Anyone Buying Into Today's Dip?


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Mar 16, 2011
Anyone thinking of buying today's dip?

As of 6AM, Dow futures are down 800+.

I'm thinking to exchange a small amount (about 1.5%) from one of my market dogs to a fund I've been coveting for a while.

My last such move (April, '20) netted me a 65% increase on a $100K move I made. Semantics, but FWIW, I don't view this as timing as much as taking advantage of a fire sale; a fine line for sure.

Because it's a MF, as today progresses, I can always stop the trade at the last minute before 4PM if things turn around.

Anyone else?
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Thanks for the heads-up. I have some limit orders in from previous, and they should execute today. Maybe I should hunt for more bargains?
My market email alerts have been going crazy the past hour or so.. Yes, I'll be buying. Not sure what "yet" but I have a few ideas.
Anyone thinking of buying today's dip?

As of 6AM, Dow futures are down 800+.

I'm thinking to exchange a small amount (about 1.5%) from one of my market dogs to a fund I've been coveting for a while.

My last such move (April, '20) netted me a 65% increase on a $100K move I made. Semantics, but FWIW, I don't view this as timing as much as taking advantage of a fire sale; a fine line for sure.

Because it's a MF, as today progresses, I can always stop the trade at the last minute before 4PM if things turn around.

Anyone else?

FYI, the markets close at 1:00 pm eastern time today.
Sounds like a Black Friday sale on Wall Street!

I actually did sell some winners the past couple of weeks and took some profits. Maybe a day to bargain hunt for some other stocks/ funds I’ve been looking at?

Hope there are some good “door busters” out there.

Good luck all.
Typically I don't, but I just moved $6K into my grandchildren's 529 accounts last night. It may be a good day to try and "time the market"!
Congrats, fellow recovery investor. I threw my whole Roth IRA into it, and did really well.

Relative to it's 52 week high, VTI is dropping from 99% to 97%, so I'm ignoring it. But I will check on recent purchases, and if they've lost much more, I might buy the dip.
Anyone thinking of buying today's dip?

As of 6AM, Dow futures are down 800+.


My last such move (April, '20) netted me a 65% increase on a $100K move I made. Semantics, but FWIW, I don't view this as timing as much as taking advantage of a fire sale; a fine line for sure.
How do you know it’s a dip and not the beginning of a steeper decline?
Probably a bunch of traders capitalizing on news (as they always do) trying to make a quick buck and it will be back at the end of the day.... Maybe. Maybe not.
How do you know it’s a dip and not the beginning of a steeper decline?

Of course, you never know and, as they say "History is not an indicator of future outcomes".

But if it is a steeper decline, I'll buy more in appropriate amounts.

The 'end of the world' of 2008 and 'end of the world' of spring 2020 has shown me that 'steeper declines' are relatively short-lived and I'm willing and able to wait out a recovery. Market fundamentals are sound.

Of course, 'this time could be different' but that's the chance you take. Early reports (yes, it's early) on the new SA variant indicate that most infected have no symptoms; my current view: another needless market panic but in a week or so we should know either way.

Back in 1929 my grandfather made a fortune taking advantage of the 'steep decline' of the time.
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To keep things in perspective, the Dow futures are only down a little over 2%. An 800 point drop isn’t what it used to be.
If we have a couple of weeks of 2% drops, then we should consider moving cash into the market in meaningful amounts. I’m staying put for now.
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How do you know it’s a dip and not the beginning of a steeper decline?
Wow, I can agree with you on that one.... :) I certainly don't know.. And while I do buy on these dips, I don't go all in, just in case it's the beginning of a big one. I'll probably buy in with ~10% of my available discretionary stock funds today.
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To keep things in perspective, the Dow futures are only down a little over 2%. An 800 point drop isn’t what it used to be.
If we have a couple of weeks of 2% drops, then we should consider moving cash into the market in meaningful amounts. I’m staying out for now.

I have some puts that will become in-the-money, and get assigned. I have a feeling that these purchases will not make me happy in the short run.

Long-term wise, they may make me money, but how long that takes is of course unknown.
I have some puts that will become in-the-money, and get assigned. I have a feeling that these purchases will not make me happy in the short run.

Long-term wise, they may make me money, but how long that takes is of course unknown.
The bulk of mine are on MRNA, Moderna, and it's up 14%+ on the premarket.

+1 on early closing, I have a few puts that need rolled til next week.
How do you know it’s a dip and not the beginning of a steeper decline?
Probably because they've made our other investment options so unattractive that most serious investors have little choice but to continue investing in the stock markets.

All bets are off if the worldwide economies implode.
I'm cash lite with the real estate purchase. From the sounds of it I might be lucky that way :)
The few times I have tried to time the thing I was spectacularly bad at it, ultimately.
All bets are off if the worldwide economies implode.

Travel-related stocks crashed hard. I don't have any of them, but my energy stocks are getting pummeled. Ouch! No more need for jet fuel, or gasoline. Everyone stays lockdown, and goes nowhere.

I guess it's time to stock up on TP again. Dang!
Bought some oil and high tech in the last 30mins.... Will buy more if it keeps going down.
Added a little bit

Of course, I don't know if it's a dip, or the start of a big slide and I'm not a fan of anticipating falling knives.... but I added a little. For perspective, these buys constitute putting another. 0.5% of my net worth total. Then I'll wait to see what happens next week what's done so far:

DISNEY@ in the high 146's
(I have no Disney. Want to eventually own $20,000 worth - bought about $4000 worth today)

MSFT@. 336 - added to position.

KO@ 53.91 - added to position.

RCL@ 70.20 - new

CVX@ high 112's. added to position

XOM - added to position

JBLU@ $13.54 - added to small position

NYCB@ 12.38 -added to a small position

Been doing so good with waking up early since I retired 9 months ago. I was never an early riser and now, I get up naturally by 6 - or 530 with alarm. TODAY of all days I slept in until 845. Grrrrrrrrr would've liked more time.
I saw the futures dip last night and got up at 4AM and added some shares of Mrna. It is up pretty good. I started a position when it got beaten down at ER and have been flipping since. Pretty good return!

Added a little OXY after open with additional Buy limits for more shares. Oxy is my favorite "oil" flip stock.

Hoping BA drops pretty good. That's always been a good Covid flip stock.
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