Dryer sheet aficionado
Turned 59 in June. Married with 3 adult offspring. My wife is 54 and stay-at-home mom/grandmother. Youngest child just graduated college and is back living with us while trying to find a job. Middle child & grandchild also live with us and my wife is childcare while daughter works. Currently work for mega-corp (33-yr. employee) $200K/year and a company car which would need to be replaced on retirement. Job changes/reorganization causing me to consider leaving – maybe retire, travel and volunteer or find a lower-paying/lower stress job locally to stay active and get healthcare. With the reorg, thinking of approaching management for an early retirement package.
Only debt is $133K left on a 30-yr. mortgage ($1500/mo. 14 years left). Current expenses $120K year including mortgage. Expenses going down since youngest graduated (no rent, school expenses, etc.) but likely to be offset or go up depending on healthcare costs. Retiree healthcare available $1700/mo to cover DW & dependents. $1100 for just self and DW.
401K is $1.6M and is invested 95% stocks plus pension current lump sum value is $1.07M for a total of $2.67M. $80K in cash/emergency fund. Equity in house estimated at $250K.
FIRE Calc score is 85% if I retired now and used 30-year timeframe. Haven’t chosen a financial planner yet. Considering Fisher Investments or local Edward Jones broker.
Any concerns about asking for parachute?
What FIRE Calc score is needed to be comfortable in retirement decision?
Is Health Sharing a good option for healthcare until Medicare-eligible?
What do I need to consider if I took a lower-paying local job that included healthcare? Can I retire, pull from retirement and still work new job doesn't cover expenses?
Since DW is younger and healthy, how do I decide whether to take pension as a lump sum, or annuity with survivor option at 75% or 100%?
Any input on using a fiduciary like Fisher (no mutual funds) vs. broker?
Am I even close to being able to pull the plug?
Only debt is $133K left on a 30-yr. mortgage ($1500/mo. 14 years left). Current expenses $120K year including mortgage. Expenses going down since youngest graduated (no rent, school expenses, etc.) but likely to be offset or go up depending on healthcare costs. Retiree healthcare available $1700/mo to cover DW & dependents. $1100 for just self and DW.
401K is $1.6M and is invested 95% stocks plus pension current lump sum value is $1.07M for a total of $2.67M. $80K in cash/emergency fund. Equity in house estimated at $250K.
FIRE Calc score is 85% if I retired now and used 30-year timeframe. Haven’t chosen a financial planner yet. Considering Fisher Investments or local Edward Jones broker.
Any concerns about asking for parachute?
What FIRE Calc score is needed to be comfortable in retirement decision?
Is Health Sharing a good option for healthcare until Medicare-eligible?
What do I need to consider if I took a lower-paying local job that included healthcare? Can I retire, pull from retirement and still work new job doesn't cover expenses?
Since DW is younger and healthy, how do I decide whether to take pension as a lump sum, or annuity with survivor option at 75% or 100%?
Any input on using a fiduciary like Fisher (no mutual funds) vs. broker?
Am I even close to being able to pull the plug?