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  1. N

    27 years old buying pension credits follow up

    I work for state government an originally reached out to this forum 7 years ago about whether to buy 5 years of service. The original thread has been archived so I just thought I would post a new followup topic. Maybe it will inspire other young pension workers to by years of service...
  2. N


    I'm 29 years old single making about $50,000 per year before Taxes. This is my current financial situation. I own a condo and work for state government with a pension. I'm currently doing a 4% match in my 401K"not really 401K but is the same thing for government employees", maxing out HSA...
  3. N


    So I'm currently 28 years old working in IT for a State Agency. Here are my assets and liabilities. $45,845.70 in a Roth IRA with Vanguard in Total Stock Market Admiral Fund $7,508.12 in our 401k "Deferred Compensation Fund" which I receive a 4% match on so I'm meeting the match it is in...
  4. N

    Next Step So I just finished paying off the 5 years of pension service credit cited in the above forum post. I'm currently 28 years old with a net worth of $78,000 with $74,000 in my retirement...
  5. N

    27 years old buying Pension Service Credits

    I currently have just over 4 years of service with a state agency. I'm fully vested and our pension is well funded and will most likely be well funded for the next 15 years atleast because of natural resources. So I want everyone to treat my question as if there isn't any doubt the pension fund...
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