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  1. flyfishnevada

    Travel Agents?

    I'm starting to plan a trip to England/Scotland. We're a ways out since were paying off my DW's gall bladder surgery and likely my back surgery soon.:facepalm: Anyway, never used a travel agent before, but this is likely to get complex. Flying from Reno, NV to London. Trains, hotels...
  2. flyfishnevada

    DW had her Gall Bladder Out

    My DW was having some general abdominal pain on her right side for a couple of weeks. Last Sunday we took her to urgent care and they did a CAT scan. Negative for everything. No infection. We went home. Wednesday the pain localized in her upper right quadrant. Two minutes on the web told...
  3. flyfishnevada

    More Father in Law Drama

    As all the regulars know, my father in law become ill last winter and died in March. His estate is a mess. He hadn't paid federal income taxes in three years. His life insurance was in many different people's names, mainly old girlfriends. It sucked to find the paperwork to change one into...
  4. flyfishnevada

    10 Tax-Unfriendly States for Retirees

    A little slide show from Kiplinger showing the worst states tax-wise for retirees. At the bottom of the little slide show window is link to an interactive map for all the states. Like most of these, taxes is only one side of the story for most retirees when relocating, but it's a good resource...
  5. flyfishnevada

    Should All Obese People Lose Weight?

    I found this study interesting. As one of the healthy obese (fair physical fitness, low cholesterol, normal blood pressure, active, pretty good diet, etc.), I love these studies. I mean, I really improved my over the last decade and tried to exercise more, but I just have a heck of a time...
  6. flyfishnevada

    Independence Day: One Year Later

    Tomorrow is my ER anniversary;D It's been a ride to be sure. With the illness and death of my father in law, things didn't go exactly like I'd planned, but it still beats working! Rather than rewrite what I've already written on my blog, I'll just provide a link for those that are interested...
  7. flyfishnevada

    Ex-Employer Wants Me Back???

    My old employer is getting sued on a project I managed from about 2003 to 2007. The project was taken away from me for reasons too complicated to get into here, but it was not for performance issues. Others have managed the project since and it is still under development. Since I was the...
  8. flyfishnevada

    Finished the First Draft of My Book!

    I powered through today and finished the first draft of the book I have been working on. I wanted to be a writer when I retired so this milestone kind of makes me one I suppose. Now there is just the "simple" task of reading, revising, editing, copy editing and formatting for both e-book and...
  9. flyfishnevada

    Visited My Old Office Today

    I had to go back to my old workplace to collect my fantasy football winnings today. Kind of surreal. I visited my old office and found out one guy suddenly announced his retirement (got an offer for a post retirement job...whatever) and another relocated. Saw my ex-boss. Still don't like...
  10. flyfishnevada

    Estate Tax Question

    My wife and I are taking care of my FIL's estate. He has dementia and cannot make any decisions for himself. His estate isn't large, basically his home. He will see about $50,000 from the sale. He has a pension, medical and long term care insurance that can easily cover his living and...
  11. flyfishnevada

    Moved FIL into Assisted Living

    Well, it finally happened. We have reached that stage of our lives when we start caring for our parents. I thought my dad would need some care after hurting his leg hunting, but he fought through it and is healthier than he has been in years. My father in law, however, has dementia and he was...
  12. flyfishnevada

    One Spouse ER, the Other Not?

    I have seen several members talk about being retired while there spouse continues to w*rk. I am in a similar situation. My SW w*rks part time from home. We now joke that since I am retired, she automatically became semi-retired rather than part-time. I have taken on several household duties...
  13. flyfishnevada

    Relapse of the Dreads

    I don't know what cause it, but over the last week I had a serious relapse of the dreads. It could have been that my son started two-a-day football practices. It made it so i had to take him and pick him up at a specific time. I also watched the PGA Championship on Sunday and that just...
  14. flyfishnevada

    Formatting Issues

    I have been getting a lot of weird code when posting and quoting and my formatting goes away once I submit a post. Smileys don't work, quotes are turned into code. Anyone else having this problem or is it on my end? "quotes" See? There are supposed to be line breaks in here too.
  15. flyfishnevada

    1 Month Update

    A couple of people asked me to give a little update on my ER when I posted that I had ER'd a month ago. I also like reading about other peoples experiences, so here goes. It has been just over 4 weeks, one month exactly. Whew, what a month. I have been fishing every week so far. I don't...
  16. flyfishnevada

    Small Living

    We saw a video today on You Tube about a guy that lives in a house that is less than 100 square feet. He has for 12 years and now designs and build small homes for others. Search for tumbleweed houses on YT. It got us to talking about our future plans and downsizing and all that. Our plan...
  17. flyfishnevada

    I am unofficially RETIRED!!

    I left w*rk for the last time yesterday. I am not officially retired until the 4th, but I don't have to go back. I had to take an unpaid furlough for July and determined that I didn't want to work in July so I took another day off to finish the week. It feels great, though slightly surreal...
  18. flyfishnevada

    Advice, Advice and More Advice

    I am 5 w*rk days away from ER as I write this. Our receptionist sent out a flier from my retirement gathering a few days ago. I thought I was getting a lot of questions and well wishes before!!! Anyway, I have noticed that I also get a lot of advice. I should start a business, get a...
  19. flyfishnevada

    Invest or Pay Off Vehicles???

    In July when I ESR I can access my deferred comp account. I want to take my money out, pay the taxes and move on with my life. I am see some tax increases on the horizon and don't want to end up paying more then than now. That's not my question though. I owe about $5,000 on my car and...
  20. flyfishnevada

    I got My Retirement Clock!

    I got my retirement clock from my employer today. Kind of odd since I don't retire until July. It's kind of cool. Its like a little wooden book. You open the cover and on one side is a plaque thanking me for 25 years of service. The other side has a little clock. I here the assistant...
  21. flyfishnevada

    Was It This Hard For Everyone?

    I'm not looking for sympathy, just wondering and venting. I am going to ESR in July. I have known the date for 20 years. I get a good great pension, cola'd with health benefits, but I will still work, probably part time and likely for myself. I am just so anxious for it to happen. I used to...
  22. flyfishnevada

    Life Insurance and Pension

    Looking for ways to reduce spending anticipating Semi-RE this summer. I have a pension, works out to 82% of current take home with COLA. We have some modest investments, no credit card debt, could sell and pay off our vehicles and home and have a positive net worth. We also are pre-paying our...
  23. flyfishnevada

    I'm Rethinking My Plans

    I wasn't sure where to put this, but it isn't about money entirely so I put it here. Anyway, I have stated elsewhere on this forum that I will retire with a COLA'd pension that is 75% of my present salary (works out to 82% of take home and more if you consider I won't be subject to furloughs...
  24. flyfishnevada

    Good Retirement Businesses?

    As my early retirement will consist of some kind of part-time work, mainly because I will have kids in school for about 6 more years, I have considered opening a small business. I am looking for something part-time, flexible, low maintenance, but still able to provide some sort of reasonable...
  25. flyfishnevada

    Paying for College?

    I have done a little poking around on here and it seems that a lot of folks are paying for their kids schooling. I have two teenage boys myself and understand the astronomical costs myself. We chose a different route. We entered our state's pre-paid tuition program when our kids were 2 yo and...
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