Recent content by seraphim

  1. seraphim

    Retired (secretly) and tired of assumptions

    I got to the point I told people I was between jobs. Worked for me…
  2. seraphim

    What did you do today? - 2021 version

    Sitting around here waiting for a negative Covid test result, being served food in my room as. I goof off all day long. Probably don’t have Covid, but we have a newborn infant in the house so any symptoms gets one isolated. As a dye-in-the-wool introvert, im loving it. Gets me out of diaper...
  3. seraphim

    2021 spending thread

    Been an unusual year, and we spent a bunch on our son and family. Normally we get by on $79k pensions - no mtg, 1 car payment, and do what we want. Pre-Covid we travelled and took out money from investments as needed. We had planned on $20k a year, but have done more than that since...
  4. seraphim

    Major challenge - Preparing to Move

    We just sold our house and moved to be with son and his new family. Posted stuff on FB for family to come and get if they wanted it. Donated what no one wanted. Threw out the rest. Living in an apartment unti the house is built. Have a storage unit for things we’re not using now. Be...
  5. seraphim

    Do You Hide Your Financial Success From Others?

    We don’t discuss, but friends and family suspect. I talk to younger relatives about investing. My brother - who made the same general income as I - tells me I was ‘fortunate’. I promptly got on his case about our lifestyles, and decisions made, and he stopped commenting. No one else mentions...
  6. seraphim

    15A fuses

    Heaters pull about 12.5 amps and can spike. Putting 2 on the same circuit will trip the breaker.
  7. seraphim

    Who takes a daily nap?

    I’ve always taken a nap...
  8. seraphim

    Which is better for weight loss, diet or exercise?

    As someone who has done a lot of weight loss over the decades: Diet is the primary factor. Exercise hones it a bit. A daily 3 mile hike at a 20 minute mike pace burns off - for us - about 250 calories. 2 tablespoons of peanut butter wipes that out. Diet for weight loss, exercise for body...
  9. seraphim

    what would you do? Fly vs Drive

    Just an option: I’m 65 and DW and I travel in camper units. Renting a small class B - a camper van - could be an option. Don’t know how your finances are. Sleeping stops could be made at truck plazas - like Flying Js - or state park / city campgrounds, etc. would be like traveling with...
  10. seraphim

    Amazon Prime credit card quandary

    We pay everything on Amazon prime card - all bills on autopay. About $4000 a month. We get around 3% back on average. Fun money.
  11. seraphim

    Auto Pay

    Everything is on autopay via my Amazon card, which I pay off right after the bill arrives. Just got $120 to use on Amazon last month. We get text notifications days before a payment hits the card, in case there’s an issue to be resolved. I love it.
  12. seraphim

    How much have you been spending on Auto Fuel Lately?

    In July we spent about $35. We travel to parks daily to get our hiking in. Didn’t track expenses the last part of August. We took off in the camper and our truck has a 36 gallon capacity; so I’d estimate about $200 in August, without checking our credit card statement. Didn’t travel too far...
  13. seraphim

    Lump Sum Vs. Monthly Pension

    I’ve not read all the responses, but I’m curious if you’re planning on working for additional income, or you plan to retire completely at this stage in your life? We also don’t know you’re expenses or situation. If you need the income, go with the pension. I’m not sure it will be enough for...
  14. seraphim

    How to Help Children Get Into a Home

    A lot depends on the kid. We have one son, but being independent is important to him. It bothers him to receive help. So a couple years out of college I mentioned his high rental costs, which got him looking and doing his homework. When he mentioned down payments, I let him know there was...
  15. seraphim

    Friends after FIRE

    And in all fairness, retiring while friends are working changed the dynamics of the relationship. There’s no longer a common thread in that area of life. We have more time to travel and are away from friends and family. So if they ask you what you did today, and you reply ‘enjoyed the mountain...
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