Recent content by KrisQuit

  1. K

    How long was your glide path? What advice can you share?

    My glide path was mostly accidental. When the pandemic hit, we were all sent home to work and essentially sit on Zoom meetings for ten hours a day. As a leadership and organization development manager in HR, my workload quickly increased (developing solutions and working to implement new...
  2. K

    So much for nostalgia increasing with age

    I don't think I am nostalgic; rather, thinking about the past is more about certainty and familiarity (places, people, situations). It is when I return to these places and meet old friends and acquaintances that I realize that so much has changed and I truly cannot "go back." It is a sad, but...
  3. K

    Another Vanguard problem

    I also no longer get passbooks for my savings account. Pay the $25 or print them yourself. I don't see the problem here.
  4. K

    When you retired did you just let compounding to have your account go up

    At retirement, my spouse and I had a variety of stocks, accounts, and savings sufficient for us both to stop working, permanently. As retirees, we have no "work" income, so we are not adding anything to our net worth other than the income that our investments provide.
  5. K

    When you retired did you just let compounding to have your account go up

    Unless this is a survey/poll, not certain what you are attempting to understand. Have you looked at FIREcalc, possibly talked to a financial advisor? When I retired, my NW, and what my finances have been since is likely to be of very little help to your situation. Can I buy a vowel?
  6. K

    Target Retirement Month

    Note: in most cases, retiring the first of the month makes the most sense, as you would qualify for that month's medical insurance for the entire month -- worth saving a few $$$s on the way out.
  7. K

    10 Years Retired

    A year and a half for me. I'm still figuring out what retirement is, but enjoying cooking, and hiking, and not commuting.
  8. K

    Anyone Working Just for Health Insurance?

    I stayed employed until exactly one week after I turned 55. At 55 and 10 years of service with my employer, I qualified for retiree medical insurance. It's expensive but good, and is as secure as it can be for me until I get to Medicare (at which time the insurance will reduce/adjust to be...
  9. K

    Pre-Diabetic level - Doc suggest no bread/pasta - What's your substitute for bread?

    My doctor had been tracking my glucose numbers for the past year or so, and they were moving up and down — just above 100 but putting me into pre-diabetic range. She suggested I try intermittent fasting to see how it would impact my metabolism. It took about six months of consistent IF (I chose...
  10. K

    How do I get over the fear of FIRE?

    I was there. I retired at 55 (last year) and had a lot of concerns that it was the right thing to do. Like you, finances were not really a concern for me, it was something else — heading off into the unknown and releasing myself from a career of multiple degrees, certifications, long hours...
  11. K

    Poll: Where do folks keep their retirement Nest Egg's Investable cash assets?

    I have about two years' cash at the credit union and everything else at Vanguard (leaving it alone through these wonky stock market years). I don't suspect I will make any changes to this plan; it works for me.
  12. K

    Newly Retired & Survived First Bear Market

    Hiking perspective: In a grizzly attack, play dead. If a black bear attacks, fight back or cause a ruckus to scare it away. I’m going with grizzly right now. I retired in October 2021 . . . yay! Then 2022 happened. Fortunately, I had signed a consulting contract with my employer for Feb-Sept...
  13. K

    Where Do You Get Your Fiber?

    I follow a low-fat diet full of fiber-rich foods. Still, there is an inconsistency across different days and what my body needs. To help with this, I take Psyllium Husk capsules in the morning and in the evening, and this works for me.
  14. K

    So close, and then consulting

    Update: My semi-retirement days are coming to an end, and by mid-September I will have completed my responsibilities according to my contract: four more days of w*rk, and a few hours compiling a post mortem/recommendation report. To comments in the thread, I did become less and less...
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