Repeal the 15 Minute Edit Limit

My idea is of course complex to implement, but...

I would like to see a merging of the 15 minute rule and the allow to edit forever. I think you should be allowed to edit for 15 minutes/30 minutes/2 hours/whatever with no record left of your edit, but I think you should be allowed to edit forever BUT your edit leaves a track.

Once your trackless edit window expires, your edits shows up in the thread with a warning that this post has been edited. Then if the reader chooses to, he can follow the edits down and see what was originally posted. (So if I'm reading a thread I can see that Joe posted a correction to his statement, and I don't need to see that what his original post was, because I know Joe, and I trust he isn't trying to cover something up, he is just fixing a typo, misspelling, nothing mallicious... but if John changes his post to "cover up", I can see what he originally said and know he is just trying to BS us.)

If somebody chooses to delete their post after the "hidden window", then in initial viewing of the thread the post shows up as:

Post by XXX deleted on YYY date.

and a link that allows somebody to view the underlying post. Then if I know its John who deleted his post, I don't need to bother to dig deeper cause I know its just a BS post anyway. :)

I'd also allow "undeletes" as well, but that leaves a track as well:
Post by XXX deleted on YYY date.
Post by XXX undeleted on YYY date.


Just my random thoughts.

Read this quick, maybe in 14 minutes I'll delete it, oh and sorry "John", didn't mean to pick on you. :)

A tempest in a teapot.

One prolific forum member deleted hundreds of his posts before huffing off. The result was threads that made little sense or had huge gaps in continuity.

Just for my own edification, which one of the prolific forum members that left in a huff are we talking about? ;)
So, um, did the "keepers of the flame" make a decision yet?
I could be wrong about Ted deleting posts. His departure took place almost 5 years ago and it's hard to keep the particulars of every huff-offer straight in my mind. :)
I could be wrong about Ted deleting posts. His departure took place almost 5 years ago and it's hard to keep the particulars of every huff-offer straight in my mind. :)

Wow!!! We can't have more than 15 minutes to edit our posts because of what one guy may have done 5 years ago.

I'm starting to fear the mods here more than my mother. :bat:
Wow!!! We can't have more than 15 minutes to edit our posts because of what one guy may have done 5 years ago.

I'm starting to fear the mods here more than my mother. :bat:

Some months ago I scraped up some of my droppings and put them on some blogs I was starting up and left links to the posts so people would come visit me. I thought they belonged to me and wanted to benefit from the effort I put forth the same that Andy was/is benefiting. Most of the links are active, but some of those blo[-]b[/-]gs were mistakes I soon found out and were jettisoned. However, I can't edit the links to point to the current blogs. I edited out some posts that revealed too much about my situation and I didn't want them available for privacy, security & legal reasons- lawyer's advice. So sue me, I've got 2 law firms I'm already writing checks to each month anyway. So there you have it. I don't feel I've ruined the forum by doing what I've done. My new approach to what I post here is to leave it and just copy up a version for one of the blogs, if I think it will travel. Yesterday, I also decided not to post as much here anymore and certainly nothing that requires any effort or talks about my personal life. I really don't care for the rules and restrictions I already have to deal with in my life and I don't want to deal with any here, especially with any AR types that don't get out of the house enough, that haven't had a good BM in a week.
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Although there have been several that might fit into this category, the example I was referring to was Ted. :)

Intersting that Ted was one of the most well informed and intelligent people who spent any significant time here.Ditto SG. Que esta pasando? :p
Yeah, Ted sure was a smart guy
So if you don't like my negative comments about people who want to drop out of the workforce, maximize their social security benefits and reduce their taxes, and then claim that they are doing the rest of the country some sort of favor, screw you.
I edited out some posts that revealed too much about my situation and I didn't want them available for privacy, security & legal reasons- lawyer's advice.... I don't feel I've ruined the forum by doing what I've done.... Yesterday, I also decided not to post as much here anymore and certainly nothing that requires any effort or talks about my personal life. I really don't care for the rules and restrictions I already have to deal with in my life and I don't want to deal with any here...

I'm starting to feel like you, Dantien. Everything I have written is my intellectual property as far as I'm concerned (worthless as it may be...). However, at this point I am unable to modify any of my 3,000 odd posts. Some of them I would like to get rid of since they are detritus or may, in hindsight, not have been in good taste. People change over time and I may not believe now what I said I believed in the past. Also, there might be personal information contained within my posts, that viewed as a whole, could be damaging.

Since my written word is apparently no longer 100% mine 15 minutes after I hit the "submit reply" button, I don't feel as compelled to submit my comments any more. If I ever do get pissed off enough to storm out of here, I feel it is my right to take what is mine with me. In the meantime, I'll probably stick around though, as long as the mood suits me.

However the cynical side of me knows that every word I write is going to enrich the corporate owner of this site, and that one of the main reasons for a prohibition on deleting old posts is to make the forum as large as possible to increase the ad views and google hits.
As I posted in Sam's thread with the poll, the limit has been increased to 6 hours. I also gave some history in Sam's thread as to why we ended up with a time limit.

Justin, we all take some risk by posting here day in and day out about our lives and our opinions. What is done is done. We can't all just take it back. Don't worry so much. Our IP isn't that valuable and odds are only soon to be ex spouses would be interested in what we disclose here anyway. ;)
As I posted in Sam's thread with the poll, the limit has been increased to 6 hours. I also gave some history in Sam's thread as to why we ended up with a time limit.

Justin, we all take some risk by posting here day in and day out about our lives and our opinions. What is done is done. We can't all just take it back. Don't worry so much. Our IP isn't that valuable and odds are only soon to be ex spouses would be interested in what we disclose here anyway. ;)

I didn't realize the outrage at OAP's thread/post deletion was greater than the outrage at not being able to edit our posts at our own pace as we see fit (including the right to delete any or all posts at any time).

Maybe you guys, as mods, have a better feel for "public opinion" on the board, and I hope that you all will continue to act in the manner that enhances the user experience for users of this board to the greatest extent possible. Hopefully not too many folks will leave and we can maintain a critical mass of posters to make reading and posting here a worthwhile experience. :rant: ;)
Awww...I agree with Justin. Dangit.

Our IP isn't that valuable

And I agree with Martha!'d be nice if we picked a sentiment and stuck with it. Either the material is so valuable we cant let you go back and delete your own, or its not particularly valuable.

At least management has improved on not removing and ending discussions about the value and editability of our discussions while saying we're doing it to preserve the value of our discussions.

Does "We burned the village to save the village" pretty much cover it?

Honestly and having seen the occasional carnage first hand...I think we can live without the meandering discussions on underage asian girls, spending all your money now and trusting that social security will bail you out for the next 70 years, the merits of recycling condoms and chewing gum from raw sewage, and why all early retirees are parasitic scumbags that should be ashamed of themselves.

Whoops. Did I say all of that out loud?:)

Having said all of that, I've probably gone back and deleted a good 1500-2000 of my posts. Yeah, no ****...

In some of the early stuff I revealed a lot of details before discovering that everyone here likes to play the fan dance. I revealed the place and date of my sons birth within a few days of the event, photos of him and the "we had a baby!" sign in front of my house with the street # in plain view. I made specific comments about former managers and employees and where we all worked that were nice when I was still fairly anonymous but probably not a good idea once I became rather well known and known about. And it seemed less bright after someones kids were threatened by one of the now banned board whackos.

Sometimes things change, and when that context changes, so should some of the content.

That having been said, without the ability to edit or delete, I simply changed what I say and how I say it. So the content probably isnt as good. (yeah go ahead, slow and over the plate).
I'm starting to feel like you, Dantien. Everything I have written is my intellectual property as far as I'm concerned (worthless as it may be...). However, at this point I am unable to modify any of my 3,000 odd posts. Some of them I would like to get rid of since they are detritus or may, in hindsight, not have been in good taste. People change over time and I may not believe now what I said I believed in the past. Also, there might be personal information contained within my posts, that viewed as a whole, could be damaging.

Since my written word is apparently no longer 100% mine 15 minutes after I hit the "submit reply" button, I don't feel as compelled to submit my comments any more. If I ever do get pissed off enough to storm out of here, I feel it is my right to take what is mine with me. In the meantime, I'll probably stick around though, as long as the mood suits me.

However the cynical side of me knows that every word I write is going to enrich the corporate owner of this site, and that one of the main reasons for a prohibition on deleting old posts is to make the forum as large as possible to increase the ad views and google hits.

What he said.
Too late, I already agreed with him. I believe theres only room in the license for one additional seat.

But then again, you arent reading this, right?... :2funny:
Too late, I already agreed with him. I believe theres only room in the license for one additional seat.

But then again, you arent reading this, right?... :2funny:

You know I'm charging $0.50 per seat on this "agree with justin" license, right? Payable in b33v3r ch33z3 futures upon demand. Non-negotiable. And who said my IP isn't valuable? I've always thought my IP was the most important IP in the whole world. Apparently at least 2* folks agree with me.

* caution: do not be confused by large numbers such as 2. This represents only 0.000000000333% of the people in the world.
And not to be outdone, china has 12 guys that agree with you. But they're all poisonous to eat, touch or burn.
I've always been a believer in "he who pays the piper .........." and it's dory's board.

I once paid/donated to Pipe Major Dory $115 when it was an altruistic do I get to call the tune of "Go Down Moses (Let My Posts Go)" ;) Also, is it really Dory's board anymore?
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Quick! Everyone hire an internet Lawyer!

Geeze, people!

If you post on an internet board while being too boozed to hit enough of the keys in the proper order, it ain't a spelling mistake.

If you have trouble spelling, preview your post!

Does anyone here actually READ their post after they posted it, to see if they mispelled something, and want to correct it? Or see that their phrases were contorted, and want to correct them? Go ahead. 15 mins. is more than enough. However, if you are convinced that whatever you have to say is just so special to the world, and you have to pour it out as fast as you can, else us poor slobs will not have enough of your wisdom... then I don't think anything will help.

I laughed when I read that some people here thought that posting comments meant that their text was intellectual property, owned by them!

If a person posts something stupid, and someone responds, why should the original poster be able to go back and remove their stupidity? Because they might "look stupid" if they can't? What!!! What kind of twisted world are some of you trying to create here? Talk about living in a fairy land... I think some people here are dragging their anchor.

I wish I would have never read this thread. My opinion of the environment here has taken a hit.

Moderators, like I said before in a post, I've been there, done that, didn't need the hassle of being a Moderator anywhere anymore. Thanks for keeping on!
Internet is being ruined by a crop of namby-pamby people who complain about everything and want to manipulate the environment to coddle them. Oh oh, I looked stupid, mommy, help! My self-esteem, it's damaged, let me rewrite history to fix it, it's not my fault, it's their fault, Mommmeeee!

I've rarily blasted on this, or any other forum. But the topic here just went over the top on me-firstism. But it may be the old story... just a few who are vocal, and the silent majority may be fine.
I've always been a believer in "he who pays the piper .........." and it's dory's board.

Ummm, last I checked, dory sold this board [-]down the river[/-] to a consolidator.

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