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    CD's and FDIC Insurance

    How do you feel about laddering 5 $200K CD's at a institution such as Fidelity when the total account is only insured for $250K? Am I wrong? Coz

    GF son wants to start investing

    My girlfriends son wants to start investing and asked me for advice. He turns 18 in a few months. I have a FIDO account but i'm not his legal guardian and can not open him an account. Where would you direct someone just starting out? I helped him set up his 401K already, he has savings but no...

    Nervous in Oklahoma

    59/58 DW with cancer 1M in IRA's and 401K 60/40 mix as of now. Considering moving 100% to Fidelity Money Market Mutual Funds until after the elections but know absolutely nothing about them. I have FNSXX available in my 401K I assume for a reason. Comparing it with Fido's 100 other offerings...

    Aca question

    Hey guys. I came on here a few years ago so high on life about FIRE only to have it snuffed Sept 2019 with a lung cancer dx on my 57 (then) yo wife. Not to bum anybody out but the cancer has moved to her brain and we have been treating that. Small details....she is doing pretty good; I'd say...

    Kick in the teeth

    My DW who will be 57 on Friday was diagnosed with stage 3A lung cancer last month. Wow. We've always included in our talks that one day she would get lung cancer and or I would have a heart attack or stroke; but not at 58/57. Doctors are optimistic though it's inoperable at this point. It's...

    Roth Conversion Question

    Silly question but I can't find a solid answer on the weekend. DW and I each have tIRA's. Can we convert from each (up to just below the 22% bracket) to Roth at once or are we still limited to the $7000 yearly contribution?

    Hsa & magi

    If I have $60,000 income which I report on my tax form and I write a $7000 check from savings as a tax deductible contribution to an HSA will that increase my MAGI to $67,000?

    SIPC Insurance

    I'm sure many here have investment accounts in excess of 500K. Any concerns regarding safety of your assets? What about your cash and FDIC? Coz

    Watching the markets

    For 28 years watching the market is a daily (if not hourly since I'm always online) thing for me. I've rejoiced in the ups and stomached the downs at times. I can't imagine the stress post-ER. I don't hear much chatter on here regarding the market. So do you? Daily? Monthly? Quarterly? I will be...

    MAGI Calculation

    As far as ACA is concerned is my MAGI before or after my standard exemption?

    WiFi Security

    I have never done anything financial on my phone other than look at my credit card or bank statement and even then I always do it under my secure wifi connection. That said....I'm wanting to buy an IPad mainly so I can sit in my backyard and do the things I normally do on my desktop. Do you feel...

    Projected RMD calculator?

    I've Googled everything. Trying to find a RMD calculator that will let me put in more than birthdate and savings. I need it to allow for withdraws from now (57.5) to 71.5. I've adjusted DOB, ROR etc and it just messes up the numbers. I'm trying to calculate future RMD's based on my current...

    daily money managers

    Anyone here with any experience or knowledge of? We will end up alone in the near future and while that doesn't concern me; thirty years down the road does. We have no friends we would trust and no other family once MIL, DM & DF pass. Income and bills would be on auto pilot but there are always...

    Roth conversions

    Beginning at 59.5 if I convert max portions of my tIRA to a Roth and pay due taxes is that amount I converted considered income?

    Prices in Hawaii?

    I mentioned Hawaii for a RE destination. DW said "$6.00 for a loaf of bread!". Really what are real costs? 12 pk Bud Light (priority) Loaf of bread Gallon of milk Steaks Chicken 1.5L mid range merlot? veggies ETC........ Coz

    Need math help re: adjust for inflation

    figures are hypothetical Jan 1st I have $1mm I draw $5833 monthly (70K includes taxes) I have 5% return rate Dec 31st I have $973,473 My annual drawdown is 2.7% How and where do I adjust my ending balance for inflation? Inflation for that year 2.5% I know it sounds silly but I just do not know.

    Firecalc question

    Where can I chart "safe initial withdraw rates"? I've drove myself crazy looking for it.

    Question regarding dividends

    A recent "ACA Cliff" thread got me thinking. I've never received a 1099 etc for dividends or CG's from either my or my DW's tIRA's. I suppose it's not "income" until I withdraw from it?

    New ETF Aims To Provide A Steady 7% Annual Distribution Rate

    New ETF Aims To Provide A Steady 7% Annual Distribution Rate Too good to be true?

    $$ Gift question

    I have a CPA but don't want to discuss this with him......yet. My DW's aunt receives oil royalties that are put into a trust. She pays all of the taxes on those royalties. She then divides it up between siblings (or in our case survivors of siblings). It's not a lot; less than $10K yearly. Is...

    TD Ameritrade opinion

    I currently have 500K at TDA in 2 IRA's and taxable account. Soon I will roll a 500K+ 401K "somewhere". I really want to simplify my holdings and keep them at one place. I'm wanting to go with a 3-4 Vanguard ETF portfolio but my TDA IRA's are in MF's that would cost $49.99 each (5x) to sell and...

    Dividends and CG's

    The "Burned by Capital Gains" thread got me to thinking...... When I RE I plan to withdraw $58,000 yearly from IRA's/401K. That amount will keep me below the ACA cliff in Oklahoma. What would my best direction be to avoid any dividends or capital gains? I plan to take 1M+ and start from scratch...

    FIRE effect on SS benefits

    I have 40 years of earnings reported. If I quit working at 59.5 will it affect my benefit by having zero for the next seven years? Coz

    Aca question

    If i were to pull 350K from my 401K; pay my taxes and ladder five CD's over the next five years with the remainder would the CD's be considered MAGI income upon maturity? I know the 350K would be my MAGI for the year I withdrew it. Coz

    Cd payment frequency question

    What difference does it make if a non-callable CD pays monthly or at maturity? I've never purchased a CD but I have some idle cash and rates are enticing. Coz
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