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  1. T

    Romantic Relationships Post FIRE

    I'll be hitting my FIRE number within the next few years and I'm scared that retiring early will make it that much harder for me to find a relationship because retiring in your 40s is obviously rather uncommon and possibly not relatable for most people in society. I'd like to hear from any...
  2. T

    Vanguard Dividend Growth Re-Opened

    The fund re-opened at the beginning of the month after being closed for three years. Did anyone else establish a position?
  3. T

    Confused 30 Year Old

    Hi all, I'm a 30 year old male and I'm struggling with formulating a long term plan other than just being a natural saver. I don't know if I will ever get married, and I do not know if I will ever have kids. How do you plan for spending a couple decades out when there are such major unknowns...
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