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  1. B

    Chrysler check bounced!

    Cardude, what does all this mean for those of us that own Crystler products? For instance I own a hemi 300c that I really really like, will it become harder to get parts for later down the road? Will I have to get another dealer to do work if it needs it?
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    Umbrella insurance and being falsely accused

    It is really sad we have to worry about this so bad in this country. Remember the French man that came to America to find the secret of our greatness, and he said "America is great because her people are great and good". Hence now we see the downfall of our country, because a good majority of...
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    Swine Flu Health Emergency - Will it affect your behavior?

    I think it would be wise for people to have at least a months worth of stored food, just in case this thing does get bad. let us not forget the public reaction could be worse then what is really going on too. You can buy 50 lb bags of rice at costco/Sams for 20 dollars, and some beans for...
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    Having a little trouble getting adjusted......

    Man I miss Hawaii so much, when I see it on tv now I feel pain in my very soul.
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    DOW 1000 - A dire prediction

    This is the exact backdrop on my computer, really great picture. As far as what this guy says, people should google Gerald Celente. Guy has hit every downturn right on the nose. What he has to say is very sobering, and a big reason I got out at 14k.
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    All Cash? Low Equity? Got out Early? -- Post Here

    Sold everything at 14,000. Went total CD income, which has been great, except I should have locked some CD's in at 6% for longer, got some coming up next month /cry. Get ready folks the Banksters may be crashing the entire deck of cards to bring in a world currency.
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    a 29 year old retiree wow

    yea it has been cold and my allergies have drove me insane since I got back. Why is Molokia about to get cheap? I miss the vibrant colors there so much, it was like I could see better there for some reason. The Mantra Ray night dive was utterly amazing. I felt blessed my eyes got to see...
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    a 29 year old retiree wow

    I retired at 30, but I don't think I would ever do a blog or anything, I still just tell people I am a disabled veteran. It is annoying enough with people asking us to do stuff all the time since "we have all the time and stay home" without having people bug me for money. My wife does not...
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    Don't make my mistake

    I will give you the ultimate plan to help you out. Ready...............this is epic. "Sir, I quit"
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    Dow 8000?

    I remember at 14k dow people laughed at me for going all CD interest in retirement income........... LOL Might be time for the Amero soon folks, hold on.
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    Two thumbs up here for Obama teachers!

    Yes Clearly when Dick Cheney's cousin Obama is elected things will change.
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    CD's to be extinct by 2012?

    Man this thread title freaked me out till I realized you meant music!
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    Poll: how has your net worth changed since market highs?

    I am up, been 100% cd cash since the thing started.
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    JP Morgan Buys Bear Stearns for $2 a share

    170 a share a year ago, and sold at 2 bucks a share....
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    Proposal to not pay military retirement until 57!

    Considering one of the biggest draws of the military is pulling a retirement check after 20 years, I doubt many people would do 20-30 if the pay didn't come in until 57. For a normal enlisted person their is a massive difference between 38-57.
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    computer mouse

    I use a logitec MX1000. Wireless, and I can use it for like 14 straight hour before it goes dead. Feels great, and great for games. It cost a tad more then some other mouses, but considering those other mouses break constantly a good investment imo.
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    YIKES! Anonymous Posting Illegeal?!?

    Sounds like that Kentucky lawmaker got trolled up on the internet for the first time, and the bill is his temper tantrum.
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    Bacon Flowchart

    CFB I just wanted you to know I went to Krogers today and they had bacon on sale for 99cents for a pretty good sized pack. It was normally like 3+ dollars a pack. I bought 50 some packs hehe and thought of you.
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    How do you decide on ER vs buying/spending?

    I took the monk route. I spent nothing for 10+ years working unless I had too. Lived a life of sacrifice. Retired at 30. Very happy I did so. Along the way I realized that all that "stuff" you would be blowing money on is worthless anyway. Save now, goof off later. be disciplined. And...
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    Want to learn about franchises

    If you do start thinking hot and heavy about one, I would recommend going and getting a job at one for 6 months or so, learning the ropes, pick the owners brain, and see if you like it. They advertise these things as "be self-employed AND have our wonderful help!", but that is not the case...
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    How did you save for your down payment for your home?

    I did a no income verification loan 100% financed hehe. Doubt you can do that anymore. BUT, a starter house where I live is 50-100k. I have a 3 bedroom 3 bath 4 car garage house now that cost me 130k or so. I can see where being in California would be very tough.
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    I would give it up for a fixed rate of..........

    I would take 7% the rest of my life with no problem. i save a good chunk of my monthly income from CD's and reinvest already, so it would just be more cash. I think it depends on ones assets and situation also, but for me that would provide a nice standard of living, while allowing me to save...
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    Starbucks Doesn't Get It

    Always good service for me at my Starbucks. My problem was paying 5 bucks for a 1k calorie coffee that was making me gain weight.
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    Solar Systemic Warming?

    Same thing going on with every planet in our system. The scary part is a couple of planets not to long ago had pole shifts, if I remember right it was Neptune and Uranus.
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    Explaining the concept of inflation to a military veteran...

    I don't see why they just do not save and invest a portion of their pension just as they would were they working to stay ahead of inflation.
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