Recent content by Derslickmeister

  1. Derslickmeister

    Ken Burns series "Vietnam" on PBS

    I've been watching it, I think it is excellent. I grew up in fear of being sent to Vietnam. Thankfully the draft was resended before I became of age, I grew up with the whoop, whoop, whoop of Huey's training 24-7 at our local airport. My next door neighbors son was lost, I still remimnber the...
  2. Derslickmeister

    Regretting Grey Divorce

    Signed the final decree today in her attorney's office. Her attorney will give the signed decree to the judge for his sign off in the morning. By 9:00am my 33 year old marriage will be dead and buried... oh well, on to the next phase I guess.
  3. Derslickmeister

    Regretting Grey Divorce

    Hi All, Received the final divorce decree today. Still working my way through the stages of grief (grieving the death of our marriage I guess). D soon to be ex-W has been very generous throughout the process and has gone out of her way to make this as easy as possible for me. Still I'm finding...
  4. Derslickmeister

    Regretting Grey Divorce

    Speaking of tumors, Google Endometrial Cancer. That's what has ended our 33 year marriage. The wife survived, the marriage didn't. Not surprising the Cancer Doc told DW 8 years ago we would most probably get divorced. Worst 8 years of our lives, we gave it the old college try but the damage took...
  5. Derslickmeister

    Sirius XM radio rates

    Don't pay more than $5 per month, otherwise you're getting ripped off. Be persistent when talking with their sales rep, they will give you the $5 per month deal if you hold firm, they have no choice really since their business model is under attack from many different technologies now.
  6. Derslickmeister

    Would you risk no insurance and ACA Penalty?

    Playing financial Russian Roulette. Is this the year the cancer cells awaken or you fall off the ladder cleaning out the gutters or you get hit by a bus or, or...
  7. Derslickmeister

    Early onset dementia

    I'm right there with you brother. My wife's' mind and personality were both robbed by excessive chemotherapy as "treatment" for her ovarian cancer 6 years ago, it's been six years of pure hell. I wouldn't wish this situation on my worst enemy. She is only 50...
  8. Derslickmeister

    What paid subscriptions do you have?

    Amazon Prime (of course) Direct TV
  9. Derslickmeister

    Brexit revote

    I disagree. I think this is it for the EU. The cracks have been widening for a few years now. Many of the Northern European nations have been voicing their discontent with the increasing burdens being placed on their citizens and resources by the dictators in Brussels. These are nations that...
  10. Derslickmeister

    Why are you frugal?

    Born and raised that way. I come from a long line of tight wads...
  11. Derslickmeister


    Yep, calories in/calories burned. Pretty much all there is to it. Use Fat Secret or some other calorie tracker for a few months, be honest and track every single thing that goes into your mouth, you will be shocked and amazed at the same time...
  12. Derslickmeister

    Would you pay for a work trip?

    Not only no, but hell no...
  13. Derslickmeister

    A list that generates income

    Maybe you should post this over at the Bogleheads forum, would be very interested to see their replies/thoughts...
  14. Derslickmeister

    WSJ article - It's time to rethink the bucket-list

    Now that really brought back memories :)
  15. Derslickmeister

    WSJ article - It's time to rethink the bucket-list

    Is that George Costanza at the Blarney Stone??
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