Had a treadmill stress test yesterday...


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Jul 10, 2005
N. Yorkshire
I had a stress 13 years ago when I was 40 and still very active as a soccer ref. The test was good, and I went for 15 minutes.

That same year I had knee problems and gave up being a ref and didn't do any exercise other than walking. 3 years later I had another test, managed a paultry 10 minutes and was absolutely knackered. at 46 I managed a little better - 11 minutes. I re-located to headquarters for a few years so didn't have another test until I moved back. I'm now 53 but this last 3 years I have really got serious about exercising - joined the Y etc.

Yesterday on the test I managed 15 minutes and possibly could have done another minute but I had been at my theoretical max HR of 167 for 2 minutes so the nurse called a halt. 60 secs later it had dropped back to 137 which I think is a pretty good recovery rate. I then saw the cardio Doc who said the results were spectacular :D. Apart from the high you get from aerobic exercise the results have done wonders for my ego.

I know that exercise and proper nutrition can "turn back the clock" and it feels great to know that I am experiencing this with myself.

Hope you guys don't mind me doing a bit of bragging :D
Brag ahead; you deserve it!

Sounds like you found the fountain of youth...
excellent results! balloons & streamers to you. :)

reading your post made me realize i have another todo on my list. get more active. when this darn snow melts...i'll be out there getting exercise.
I think we need a congressional inquiry with polygraphs and drug testing to get to the bottom of this.
I think we need a congressional inquiry with polygraphs and drug testing to get to the bottom of this.

Even if I cross my heart and hope to die if I'm telling porkies ?? :angel:

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