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  1. G

    2024 Umbrella Policy costs

    Where are you all getting these low rates from. Travelers wants $350 for a 1m policy plus require that I up my car and motorcycle coverage to 500/500k. That would add another $300+ to the cost.
  2. G

    I may have made the mistake of updating my Linkedin status to 'Retired'

    I left work 8 months ago. Only changed my job title/status to Enjoying Chapter 2. Apparent folks got the message because recruiters stopped reaching out.
  3. G

    Who follows a "buckets strategy" in retirement?

    I do like following a 3 bucket strategy that for me is intended to guard against the market going south for a period of time. I'm only 8 months into retirement and overall AA is about 65/35. I will make some brokerage stock sales this year to bring that AA to a little under 60/40. That AA is...
  4. G

    Treasury Bills, Notes, and Bonds Discussion 2024+

    30 year??? Just saw on Vanguard that the 30 year bond is at ~4.2% with a close on 1/11. Has me thinking that perhaps this may an option for a small portion, like 3ish%. Would treat this kinda of like an annuity. Am I thinking about this right or wrong.
  5. G

    Who gets paid if we have shutdown

    Military do not get paid but still have to serve. Air traffic controllers do not get paid but still have to work. Congress does not work but still gets paid. THAT is the travesty.
  6. G

    Where to Pull Money from in 2024

    Yea, this is exactly what I'm heading towards now. Currently, using a tax estimator tool I may be able to convert about $80-85k and still stay in the 12% bracket and 0% CG from the brokerage sales. This was in my head but it helps when others put it in writing. :)
  7. G

    Where to Pull Money from in 2024

    I'm 63 and just retired 2 months ago. Yea me! For the remainder of 2023 we'll live off of our brokerage account funds. For 2024+, I wanted to stay in the 12% bracket (filing jointly) so I planned to pull from my IRA for our living expenses and make minimal use of the brokerage account to...
  8. G

    Reconsidering both waiting until 70 to claim SS

    I use these tools as a guideline and not an absolute. We are both turning 63 this summer and I retire this week. Yeah! Her FRA is about 40% of mine, so we are filing hers now and I will wait a few years. Doubtful I will go beyond 67 because the breakeven pushes into our early 80's at that...
  9. G

    Wellesley vs T-Bills

    Thanks for the quick replies and yes I’m in my head. Should I time the market, take 5% guaranteed for 6 months or leave it and forget it in Wellesley for the next 3+ years. I’m hedging towards the latter but over thinking. Hence the post.
  10. G

    Wellesley vs T-Bills

    I have about 30% of my portfolio in the Wellesley Admiral fund. This is my intended 3-8 year bucket of money. It of course has languished this past year but I still believe it is a good holding for this intended bucket. However, in the short term, I was considering taking 50% or more of this...
  11. G

    Anyone Working Just for Health Insurance?

    ACA plans are highly dependent on your state and even zip code. Where I live, all the plans are highly restrictive HMO plans. Retiring in a few months at 62 1/2 and have already budgeted Cobra for 18 months at ~$1,800 per month. We'll be short of Medicare by about 8-10 months so at that time...
  12. G

    What is your age and your AA for your nest egg?

    62 and retiring in a few months 65 equity, 30 bond, 5 cash (mostly short term T-bills) Working towards 55/40/5 and getting to a 2 fund portfolio of Total Stock and Wellesley.
  13. G

    Subject: Best healthcare strategy for FIRE at 63+

    Since we have such bad options, I'll either stick with Cobra as I've said, or do the ACA HMO with the crappy networks. Then we'll just self insure and pay out of pocket for our current providers out of network and use the ACA policy as a major medical type policy for something catastrophic...
  14. G

    The simplest retirement equation.

    Know what you spend I guess I'm always surprised that most people do not know their expenses and what they spend to live. While, Josh is an acquired taste with occasional good info, I agree that you can't correctly estimate retirement unless you know what it costs to live. I've used a...
  15. G

    Subject: Best healthcare strategy for FIRE at 63+

    Somewhat similar position as OP. Planning on retirement 5/1/23 and we are 62. I plan to keep Cobra for the 18 months, then do ACA or short term for the 8-10 month gap to Medicare. The reason I'm staying away from ACA is because of the ACA in GA. Our options and plans are terrible. All HMO's...
  16. G

    Walking away from the money

    I'm the OP so I guess it's time for an update to this thread. Today is actually day 1 of my part time schedule. Arranged so that from this point forward I'll work a Tues-Thurs 3 day a week schedule and will re-evaluate at years end. Given the current market, very happy with decision to ease...
  17. G

    Where to Park some Money

    Yes, we both have Vanguard brokerage accounts. I recently purchased my I-Bond allotment for 2022. He is single so that would only work for $10k if decides that route. Given the current market downturn, would anyone consider VTI with the accepted volatility.
  18. G

    Where to Park some Money

    My son and I sold a co-owned home and we'll both come away with about $50k that we need to park somewhere for 18-24 months. He for next home purchase and me earmarked for a car replacement. Given current market what are the suggestions on best place for money that will be needed in 18-24 months.
  19. G

    Reducing number of autos

    We are over 5 years of single car ownership. Now the caveat is that I alway have one or two motorcycles in the garage, so the bikes are my personal transportation. Living in the south, I ride year round. Never have we had the need for 2 cars and doubt we ever will. For several years when we...
  20. G

    Walking away from the money

    Appreciate some of the thoughts here. Yes, all the numbers work. Yes, we have our retirement plan on what we'll do and our current hobbies (mine is motorcycles) We started retirement planning over 5 years ago. Started living at the retirement budget then, have zero debt now, and can live at...
  21. G

    Walking away from the money

    I'm 61 and about to take the plunge, or at least a half-way plunge. Next week I plan to ask my boss to transition my role to a 3-day a week schedule. It's my way to then move to full retirement perhaps at the end of the year. What I need to come to grips with is walking away from a high paying...
  22. G

    2022 ACA Exchange Experiences

    Planned retirement next year so decided to check out the GA ASA options. In GA, we use the national program. As with this year, the GA plans are terrible. Not a single PPO offered and the HMO plans are very restrictive. Was hoping things would change in GA for 2022 but no chance. Looks like...
  23. G

    Class of 2020

    Back to Work OK so I did retire in October, got bored after a few months, picked up a consulting gig and now headed back to a full time position. The difference now is that I'm working to have fun instead of needing the money to live on. I'll reassess in a year or two and then pull the...
  24. G

    Fun jobs

    While I'm newly retired, I am hoping do keep myself busy with a few part-time jobs that I enjoy. First, I'm an MSF Ridercoach and teach motorcycle riding, next I'm applying to some local colleges to teach some business management classes, and third is to do some call center consulting, which I...
  25. G

    Retiring before medicare age in the usa, what did/will you do?

    Just retired a couple of weeks ago and plan on taking Cobra for at least until next year and perhaps the full 18 months. It's a good PPO and cheaper than than the ASA plans in my area that are all crappy HMO's. Hoping offerings will change in the future but for now in GA, the plan are...
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