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  1. S

    Investment loss greater than Withdrawals

    Recent retiree, (2016). My first uncomfortable milestone, my investment loss exceeded my living expenses in 2018. First time since retiring that net worth actually went down YoY. 2018 loss was 2.8% of portfolio. I know it is no bigee for those who were retired in 2008-2010 or at the "turn of...
  2. S

    I am really lazy.....

    Now that I have been retired nearly two years, I realize how lazy I am. Like someone who can run fast and far if a bear is chasing them will stop running when the bear is not chasing. I really enjoy the option to do very little if that is what I want that day. Once I achieved FIRE I realized...
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    Belt and Suspenders Regret

    Did anyone give up two or three years of retirement even though they had achieved FIRE so they could have the belt & suspenders level of safety? In retrospect, was it worth giving up a significant % of your retirement to have the extra security? (Example would be 90% FIreCalc vs 100% FireCalc...
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    For the hypothetical Early retiree who wants to "finish" with just enough for a funeral and a party, what approach provides the best chance of achieving this outcome? Short of taking your self "out" when the bank account is almost gone, it seems a FireCalc 50% success rate would give the best...
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    Giving it away

    Food for thought Anecdotally I have seen many posts which indicate there are those among us who plan to live to 90 or 100, withdraw substantially less than 3% from the nest egg and have LTC insurance. This would appear to be potentially two or three times as much as needed. When they do...
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    Taking what you don't need...

    We have many posters on this board who say that they have achieved FIRE, and do not actually need SS. Given the next generation will have to pay more to benefit less, some may say taking Social Security when you don't even need it presents a moral dilemma. We all have the choice not to file...
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    Successful ER on 25% of pre-retirement income?

    If I retire now, it would be about 25% of current income. We would have to leave California for a lower cost state and tone down the life style. Kids are launched. Our Fire income would be comfortable by many standards, but not compared to our current lifestyle costs. Anyone know of a...
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    Early Retirement - New Normal

    With many of the post, the are many folks who have retirement income or benefits that are no longer "normal" for most folks. This would include pensions, health care benefits in retirement, and inheritance. How many of you early retired without having owned a business, no pension, no health...
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    Ignorance is bliss?

    Everybody knows someone like this. Generous to a fault. Very much in the present. Does not plan or worry. Happy with what ever fate brings them. In a way, I am jealous. To live entirely in the present is something have never been able to master. Money to them is meaningless, as is...
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