how many friends do you have?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Oct 27, 2005
I guess I consider myself as one of the luck one because I am fortunately enough to have friends. Last weekend, someone pointed out to me that there is a huge different between friend and buddy. Buddies are the one that you can have fun with, share good memories, and will most likely to show up when there is a party with unlimited of beers at my house. Friends are someone that you can share deep thoughts, some personal information and even talk about finance with. Now that I think about it, I have a ton of acquaintances not friends. Heck an average folks can have up to 100 buddies in his Facebook. Just ask Hillary Clinton how many friends she has when she needed them the most.

how many friends do you have? Is it the internet, texting and online chat parts of the blame? I always thought the number of people that I sent Christmas card to are friends. Will see how many shows up at my funeral.. .heheeh.e…. Mom said I can always count on family.:angel::whistle::LOL::):greetings10:
I have always had 1-3 friends at any given time. They usually slip back to acquaintance when they / I move away and we don't hang out as much. This number has been pretty constant my whole life.
Wow, that unlimited beer part certainly put a lot of folks in the buddy category.
Hmmm....I guess I have one friend I can really truly count on to always be there, and that is DH.

But my close circle of friends that may or may not be buddies, depending on how much beer is involved, probably runs to 6-8. Those are the folks we see every week.

Lots of distant friends, like the ones with kids and such--maybe 20-30 in that category, that we don't see all that often.

I might judge my friends more by proximity than your beer-drinking criteria--how often we either get together or stay in touch.

1. Friends will help you move.
2. Close friends will help you move twice.
3. Best friends will help you move a body.

Hope this helps. :D

1. Friends will help you move.
2. Close friends will help you move twice.
3. Best friends will help you move a body.
4) The BEST friends of ALL WON'T ASK whose body it is......:)
I have 2 best friends. Unfortunately, two of my best friends already died, one of suicide and one of a heart attack.

I have a LOT of acquaintances, including friends from my fraternity at college, etc.

I think a friend is someone you MAKE TIME for, regardless of how crazy life is, and an acquaintance is someone you can pick up the phone and catch up with kinda anytime you want.

Mem have more acquaintances than friends my a large number, I would say women have fewer folks overall, but the ones they have are more friends than acquaintances........:)
Like the help move the body post - true best friends would help drink your - less than your best batch of home brew beer without flinching.

But that was back in the old days in New Orleans.

Have maybe 1-3 up here that I might test someday from the doughnut shop.

But I've given up on home brew and I don't have any body's to move at this time.

heh heh heh - in New Orleans - he was a she. :cool:
Friends are someone that you can share deep thoughts, some personal information and even talk about finance with.

Apparently I have thousands of friends!! Everyone on the ER Forum fits this definition of a friend.
Will see how many shows up at my funeral..
I used to think about this a lot, then I thought, "Don't think it will make much difference, I'll be :dead:."

So when I take my last breath, just throw me under the front porch and lime me.
5) Would dig the hole on his land, help you move the body, and toss a cow on top of the body so they just think there’s a cow in that hole.

I have 3 true friends. My wife, my father in law, and a farmer down the road.

At 5:23 am I had 446 best friends today. Once I finished tossing out of date bread out of the back of my truck they all just looked at me and went back to being my acquaintances by me standing in there field. My cattle…

But I think there are a few types…
-Life long friend. You might not talk to them for months at a time but can get on the phone and know everything that’s going in 30 min but would be ready to drop everything there doing to help you out.
-Best friend. Talk at least once a week and hang out a lot. They know more about you then you know of your self.
-Acquaintance by chance. The people that you work with that the only reason you know them is because you work there. When you leave work you will not see or talk to them until you see them at work the next day.
-Acquaintance by need. They know, have, or can get something you need.
-Acquaintance by choice. You go out of your way to see run into someone.
bbbamI writes (in another thread):

"Nice photos Dex. I wouldn't mind scraping a little ice off my appendages in order to experience such a stunning view. :)"

I'm sure Dex would be your friend if you scraped a little ice off of his appendage (and, I don't even know much about Dex except that he has high hopes for his high yield bond fund and that he follows foreign currencies and that he's well-read and that he hikes up mountains).
bbbamI writes (in another thread):

"Nice photos Dex. I wouldn't mind scraping a little ice off my appendages in order to experience such a stunning view. :)"

I'm sure Dex would be your friend if you scraped a little ice off of his appendage (and, I don't even know much about Dex except that he has high hopes for his high yield bond fund and that he follows foreign currencies and that he's well-read and that he hikes up mountains).

Why scrape? ... just takes a little body heat to thaw things out...:LOL:
I have 2 best friends. Unfortunately, two of my best friends already died, one of suicide and one of a heart attack.

I have a LOT of acquaintances, including friends from my fraternity at college, etc.

I think a friend is someone you MAKE TIME for, regardless of how crazy life is, and an acquaintance is someone you can pick up the phone and catch up with kinda anytime you want.

Mem have more acquaintances than friends my a large number, I would say women have fewer folks overall, but the ones they have are more friends than acquaintances........:)

Hey FinanceDude. Some friend you are. You killed them all. :flowers::flowers::nonono:
I think friends will be more important to me after I retire. Not just golf buddies, but the more "brother-like" friendships mentioned above.

One of my life "imbalances" is that I don't have more time to cultivate the friendships I have and which I value.
I have one "real" friend, and that's my DW.

I have other buddies that I share some common interests with, but I don't consider those to be deep relationships. My wife and I are not particularly social, so we don't really crave additional friendships.
5) Would dig the hole on his land, help you move the body, and toss a cow on top of the body so they just think there’s a cow in that hole.

I have 3 true friends. My wife, my father in law, and a farmer down the road.

At 5:23 am I had 446 best friends today. Once I finished tossing out of date bread out of the back of my truck they all just looked at me and went back to being my acquaintances by me standing in there field. My cattle…

But I think there are a few types…
-Life long friend. You might not talk to them for months at a time but can get on the phone and know everything that’s going in 30 min but would be ready to drop everything there doing to help you out.
-Best friend. Talk at least once a week and hang out a lot. They know more about you then you know of your self.
-Acquaintance by chance. The people that you work with that the only reason you know them is because you work there. When you leave work you will not see or talk to them until you see them at work the next day.
-Acquaintance by need. They know, have, or can get something you need.
-Acquaintance by choice. You go out of your way to see run into someone.

You nailed, it farmer! That is a pretty comprehensive list and right on the money. I've had lots of friends just because of where we lived/worked/or by chance.

And my dogs, cats and sheep view me as a servant, glad that your cows at least pretend to be your friends! LOL!

1. Friends will help you move.
2. Close friends will help you move twice.
3. Best friends will help you move a body.

Hope this helps. :D

Your REALLY good friends will help move YOUR body - Graham Parsons had REALLY good friends!

But seriously, my best friend is DW. We have been friends since grade school. That's well over 50 years now - and counting.
Close friends

I currently have three close friends. These are ladies I have worked with for years and to whom I would confide just about anything. They have keys to my house, drop over anytime they feel like it, and they don't have to be asked to do something for me...they anticipate things and just do them. They override me when I get too independent and tell me to just shut up about it...they are helping me whether I like it or not. They have been there for me in both the peaks and the valleys of my life the last 18 years. Unbeknownst to them, they are also in my will...behind my kid but right there with my sister(who I'm kinda lukewarm on if the truth be told, but she is my only sibling). Curiously, I have found that the people I tend to have the most in common with are all transplants to the area...including these three, who hail from Massachusetts, Louisiana and Alabama. I think it has something to do with living all over in my 20's and 30's due to schooling and LHs military career.
How many bodies have you two moved? :)
A true friend wouldn't ask that either... because they probably already know the answer!

I was saving this for Veteran's Day, but what the heck. This one probably dates back to the Civil War-- it's the military difference between "friend" and "shipmate":
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Get upset if you're too busy to talk to them for a week.
VETERAN FRIENDS: Are glad to see you after years, and will happily carry on the same conversation you were having the last time you met.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.
VETERAN FRIENDS: Have cried with you.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
VETERAN FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
VETERAN FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
VETERAN FRIENDS: Will kick the crowds' ass that left you behind.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Have shared a few experiences.
VETERAN FRIENDS: Have shared a lifetime of experiences no citizen could ever dream of.

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
VETERAN FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say, "You better drink the rest of that before you spill it!" Then they get you home safely and put you in your bed-- or on their [-]bathtub[/-] couch...

CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Are for a while.
VETERAN FRIENDS: Are for life.
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