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      Shanky replied to the thread Golf Talk Tuesdays - 2021.
      My distance has suffered, but it is not my issue. I have declined with age like everyone, but the decline is proportional to where I...
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      Shanky replied to the thread Golf Talk Tuesdays - 2021.
      Nearly 65 now and bothered by declining skills. When I retired nearly 9 years ago, I presumed my golf game would improve going from...
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      Shanky replied to the thread less work; more booze?.
      Unfortunately, my youngest brother passed earlier this week. His suffering is done. He was in the process of attempting to get on the...
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      Shanky replied to the thread less work; more booze?.
      Update, Unfortunately my brother has been hospitalized a half dozen times since July. Liver is worse, his MELD score is near 30 now...
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