A question about BOOKS


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Dec 4, 2015
DW started this thread on a sister site, Discuss Cooking and got many interesting responses.
Although the demographics on this site are totally different, since there are avid readers here also, I thought it would be interesting to pose the same questions.

I know we all enjoy reading for entertainment.

You are invited to answer all or just some of these questions.
1. What's your favorite and least favorite subject matter?
2. Do you have favorite authors, and why?
3. Have you ever read the end of the book first?
4. Do you stick with a book till the end, even if you don't like it?
5. If you don't like a book at the start, how many pages will you invest in it?
6. Do you have an example of a book you didn't like at the start, but very glad you finished?
7 Do you have an all time favorite book?
8. Do you prefer a hard copy book, or an electronic reader and why?
My response below the question.

You are invited to answer all or just some of these questions.
1. What's your favorite and least favorite subject matter?
Favorites are history and sci-fi. Least fav are romance, business and politics.
2. Do you have favorite authors, and why?
No favorites.
3. Have you ever read the end of the book first?
4. Do you stick with a book till the end, even if you don't like it?
Usually not
5. If you don't like a book at the start, how many pages will you invest in it?
Varies. Game of Thrones I read all of book one before I gave up.
6. Do you have an example of a book you didn't like at the start, but very glad you finished?
Tough question.Have to think about this.
7 Do you have an all time favorite book?
Probably no all time favorite, but LOTR is pretty high on the list.
8. Do you prefer a hard copy book, or an electronic reader and why?
Electronic, easier to handle with arthritis.
Too many authors to mention - I've closed a book about two pages from the end because I just didn't care how it turned out.....and have never read the end of one first.

Prefer hard copy books....(although we take e-readers on trips, simply for convenience).

Edit: Came up with a few authors:

Alan Furst, Arturo Perez-Reverte, Ken Bruen, James Ellroy, Robert A. Heinlein, Arnaldur Indridason, Deon Meyer, Jo Nesbo.....plus a zillion others.
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Is there a prize for the best answers? :)

DW started this thread on a sister site, Discuss Cooking and got many interesting responses.
Although the demographics on this site are totally different, since there are avid readers here also, I thought it would be interesting to pose the same questions.

I know we all enjoy reading for entertainment.

You are invited to answer all or just some of these questions.
1. What's your favorite and least favorite subject matter?
Favorites are historical fiction, spy novels (good authors only), police procedurals.
2. Do you have favorite authors, and why?
British authors seem to write better but there are plenty of good American ones too. Some I've liked: Robert Harris (Pompeii, Munich for example), Michael Connelly (Bosch and Haller series), Olen Steinhaurer, Ann Cleeve (Vera series), Alan Furst, Charles Cumming, Tana French, Sue Grafton, ....
3. Have you ever read the end of the book first?
Only when it's bad and I need to shut it down.
4. Do you stick with a book till the end, even if you don't like it?
Recently I've been stopping near the 50% point if not liking.
5. If you don't like a book at the start, how many pages will you invest in it?
Maybe 50 pages.
6. Do you have an example of a book you didn't like at the start, but very glad you finished?
7 Do you have an all time favorite book?
Not really.
8. Do you prefer a hard copy book, or an electronic reader and why?
Electronic for travel and if it might be a good reference. Otherwise paper library books.
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