A new Darwin Award category: "lava surfing"


Moderator Emeritus
Dec 11, 2002
Normally I'd just tack this one onto the surfing thread, but I think its exceptional stupidity merits wider attention.

I wonder if he's using "warm water" wax. Anyone know the melting point of fiberglas & styrofoam?

Surfer paddles with Pele

I can only imagine how the Big Island's USCG station feels about this publicity.
"What viewers do not see is Kanuha's years of Hawaiian cultural background and the careful planning he put into his visit with volcano goddess Pele."

That would include a lobotomy and lots of meth use?
Looks like a typical "surfer dude"...........:)
He does not qualify for a true Darwin award, by sheer luck he survived his stupidity and will be hailed as a hero among fools. While he had Helicopter and jet-ski backup, and if in real trouble others would have been expected to risk their lives to get him out. All in the name of humanity.

Not enough fools are left to die of their own folly.
Well, the amount to which he would be able to be saved is limited... the boiling water and the heats would certainly cause third degree burns in as little as 12 seconds or so of exposure.

BTW, my favorite Darwin award was the one where the guy lit a match to get light to look into the barrel of the gun... to see if there was any gunpowder in it.
More importantly, why would anyone want to surf with a former Brazilian soccer star? That's not really his forte...
Long as no tax payer dollars go to recovering or rescuing his dumb ass. :D
Just confirmation - never underestimate the depths of human stupidity.
they showed this on t.v. here. not too bright. on the other hand, surfer soup. that's what campbell's soups are: m'm m'm, good.
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