Swine Flu Health Emergency - Will it affect your behavior?

Will the Swine Flu Health Emergency Affect Your Behavior?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 36.7%
  • No

    Votes: 54 55.1%
  • Option 3 for those who want it.

    Votes: 8 8.2%

  • Total voters
Wasn't the 70s swine flu the one whose vaccine caused some people to develop Guillain-Barré Syndrome?

This flu is spreading quickly!

This morning a school in Lafayette, Louisiana was closed because five of the children at that school had flu (one had just returned from Mexico). The state health department determined that they had a Type A flu that could be swine flu, but the final determination has to be done at the CDC.

This afternoon, the media revealed that a child in New Orleans who was in Mexico last week has the flu. Again, it is thought to be the swine flu, but only the CDC can make that determination and any associated announcements.

An outbreak of flu this late in the season seems unlikely, unless it is the swine flu. I would imagine it is spreading equally fast in other states.
I went in chase bank today with my mask on. 2 security guards lock the doors and a patrol unit showed up. I had a black jacket on. every teller was staring at me to see what my first word would come out of my mouth. To make it more interesting I reached in the back waist and the secrity guard hand were now on their guns.

From the Reason Magazine blog today:

Three armed thieves wore the blue surgical masks now ubiquitous in flu-hit Mexico City to hide their faces as they robbed watches from a department store, Mexican media said Monday....
Employees and security guards at a branch of the Sanborns department store told the daily Excelsior the thieves were able to slip through the shop Sunday without attracting attention as they blended into a sea of masked shoppers.

I voted Option 3, since I tend to agree with Ha on hindsight. However, I probably should have voted yes, since I've started my own Swine Flu Immunity program. I'm vaccinating myself with increasing doses of pork barbecue and bacon. I can't catch the flu if I'm dead from a heart attack! :D
Well, looks like the cruise lines are taking this seriously.

Swine Flu Update: Mexico Cruise Itinerary Changes - Various

Our cruise in less than 3 wks is supposed to stop in Cozumel and Progresso. Looks like now it will go Key West plus add a sea day. The changes are effective for current cruises and those departing 4/30 - 5/4/09.

I've never been to Key West, and love sea days, so I'm fine if it changes for us, and I'm happy they are taking the risk seriously. We are also able to reschedule if we like.

You will enjoy Key West . The have a conch train tour that takes you all over and explains the history of Key West and then there are the bars and shops . Lots of water activities but it is a definite party town especially the sunset celebration .P.S. try the conch chowder
You will enjoy Key West . The have a conch train tour that takes you all over and explains the history of Key West and then there are the bars and shops . Lots of water activities but it is a definite party town especially the sunset celebration .P.S. try the conch chowder

Sounds great, and I will indeed try the chowder!
I'd like to change my vote to yes, I am going to change my behavior . The reason is I have asthma and it gets activated by any flu . So while the flu is troublesome for most people it is really dangerous for me . Unfortunately I am flying to NYC on Friday for my nieces wedding hopefully I will not catch the flu. After I return I intend to avoid crowds or ill people and stock my house with supplies in case I do get it .
Tough question. I guess when I see people dieing around me I might. As of right now its just on the news. I figure when its my time its my time. :cool:
I am washing my hands more, but that's all I have been doing so far.

BUT! If I had to fly somewhere, I would definitely start taking extra vitamin-C and start on echinacea caps a week before the travel day and keep on taking them both until I get back.
I think we really cannot know how big a deal this will be; but as far as I can see there is no reason to think that it will not be a real threat.

Anything I can do I plan to do.

In all of this hysteria over swine flu, has anyone seen any statistics on the overall risk? That is, for comparison purposes, in the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, what % of the US population got sick and what % of that group died?

My guess is that those statistics would probably show that any one individual has a very small risk of death and only a moderate risk of even getting sick.

Is this just hype to get you to watch cable news or buy newspapers?
No change in behavior. We wash hands regularly anyway, and other than work and school - her last day is today anyway - we pretty much are homebodies. Big party planned next month for DW's graduation but it's in WV, not Mexico.
"But even if there are swine-flu deaths outside Mexico -- and medical experts say there very well may be -- the virus would have a long way to go to match the roughly 36,000 deaths that seasonal influenza causes in the United States each year".
While true, there is one additional "fear factor" in play: The "typical" flu almost always kills infants, the elderly and those with suppressed immune systems, whereas this one is cutting down people who should be in the prime of their life -- much as the 1918-19 Spanish flu did. It's highly unlikely, I think, that this will remotely come close to the 1918-19 epidemic.
I think it would be wise for people to have at least a months worth of stored food, just in case this thing does get bad. let us not forget the public reaction could be worse then what is really going on too. You can buy 50 lb bags of rice at costco/Sams for 20 dollars, and some beans for protein and that will last a long time.

At least some of us ERed people can hide in our houses for a few weeks if we need.

Expect the best and prepare for the worst! This could wind up being nothing, but at the same time, if it does get bad, the unprepared will suffer the most.
Could you share your reasoning behind this statement?
It's an opinion, a gut feeling. I clearly wasn't stating it as fact and I'm clearly not a public health professional.

For one thing, outside of Mexico it doesn't seem to be particularly fatal -- so far. That could indicate that as it travels and propagates, it may be getting weaker especially in terms of the "cytokine storms" which made the Spanish flu so deadly (and explains why the "healthier" people were hit harder by it -- their stronger immune systems started attacking their own organs). Also I think we have a better idea of the mechanics of transmission and how to avoid infection.

That could be somewhat offset, though, by a more mobile global society. And in any event, it doesn't mitigate the need for common sense and a little preparedness.
I am in Ziggy's camp on this one. I think there are several things that point to this. I believe we are well ahead of the flu this time. We have the ability to produce vaccines. We have much better global communication. Timing wise it is hitting at the end of the US flu season. As one pundit said, they expect the flu to move to the southern hemisphere and return next flu season here. Time to learn about it, and formulate a vaccine. So far, this strain does not seem as virulent, however, we are very early in to the contagion.

Having said all that. I still think it could be worse in the third world countries, were health systems may not be able to cope, and communication, is not as sophisticated.
Just read a few posts on this thread. Pause. Okay, I washed my hands again and will put up a post-it about disinfecting the keyboard.

Went to the doctor yesterday, an internist who is the primary Spanish-speaking physician in that section. Very busy office, much busier than usual. About three wait-ees had masks on. I complained to SO that they should open another waiting room so that people could spread out! Had to wait about 45 minutes which isn't too bad late in the day. This was a first: they ran out of exam rooms so set me up in another section which looked very clean. Felt like I needed a bath when we got home; got up and 5:00 a.m. and took the bath, etc.

I always wash my hands before touching anything after riding public transit but this could be a huge blow to the idea of using transit at all. However, I won't change my riding habits, will just continue dressing like this:


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I am home sick today with a cold. Normally, I might go to w*rk anyway, but in light of current circumstances, I thought it might be best to avoid freaking people out by hacking and coughing all day.
Voted no.
Living in SW nowhere PA, it'll make no difference in daily life. Not much international travel from here.
I like what ol Joe (Biden) said - too bad he had to take it back.

Political correctness being what it is now a days and all that bull.


heh heh heh - that sort of thing just takes the fun out of it. :cool:
I had voted option C because I was waiting to see what develops. I'm taking this very seriously now. I'm making an effort to educate my adult children. And I'm buying OTC meds, which I usually never have in the house because I am so rarely sick. But now I'm thinking, what if my son and daughter in law are both sick? I may be the one to take care of them. So I've stocked up on everything I might need. I put it all in a Meds box, that I could carry with me whereever. Taking precautions doesn't hurt anyone.

Here's an excellent interview with Laurie Garrett an award winning health science writer. She provides an excellent overview of the situation now and some possible future behavior of this virus.
I'm worried, but am always worried about my 3 yo DD. I wonder if I get it, or DW does, how do we prevent DD from getting it? And vice versa?

I did stock up on OTC meds and asked DW to get some food. She is not worried, but then again she never worries about anything.

I will hit the store tomorrow and get a bunch of shelf stable food. I'll eat it eventually and will feel much better being prepared.

I guess that's what bothers me. I feel like I can't do anything and am just waiting around. SO, its good to take some action, even if its hoarding some food ;-)

ETA: I will feel better (or worse) once leathality is better known...
It's an opinion, a gut feeling. I clearly wasn't stating it as fact and I'm clearly not a public health professional.

Not expecting you to be a public health professional. But also not sure what weight should be given to your gut.

I suppose if it is a very advanced gut it may be able to place probabiliites on all the essentially unknowable factors.

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