A blog by an ER'd person - that I stumbled upon today

In the old days knowing that you could do it meant you didn't have to. Today they know you can't and you have mobs of 17 year olds in Chicago attacking adults for their cellphones because they know their infraction is "minor" compared to whatever discipline an adult might impose.
This is sure a big jump. From laying of the physical punishment for what someone chooses to call potty mouth, but which is typical of almost every high school and college student, and likely most adults today- to ignoring theft and assault.

Need a logic check?
Funniest thing my sainted mother ever did was run a wet bar of Ivory soap around the inside of my mouth for saying this horrifying expletive: "poo poo."
We seem to be getting way, way off topic. I tactfully propose we go back to the OP.
Funniest thing my sainted mother ever did was run a wet bar of Ivory soap around the inside of my mouth for saying this horrifying expletive: "poo poo."

Oh my, I'm SHOCKED at your foul language, I tell you! SHOCKED! :ROFLMAO:
I can still taste the soap in my mind.
We seem to be getting way, way off topic. I tactfully propose we go back to the OP.
We do that around here. :cool:

I think the blogger has a little frustration at the folks who say they can't do what he's doing because of x y or z, and I also just think the language is part of his persona.

And my dad would tell us he was going to get his belt. That would give us ample time to get the hell out of his sight, either by fleeing to the safety of the outdoors, or to our rooms, or wherever so we'd stop irritating him. That was solution enough for him. No actual belt whippings, just threats.
I think he needs a Whineypants in addition to Complainypaints. CP just complains. WP is always the victim of unfortunate circumstances and bemoans that fact to all. You hear a lot of coulda/woulda/shoulda's in WP's life philosopy. :rolleyes:
I found the website quite entertaining, and he does put in a lot of energy with the level of detail he goes into. I do think most of it is a strategy to increase blog traffic, but then he is pretty articulate so I dont know if that is a bad thing.

I need to learn a few tips from him, to do the same for my "personal finance" blog
I like MMM, potty mouth and all.:angel: Let me add him to my (very small) list of favorite personal finance bloggers.

I'm dissapointed to see some 'complainypants' in this forum of all places.
I found the website quite entertaining, and he does put in a lot of energy with the level of detail he goes into. I do think most of it is a strategy to increase blog traffic, but then he is pretty articulate so I dont know if that is a bad thing.

Yep, agreed. There is a certain "drive traffic" motif going on at that blog. It's detailed and entertaining but it also reminds me of Spinal Tap.
eridanus said:
Yep, agreed. There is a certain "drive traffic" motif going on at that blog. It's detailed and entertaining but it also reminds me of Spinal Tap.

Well, yeah, but to be fair, dozens of bloggers spontaneously combust every year.
This "pants" guy has a hyped up energy that I do not enjoy. I read a few rather dry economics and accounting blogs, and some health blogs, but my absolute favorite is Phil Greenspun. Everything he says is so much more sensible than almost anything that is going on in our society. Also if you hunt around on his website, not the blog site, you might encounter a photo of 3 cute young ladies eating takeout naked on his living room floor.

I think Phil has an enviable ER lifestyle.

Ha!, Thanks for reminding me about Phil Greenspun. It has been ages since I've visited hi page. He has led an amazingly productive life.
Hmmm - I do have a foul mouth at times - hard not to around the military. However, I've endeavored to improve that as someone once said that using a cuss word shows the world that your vocabulary is lacking and that you aren't that creative.

As for his use of the F word - yes, he over seasons his posts with it in my estimation. The other thing I was told about using profanity dealt with appropriateness and frequency. If you infrequently use profanity, when you do, it really gets someone's attention.

As for his accomplishments, they are good ones, indeed. One key fact I see for him was graduating with no debt with a degree that is a skills based one in demand - he didn't have a hole to dig out of and then learned the art of frugality and LBYM to help him reach his goals. I suspect he also learned about how 'things' don't necessarily bring happiness, hence his comment about enjoying being self-sufficient.

I suspect he is an example of his cohort with respect to tolerance to profanity and his approach to the world and life he is living. He does seem a tad over-defensive, which leads me to believe it's his age - he is still learning to live in his skin and not care so much what others think. He is fairly sure of himself, which is also something I see with his cohort (have been surrounded by them this week - they come for advice and then just tell you they are right ?!?) - I find the older I get, the less sure I am of a certain way to do things, but the more certain I become of knowing what works for me without having to justify that for everyone else or tell them so. I hope it's the process of becoming wise :)
I suspect he is an example of his cohort with respect to tolerance to profanity and his approach to the world and life he is living. He does seem a tad over-defensive, which leads me to believe it's his age - he is still learning to live in his skin and not care so much what others think. He is fairly sure of himself, which is also something I see with his cohort (have been surrounded by them this week - they come for advice and then just tell you they are right ?!?) - I find the older I get, the less sure I am of a certain way to do things, but the more certain I become of knowing what works for me without having to justify that for everyone else or tell them so. I hope it's the process of becoming wise :)

This is why I, too, love being around younger people. Not only does it remind me of who I was, but how far I've come. And they stay out later! :D
I find the older I get, the less sure I am of a certain way to do things, but the more certain I become of knowing what works for me without having to justify that for everyone else or tell them so. I hope it's the process of becoming wise :)
Not sure if it is wisdom ('cause I'm not sure what wisdom really is) but it sounds like it and it was well said. I'm trying to get there but don't always make it...
Regardless of why someone chooses to pepper his or her chatter with George Carlin's list of words, I imagine access to a website that contains them is probably blocked by work software or whatever settings one might have on home browsers?

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