3-step procedure for sustainable retirement savings withdrawals


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 7, 2004
I was on the i-orp site and ran across a draft document (26 pages long) on a 3-step procedure for sustainable retirement withdrawals" by James S. Welch, the site's host, dated 11/27/16.

I haven't had time to read it yet, but as this likely a topic of interest here, I'm including the link below:


At the top of the document is this statement: "Please send your critique to orplanner@gmail.com"

To summarize, the 3-step involves running iORP each year to determine that year's withdrawal based on portfolio balance & life expectancy. Withdrawals are obviously variable. The paper studies the variability over 5 different 30 year historical periods.

But will iOrp be available 29 years from now to make your calculations? It may not matter as long as there is a suitable program/service available. Or, one could just use the RMD method.
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My concern is whether this scheme allows enough portfolio hold back to self fund long term care. I guess one way around that is to bite the bullet and just budget for a LTC policy, no matter what.
If I recall correctly, those concepts sound vaguely familiar to the strategies advocated by Henry “Bud” Hebeler.

I liked reading his stuff before I ER'd because he gave a very conservative, high bar threshold for ERing.

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The link seems to be broken. Could you please check?
Like Travelover, I just checked and the link works for me.

If you are having issues accessing the white paper, please start here https://www.i-orp.com

Look for the small boxed area just under the introduction, circled in red below.



  • i-orp capture.JPG
    i-orp capture.JPG
    122.7 KB · Views: 67
Like Travelover, I just checked and the link works for me.

If you are having issues accessing the white paper, please start here https://www.i-orp.com

Look for the small boxed area just under the introduction, circled in red below.

Not working for me. Says....404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
I want to read it but at first glance it sounds like a ratchet approach that we debated here a few weeks ago.
As it was labeled "draft" and appeared to be a work in progress, all I can guess is perhaps it "was not ready for prime time" and the author may have pulled access to finalize it. :confused:

Hopefully, it will reappear soon. :)

I have no trouble accessing the paper via the link on post #1. However, tables and figures are still TBA, so there's not enough info to understand the method.
I have no trouble accessing the paper via the link on post #1. However, tables and figures are still TBA, so there's not enough info to understand the method.

The well-labeled charts start on page 15. Eventually, I'm sure they will be inserted in the document's 'proper locations'.

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