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      Ramen replied to the thread Microsoft Office 365 and Co-Pilot.
      How about using TurboTax online? Wouldn't your Chromebook handle that? I've been using it for many years regardless of operating system...
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      Ramen replied to the thread How Bad Is Windows 11?.
      Thanks, I have thought about something like this but have resisted. Perhaps time to try it. My main machine is also on W11 now, as of...
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      Ramen reacted to jim584672's post in the thread How Bad Is Windows 11? with Like Like.
      I run Win 11 in QEMU on Manjaro Linux, the best of both worlds.
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      Ramen replied to the thread New Car Advice.
      ⬆️ I had a Subaru when I lived in a very snowy region, and the symmetrical AWD is one reason I would not have another. If I were buying...
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      Ramen replied to the thread How Bad Is Windows 11?.
      Up and running now on my backup machine. No issues so far. Just a long process to do a clean install and set my many picky prefs. I ran...
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      Ramen replied to the thread How Bad Is Windows 11?.
      One of my W10 laptops says it will let me know when it's ready for W11. But PC Health Check says it's compatible. Can I go ahead and do...
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