Search results

  1. C

    Cash flow for renting out my townhome

    When I used one in the last 5 years (No Cal) - I paid 8%. The leasing fee was 1/2 of the first month's rent.
  2. C

    NYTimes economic reporter's big credit crisis

    I heard him on NPR, he was insufferable. He must have said "the love of my life" 5 times. I bet his kids want to hear that. Total jerk with huge sense of entitlement.
  3. C

    Low cost of living town with low humidity?

    Colorado springs is pretty cheap but super conservative.
  4. C

    Yet another stupid debtor and retirement account raider!

    Credit card companies and banks make money on loans via fees and packaging their debt up and selling it. Makes little incentive for them to loan only to people who can pay back. It becomes someone else's problem at that point. There are issues on both sides, personal responisbility and need...
  5. C

    Yet another stupid debtor and retirement account raider!

    David Brooks has a good column in the NYtimes about the "culture of debt". He points out that this debt is good is everywhere, which has lead to the situation we now find ourselves in. > This third position begins with the notion that people are driven by the desire to earn the respect of...
  6. C

    Ty Bernicke...Retirement Spending

    All of my personal experience says this is correct. My grandpa had 8 brothers and sisters, who all spent less and less as time went on. My grandparents spent very little in the years between 75 - 85 or so. They did not want to travel, they just liked hanging out in the garden. The same thing...
  7. C

    Gotta put off retirement?

    The guy with the 240K, his employer was/is IBM. He has a pension plan and didn't always have access to 401K. This was added later to the mix at IBM. He is probably fine with 240K in assets, a paid off house, and his IBM pension - while living in MO.
  8. C

    (How) Have you changed your portfolio

    We rebalanced a little early, and 4 years away from retirement we are 55/45. We sleep better this way.
  9. C

    Impulse buying

    I went to look for new flooring for my kitchen about 10 years ago, the kitchen place was closed, so I stopped and bought a new car on the way home.
  10. C

    Divorce and Credit scores

    I wouldn't co-sign for anything for ANYONE, unless I planned to make the payments myself. Huge mistake. And if his wife finds out about this, there is a reason for the *amicable* divorce to quickly become a nasty one.
  11. C

    Transitioning part of portfolio into fixed income?

    We are about 5 years away and reduced out equity to 55. We feel much better about that right now. We had about 30% before we made a plan. When we reblanced, we sold for cash rather than re-buying and got very close to the 45% fixed. We are just in CDs/MM, not buying any bonds right now...
  12. C

    Etrade Anyone?

    I sent a note to my company's treasurer, asking about our ESPP deposites and she said they would post something late today or tomorrow. This tells me they are likely not safe, or she would have just said so. I lowered my contribution from 15% to 1% (if I did zero they would close me out). Not...
  13. C

    Etrade Anyone?

    My company adminsters their ESOP (employee stock owenership plab) through Etrade. The plan does not buy shares until the end of the period, but holds the money until then. Do you think that is safe? I would guess my company would be on the hook for it also.
  14. C

    Still can't spend even though FI

    My grandparents and parents stopped spending when they stopped working, houses were paid off, pensions, SS. They built huge estates even with just CDs. It made me very sad that they were obsessed with saving money/not spending. I would have to talk my grandmother into buying a new lampshade...
  15. C

    Recession in 2008 ?

    Warren Buffett feels there is a "fairly significant" chance the US is heading for a recession next year as well. I rebalanced early. My international funds had grown to almost 45% of my portfolio due to growth so I sold off half of them and will leave them in MM until early next year...
  16. C

    Savings milestone today.

    Congratulations! How much do you plan to save before retiring?
  17. C

    New Hampshire for retirees? Bad idea

    and does not apply to 401ks/IRAs I believe.
  18. C

    New Hampshire for retirees? Bad idea

    Hmmm...don't think that is correct. > Retirement Income: Not taxed. Property taxes are VERY high instead. Retirement Living - Taxes by State: Kansas - New Mexico
  19. C

    Starting ESR in December !!!

  20. C

    New milestone for us

    I shouldn't whine we are doing fine, paying cash for college and R&B as we go along. It is a little frustrating because his ex is not contributing at all, she is "underemployed" on purpose. They are both super bright girls and I sense they are inheriting that lack of drive their mom has...
  21. C

    New milestone for us

    My only concern is one wants to be a "writer" and goes to a school that does not specialize in writing, and the other says she wants to be a teacher and wants to go to Dartmouth. If they wanted to be engineers, etc., I would feel better about the 46K per year. If you want to be a teacher, a...
  22. C

    Best money advice you've ever received?

    LBYM definitely. I don't ever remember anyone telling me this, my family just had these behaviors. For example, no upgrading to larger houses. We've all lived in our houses for a long time.
  23. C

    Fee only financial planners

    I wouldn't use Fidelity. We moved there, and they recommended some very lousy funds, all with 12b-1 fees of course.
  24. C

    New milestone for us

    If it wasn't for my hub's insistence on super high priced private college educations for both of his daughters, we would be retiring in 2 years also. Yes, he pays for them....
  25. C

    our worst investments

    I haven't done anything too stupid, but my husband let a FA talk him into buying stocks in each of his daughter's college funds. He still owns the stock in there! I am sick of lecturing him about what a huge mistake this is. He has no idea what he paid for it.
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