Breakthrough club

It is fascinating to me how individual people‘s immune reactions to both vaccines and virus exposures are. We live in the UK so both DW and I had two shots of AZ within a week or two of each other. Now months later our doctor did antibody tests for us. I was at 160 - still protected but getting lower; she was at a roaring 385 still. I think it shows that for some people protection either was never as strong or wears off more quickly, hence breakthroughs.
It is fascinating to me how individual people‘s immune reactions to both vaccines and virus exposures are. We live in the UK so both DW and I had two shots of AZ within a week or two of each other. Now months later our doctor did antibody tests for us. I was at 160 - still protected but getting lower; she was at a roaring 385 still. I think it shows that for some people protection either was never as strong or wears off more quickly, hence breakthroughs.
I'm just curious: when you were both vaccinated, did you experience similar or different symptoms (if any) after you got the first and/or second jabs? I'm wondering if how your body reacts to the shots has any bearing on how your immunity holds up long term.
It is fascinating to me how individual people‘s immune reactions to both vaccines and virus exposures are. We live in the UK so both DW and I had two shots of AZ within a week or two of each other. Now months later our doctor did antibody tests for us. I was at 160 - still protected but getting lower; she was at a roaring 385 still. I think it shows that for some people protection either was never as strong or wears off more quickly, hence breakthroughs.

That is good feedback. Did you request antibody tests?

Some months back I was randomly selected by the Office of National Statistics to do an antibodies test about 3 weeks after my second dose, but my wife wasn't chosen. We had also received 2 doses, each time on the same date, and I would have been very interested to see the difference in our levels.
It is fascinating to me how individual people‘s immune reactions to both vaccines and virus exposures are. We live in the UK so both DW and I had two shots of AZ within a week or two of each other. Now months later our doctor did antibody tests for us. I was at 160 - still protected but getting lower; she was at a roaring 385 still. I think it shows that for some people protection either was never as strong or wears off more quickly, hence breakthroughs.

I'm curious how the antibody test can come down to one number. Aren't there several molecules that are enhanced or increased to fight a virus? Wouldn't the different Covid Vaccines give different antibody result? Can they all be measured with the same test?
All the Covid vaccines focus on immunity to the spike protein, so they get us to make antibodies to that one protein, as well as T-cell immunity, which can’t be measured. Covid infection gives you antibodies to other viral proteins as well (which may or may not protect you).

The test measures anti-spike protein antibodies.
That is good feedback. Did you request antibody tests?

Some months back I was randomly selected by the Office of National Statistics to do an antibodies test about 3 weeks after my second dose, but my wife wasn't chosen. We had also received 2 doses, each time on the same date, and I would have been very interested to see the difference in our levels.

We go private for annual health checks as a back stop to nhs and the private doctor ordered the antibody test
I'm just curious: when you were both vaccinated, did you experience similar or different symptoms (if any) after you got the first and/or second jabs? I'm wondering if how your body reacts to the shots has any bearing on how your immunity holds up long term.

We were mirror opposites. She felt the first dose terribly and felt nothing after the second. My first was as if nothing had happened and the second knocked me out for two days. Weird !
We go private for annual health checks as a back stop to nhs and the private doctor ordered the antibody test

Gotcha. One thing I wondered about was if your wife may have been exposed to Covid without knowing she had it and her immune system responded.

My wife and I had AZ on the same day and Novavax on the same and had identical reactions both times. Mild on the 1st one and zero on the 2nd.
Just woke up in the middle of the night with my allergies kicking in high. Runny nose has moved on to headache despite two doses of antihistamine. I had a couple of BinaxNow tests on the shelf so I cracked one out and ran a test. Negative!

It is a relief to have a rapid test handy. I was with two young and unvaccinated grandkids in the last couple of days. At this point in the pandemic these tests should be readily available but they remain out of stock at most pharmacies. I ordered mine online at CVS.
Just woke up in the middle of the night with my allergies kicking in high. Runny nose has moved on to headache despite two doses of antihistamine. I had a couple of BinaxNow tests on the shelf so I cracked one out and ran a test. Negative!
I hope you feel better soon. Just keep in mind that doing a test within hours of symptom onset may not give an accurate result. It's best to wait a day or two before testing and isolate in the meantime.
How much can you rely on a negative home test?
Oldest Grandson has been vaccinated, came down with stuffy nose, cough, fever 102! Apparently was ill on Sunday but didn't tell his folks until yesterday when they heard him coughing. Binax test last night was negative.
Going to the dr today, as it could be influenza, so needs test for that, too.
We are already on alert as other GS was exposed to a positive in his classroom, so is on 14 day quarantine home from school.
I hope you feel better soon. Just keep in mind that doing a test within hours of symptom onset may not give an accurate result. It's best to wait a day or two before testing and isolate in the meantime.
I thought that was the reason for the kits containing two tests - do one test and if it's negative, take the other one two days later. That way, if you're still negative, you are probably OK.
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How much can you rely on a negative home test?
Oldest Grandson has been vaccinated, came down with stuffy nose, cough, fever 102! Apparently was ill on Sunday but didn't tell his folks until yesterday when they heard him coughing. Binax test last night was negative.
Going to the dr today, as it could be influenza, so needs test for that, too.
I think you can rely just fine on a home test as long it was performed properly and after a couple of days of symptoms. We use identical rapid tests in urgent care to determine which patients should receive monoclonal antibody therapy.

As for a flu test, we only do those within 48 hours of symptom onset because antivirals (Tamiflu, Xofluza) need to be started in that window. If someone has been sick since Sunday and it's now Wednesday, we wouldn't perform a flu test as it wouldn't impact our treatment in any way.
Unfortunately we need to add Colin Powell to the breakthrough club and he died of Covid. I understand he had 2 Pfizer vaccines back last winter but got sick before he could have his booster. He had multiple myeloma and was immune compromised. His wife also had Covid (she had 2 shots of Pfizer also) but recovered.
Gotcha. One thing I wondered about was if your wife may have been exposed to Covid without knowing she had it and her immune system responded.

My wife and I had AZ on the same day and Novavax on the same and had identical reactions both times. Mild on the 1st one and zero on the 2nd.

Possible - possibly also size related: she is 5‘1“ and not an ounce of fat. I‘m 6‘0 and no one has ever called me thin, although I’m fit (90 kg; 198 lbs)
Unfortunately we need to add Colin Powell to the breakthrough club and he died of Covid. I understand he had 2 Pfizer vaccines back last winter but got sick before he could have his booster. He had multiple myeloma and was immune compromised. His wife also had Covid (she had 2 shots of Pfizer also) but recovered.
One thing many don't realize is that immuno-compromised patients may not get any protection from the vaccine, which is part of why herd immunity is such an important goal.

We have two friends with immune issues. Both were fully vaccinated. Both later got their antibody levels checked and it showed that neither had any measurable immunity built up.
One thing many don't realize is that immuno-compromised patients may not get any protection from the vaccine, which is part of why herd immunity is such an important goal.

We have two friends with immune issues. Both were fully vaccinated. Both later got their antibody levels checked and it showed that neither had any measurable immunity built up.

And there are more immune compromised people out there than we realize. I have read that at least 3% of adults in the US are immune compromised. That is why it is so important that everyone who can get vaccinated.
One thing many don't realize is that immuno-compromised patients may not get any protection from the vaccine, which is part of why herd immunity is such an important goal.

We have two friends with immune issues. Both were fully vaccinated. Both later got their antibody levels checked and it showed that neither had any measurable immunity built up.

Which is why I suggest to every immunocompromised person I know to get their spike antibodies checked a month after vaccination.
Which is why I suggest to every immunocompromised person I know to get their spike antibodies checked a month after vaccination.

No idea if I'm immune compromised - never been informed of such. But I have enough "conditions" that it wouldn't surprise me. On that basis, how/where does one get tested for antibodies for Covid? Just ask PCP? Thanks.
A friend of mine had a Pfizer breakthrough case in August, which was 5 months past his second shot.

He never really recovered.

His strength never returned. He thought he had long COVID. After a long series of tests, he was diagnosed with a well known neuro-muscular disease. It is like COVID kicked it into gear. We know COVID affects nerves. It seemed like a heat seeking missile in his case.

He was laid to rest last weekend. In a way, it may have been a blessing, but we'll never know. The normal course of his disease is years (of suffering), but COVID seemed to make it a matter of months.

I'm so sad about this, he was one of the best late-life friends I've ever made.

All I know is this disease sucks and there's way too much we don't know about it.
A friend of mine had a Pfizer breakthrough case in August, which was 5 months past his second shot.

He never really recovered.

His strength never returned. He thought he had long COVID. After a long series of tests, he was diagnosed with a well known neuro-muscular disease. It is like COVID kicked it into gear. We know COVID affects nerves. It seemed like a heat seeking missile in his case.

He was laid to rest last weekend. In a way, it may have been a blessing, but we'll never know. The normal course of his disease is years (of suffering), but COVID seemed to make it a matter of months.

I'm so sad about this, he was one of the best late-life friends I've ever made.

All I know is this disease sucks and there's way too much we don't know about it.

So sorry Joe. If you don't mind me asking how old was your friend? I definitely agree that this disease sucks and it does not seem to be going away.
So sorry Joe. If you don't mind me asking how old was your friend? I definitely agree that this disease sucks and it does not seem to be going away.
He was low-mid 70s.

BTW, he was 99% sure he contacted it playing with the grand kids during the height of delta. Grand kids and their parents subsequently tested positive. Then he felt bad, got tested and was positive too.
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I'm finally over my breakthrough Covid-19 infection and thought I would see if anyone else was so unlucky? I was vaccinated in April with J&J, just a week or so before the ill thought-out suspension of that vaccine.

A couple of weeks ago I went to a small two-day business conference with, I would guess, ~250 attendees. The conference itself was in a very large ballroom with banquet tables, 3-4 people max per table. Much of the time there was only one other person at my table. Delta had started so there was a mask requirement. Most people wore masks while moving around but many, including me, took them off when seated in the conference room. Receptions and lunch (provided) as well as dinner (out) were of course unmasked.

The conference started on Tuesday afternoon, and I left Thursday morning. If I had to bet, I would say I was exposed at the reception on Tuesday night. Three reasons: 1) that reception was the most people in the smallest space (still not very crowded), 2) each day of the conference had fewer people around; and 3) symptoms started first thing Friday, so hard to believe I was just exposed on Weds or Thurs. Also, I wasn't out of the house before the conference and I drove to/from the conference alone, so transportation was not an issue.

Over the weekend, I was totally convinced I had a minor common cold. Symptoms were identical to many colds I've had - tickle in my throat for a couple of days with a minor cough, then sneezing and associated minor runny nose. No fever, no congestion, no shortness of breath, no headache or muscle aches, no fatigue, no loss of taste/smell. It did run a little longer than a common cold, with the tickle in my throat persisting for about 11 days.

On Tuesday last week the conference organizers sent a note that an infection was reported to them by an attendee. At that point I went ahead and got tested - positive! DW, also vaccinated, then got tested (negative) and was told testing is not necessary for vaccinated individuals that are exposed unless they have symptoms.

I got calls from my PCP and the state health department tracers. Both seemed surprised when I told them I was vaccinated. The state was interesting because they asked a lot of questions about my health, symptoms, etc. And then asked about tracing. I hadn't been anywhere since I left the conference so the only person I gave them was DW, who they said they would call but never did. I did mention that I believed I was exposed at a business event, but they didn't follow up - I'm guessing because it was in a different state.

Both my PCP and the health department said my isolation could end after 10 days, which was Sunday. On Sunday, 10 days in, I got a text from the state asking two questions - 1) did I have a fever - NO, 2) were symptoms improving - YES. Another text came and I was cleared from isolation. In addition, a text came with a link to a letter in my name from the state health department, clearing me for return to work/school. I printed and downloaded that for future reference.

This was my first event with more than 10 people since Covid started. Interestingly, my last public event was the same conference in February 2020. I came home from that with a "cold" as well. :-\

TL:DR, bottom line - I had a breakthrough infection and the vaccine worked as advertised, protected from serious symptoms.

Anyone else?

Quick question, and I did not read this whole did you travel to and from the conference? Was it on an airplane, and then via a shuttle, or uber? That contradicts the idea you mention that you were not around "anyone" since the conference. If you flew on a plane, you were in the airport around those people, and if you travelled anyay other than in a car by yourself or a bicycle or on foot, you likely exposed whoever was administering the transportation. Hard to tell who really gave it to you; as you said...a guess at best. I hope you are fully recovered.
Quick question, and I did not read this whole did you travel to and from the conference? Was it on an airplane, and then via a shuttle, or uber? That contradicts the idea you mention that you were not around "anyone" since the conference. If you flew on a plane, you were in the airport around those people, and if you travelled anyay other than in a car by yourself or a bicycle or on foot, you likely exposed whoever was administering the transportation. Hard to tell who really gave it to you; as you said...a guess at best. I hope you are fully recovered.

He says, "Also, I wasn't out of the house before the conference and I drove to/from the conference alone, so transportation was not an issue." So no, flying/airports are not the problem here.
He says, "Also, I wasn't out of the house before the conference and I drove to/from the conference alone, so transportation was not an issue." So no, flying/airports are not the problem here.

Yup, and I'm fully recovered. Really nothing notable after 10 or 11 days of a scratchy throat. At this point I figure I got boosted in August so will wait a while to get my next booster.
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