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      landover replied to the thread Surge suppressor question.
      I dont know details of the system, but if new motor needs so much protection better stick with older more reliable motor. You will have...
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      landover replied to the thread Remineralizing Teeth?.
      Recently I saw/read about no rinse after brushing. One tooth had pain, dentist said may need RC, but this along with little dabs of...
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      A japanese car, part is taking time. Related question, how long 2 part epoxy repair will stay on housing sealing small nail size hole?
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      Last month I was test driving new cars and bragged about the old one, it overheated within a week with cracked thermostat housing.
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      landover replied to the thread 51 and cash poor!.
      Withdrawal from tax deferred accounts is free of penalty if for qualified educational expenses, may not be useful if already saved for...
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      landover replied to the thread Irrational frugality.
      Then I had one more {irrational?} thought, if I don't take the best deal, sellers will be price gouging as they conclude buyers are not...
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