Bacon Flowchart

Mo's Dark Bacon Bar. This has been referenced before but I didn't see a picture.

Taken at Whole Foods Market of all places. The fact that they sell this must mean it has healthful properties and will make us live longer.

The fact that I am thinking about this forum while shopping at Whole Foods Market must mean I have unresolved issues.


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Mo's Dark Bacon Bar:

It was surely only a matter of time! Following the huge popularity of Mo's Bacon Bar in deep milk chocolate, we can present the newest member of the exotic candy bar family. With the same applewood smoked bacon and Alder wood smoked salt as its famous relative, the beautifully rich 62% dark chocolate encases these tantalizing flavors.

Mo's Dark Bacon Bar: applewood smoked bacon + Alder wood smoked salt + dark chocolate
62% cacao

consume within 6 months

Mo's response...

"I began experimenting with bacon + chocolate at the tender age of 6, while eating chocolate chip pancakes drenched in Aunt Jemima® syrup, as children often do. Beside my chocolate-laden cakes laid three strips of sizzlin' bacon, just barely touching a sweet pool of maple syrup. And then, the magic—just a bite of the bacon was too salty and I yearned for the sweet kiss of chocolate and syrup, so I combined the two. In retrospect, perhaps this was a turning point; for on that plate something magical happened, the beginnings of a combination so ethereal and delicious that it would haunt my thoughts until I found the medium to express it—chocolate.

From there, it was just a matter of time…and what began as a love of salt and sweet quickly unraveled into an obsession. No sooner could I wait to unveil the royal coupling in solid bar form, a deep milk chocolate with bits and pieces of applewood smoked bacon and just a sprinkling of Alder salt. Really, what doesn't taste better with bacon?"
The fact that I am thinking about this forum while shopping at Whole Foods Market must mean I have unresolved issues.

Ahhhh - don't we all think about the ER forum when "bacon-anything" comes to mind?? Or pancakes? Or fuzzy bunnies? Or buddamulk? :ROFLMAO:
Ahhhh - don't we all think about the ER forum when "bacon-anything" comes to mind?? Or pancakes? Or fuzzy bunnies? Or buddamulk? :ROFLMAO:

Oh yeah.


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I am seriously thinking of going. I haven't discussed it with my spousal unit yet but hey, she wants a vacation! Dangly bacon earrings and bacon wrapping paper are news to me, too.

ps - country ham is no bacon level contender.

Mike D.
Try this one:

Wrap a small piece of bacon around a slice of water chestnut. Skewer the combo with a toothpick and jam a small piece of pineapple on the end of the toothpick. Do this a whole bunch of times and put them all on a tray in the oven. Temperature and time to your liking, but you just want to cook the bacon a little bit.

They make great appetizers.
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon."
-Doug Larson-
OK, I have been a forum member for 1.5 years and I do not get why bacon is such an inside joke. I like breakfast as much as the next gal, but what makes bacon more special than, say, sausage, beef jerky, or chocolate covered ants?

OK, I have been a forum member for 1.5 years and I do not get why bacon is such an inside joke. I like breakfast as much as the next gal, but what makes bacon more special than, say, sausage, beef jerky, or chocolate covered ants?


LOL, why, my dear, I joined the forum when bacon was still young and cooked medium rare, to order. :ROFLMAO: Read some threads from mid-2007 or earlier and see how it was used then. I'd be interested in your take on it.
OK, I have been a forum member for 1.5 years and I do not get why bacon is such an inside joke. I like breakfast as much as the next gal, but what makes bacon more special than, say, sausage, beef jerky, or chocolate covered ants?


Thanks for asking this, Amethyst. I've been wondering the same thing myself for a while! Please share your findings, if you can. :flowers:
Thanks for asking this, Amethyst. I've been wondering the same thing myself for a while! Please share your findings, if you can. :flowers:

Not sure that would be kosher bacon! Really, read old threads; hey, ksr, you were here when the DOW hit 14,000 for the first time; it was a different place then, bacon was in it's prime. ;)
Not sure that would be kosher bacon! Really, read old threads; hey, ksr, you were here when the DOW hit 14,000 for the first time; it was a different place then, bacon was in it's prime. ;)

Well, I know about "wheee" (can I say that? :D) but not about the bacon. I'll do some research in the old threads ...
OK, I have been a forum member for 1.5 years and I do not get why bacon is such an inside joke. I like breakfast as much as the next gal, but what makes bacon more special than, say, sausage, beef jerky, or chocolate covered ants?

I think because it goes well with pancakes...


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OK, I have been a forum member for 1.5 years and I do not get why bacon is such an inside joke. I like breakfast as much as the next gal, but what makes bacon more special than, say, sausage, beef jerky, or chocolate covered ants?


Bacon can't be explained, only enjoyed...
Hey, I'm a trained research analyst as well as a systems engineer - of course I read the first few pages of threads (why, why, why??) Still no wiser, although I thought I may have gotten on to something when my friend, Mr. Ha, was going on about his:

Jimmie Dean Hot Pork sausage needing to be turned.

But further posts didn't seem to enlarge upon that theme.

I guess I just don't like American bacon very much. I like English or Canadian bacon pretty well, but not "streaky."

It just blows my mind that there would be an immense Bacon thread, but nothing comparable for Chocolate. Clear proof that we need more women on the forum.

OK, so that topic's been done to a crisp, at least for me :angel::LOL::blush::crazy::hide:
Now, back to "what I won't miss about work"....And let us hear no further Whee-ing....every time someone Wheees, it pushes everybody's retirement date out another year....


LOL, why, my dear, I joined the forum when bacon was still young and cooked medium rare, to order. :ROFLMAO: Read some threads from mid-2007 or earlier and see how it was used then. I'd be interested in your take on it.
The Great Bacon Odyssey: Bacon, the Other Crispy Brown Meat | GeekDad |

I had read online about several people, over the past five years or so, trying their hand at a burger made out of ground bacon, with no other meat included. ... In order to be truly worthy of me, and of the GeekDad name that means so much to me, my quest would have to take me beyond what other people have already done. And to make that possible, I would first have to prove that I was serious. I would have to conquer the bacon burger.
For the rest of the story, I give you a video (below), shot by my lovely wife Jen using my iPhone 4. In this video you will see me eat the entire burger, with the exception of two bites I let my kids have, because what kind of a geek dad would I be if I didn’t let them try it?

Thought this fit in this thread......


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