Calling all Texans

CFB had some serious health issues a few years back but I understand he recovered. He posted on facebook sometime last year (?) that he was giving up social media entirely and I haven't heard anything from him since.

Dude, that sounds like I'm dead!

Definitely not! I still have my shoes on. I'm pretty sure you're still alive if you've managed to keep your shoes.

Not much of an online person these days. As some may have noticed, it tends to eat my time.

Short one? I'm 60 now, so the 39 year old early retiree no longer has to come up with many excuses for whadda I do all day. Still hanging in there on the early retirement vine. Haven't lost money in any year so far.

Divorced, got married and divorced again (hey, I tried it TWO times!) my kid is grown up, and I'm on an entirely new set of dogs. Still in the same house for 15 years. Quite a record.
Hey, when you disappear for 8 years, it's a logical assumption - especially at your age.

Are you sure you are you, not just some fig newton of your imagination?

I had some doubts yesterday. Turned out I just needed a nap.

And you and AARP can take that "at your age" stuff and well, I'd say more but I hear the moderators here can be rather pesky?:dance:
Pinch me...I must be dreaming. :blink:

Thank you for the update CFB...I sure have missed you.

Aww! Thanks!

Looking at some of the user names, lots of good times! And a few that can still go fook themselves!!;)

What have you been up to?
Aww! Thanks!

Looking at some of the user names, lots of good times! And a few that can still go fook themselves!!;)

What have you been up to?
I was up to 5'7" but am now 5'6". :ermm:

Let's see...still married to the same guy for 44+ years. Stopped using hair dye, bought a vette, traveled a lot in the US, have been collecting social security for two years, doubled our booze budget (thank you social security) and take frequent naps on tbone...that's my leather couch. Sometimes when something feels so good, ya gotta name it.
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Dude, that sounds like I'm dead!
Aw c'mon, you could be! Now just some Bot that you created and forgot all about, that reactivated itself! :D

I still have to do a mental table-lookup when I see "CFB", as you are locked in my memory under your original user name.

Divorced twice? Hmmm... is it "third time's a charm", or "three strikes yer out!", or "third time yer down to eating dog food (dry, big bag type, generic)". There's a quote "Finance is the art of money passing from hand to hand until it finally disappears". It could just as well be applied to multiple marriages... it just disappears a LOT faster in those big chunks!

Well, it's good to hear from you! Please check back in 8 years again, in 2030. Should look a lot different. Cue "In the year 2525". :)

I'll say my goodbye now, as in 8 years I would have exceeded the age of ANY male relative in my blood line, no one has lived that long :greetings10:
Geez CFB, can't believe you turned 60. Nevertheless, glad you are still kicking.

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