took up the sport!

So more family time in a relatively safe outdoor environment. We've established a new weekly routine. Family Pickleball Saturday morning, bike ride in the afternoon, and then outdoor meal that evening whenever the weather cooperates.

So the virus has brought our family a little closer. I hope this schedule persists even after a vaccine.
+1 on very minimal makeup (I find makeup to be surprisingly aging - it shows all the lines); haven't had more than two manicures in my life. Hmm, I wonder how much $$ that saves over a lifetime? :LOL:

I meant to add, I don't miss it at all. The salon I used had a client come in with the virus so I decided I don't need any of that stuff and my hair can just grow out. Very liberating.
Definitely never going back to the gym... oh wait, new habits! Ok, that hand shaking one!
I’ve been having a handful of cheese its and a diet soda around 11am everyday. Really enjoyable. I thing it’ll stick.
Started walking 3 miles a day instead of 2 to account for the added calories. We travel around all year so always new places to explore.
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