Booze Bra Gives Women a Wine Rack


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 25, 2005
Bigger is tastier. I thought this was a joke, but... apparently not.

Be it a rock concert or simply a trip to the women simply need to fill up the sports bra device with their favourite tipple and then once inside suck the liquid out of the special teat.

There's got to be some tag lines. Like: "Is your cup running over?" . . . "Got Yellowtail."

Booze bra gives women a wine rack |

The Wine Rack
This is a security risk. Obviously women should take off more than shoes at the airport.
For those of you not interested in cross dressing they offer a beer belly version as well. The Beerbelly
For those of you not interested in cross dressing they offer a beer belly version as well. The Beerbelly

"Gel filled bras and similiar prosthetics may be worn through screening and aboard aircraft" sooooo.....Oh honey, ever want to emulate Chesty McMammaries?

Really though, it's much more entertaining to explore the boozebra than the beerbelly. IMO
Hence the word, jugs.

I carry a big enough load now, so I'll take my wine in a glass, by a fire and all natural, thank you. ;)
You have to admire the ingenuity of the human mind.
I carry a big enough load now, so I'll take my wine in a glass, by a fire and all natural, thank you. ;)

Like this thread; this assertion is useless without pictures.
What shape is she in when the wine is gone? I'm not speaking figuratively, well perhaps I am.
Based on my prior experience, she'll be prettier and I'll be a lot funnier and less resistable.
This thread is useless without pics.


Ok, CFB and Dex...I exposed my face for a month, but exposure of below the neck can't happen on this forum.

I assume there are plenty of other areas on the net that can fit the bill of "you show me yours and I'll show you mine." :D

Oh my goodness. Look at that. Porn on the internet. When the heck did THAT happen?!?


Oh my goodness. Look at that. Porn on the internet. When the heck did THAT happen?!?


I dunno. I might have to stay up late tonight and do some investigating. But then again, the imagination can be sweet as well.

God bless :angel::angel::angel:
They're small. Take two.

I am intrigued (and obviously need to get a life).... there are two and this begs the question, one for red and one for white? or....?

Does red go in the right side? Maybe the belly could be put to better use say ... storing pate' or some other extrudable edible?
Upon seeing the beer belly... I knew immediately that my life would be complete if I purchased one of these and a stadium pal. It'd be a mini circle of life happening right underneath my clothes.
Our local symphony orchestra has concerts each summer in an open amphitheater surrounded by a grass covered hillside. DW and I have for years taken a picnic dinner with wine to share on the lawn, before the concert. Last year - no more wine allowed. I could see it if this was a rough crowd, but the average age is about 75 and they sell beer and wine at the concessions inside.

So I'm on the lookout for a good way to smuggle wine into the concert. >:D
Empty a few 16oz bottles of cranberry juice or white grape juice, and refill with your wine.

They did the same thing around here at all the parks by the lakes and rivers. We'd usually get one drunk yahoo blasting the boat radio, flying through swimmers on a jet ski at 40mph, or otherwise raising a ruckus. They were always easily identifiable by the 2nd degree sunburn. Instead of arresting those guys once a day, we got a liquor ban and the cops comb through the beachgoers doing cooler checks.

Cuz dontcha know theres a good fine for having booze at the beach, so its a moneymaker. Arresting Bob The Jackass and jailing him for a small fine was a negative cash flow situation.

Oh, but you can still buy wine and beer at some of the concession stands.

But the nice folks at Veryfine are quite accommodating and make bottles filled with all sorts of appropriate colored liquids. Many of them even mix well with vodka.
Empty a few 16oz bottles of cranberry juice or white grape juice, and refill with your wine..........

Thanks Bunny - I knew more devious minds than mine had already developed a workaround for this ban.

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