A Solo Seniors Guide to Happiness

Thanks for the link to this article. I have no kids but I always thought that at least I would grow old with my wife. Well, she decided to go her separate way and now I wonder about navigating old age alone. Granted, I am only 44, I may meet another SO and I am still green enough to have kids. But I realize now that assuming that someone else (spouse, kids, relatives, etc...) will take care of me in old age is foolish. Spouses can leave, die, or become incapacitated themselves. Kids can move away and they have their own life to live. Relatives may not want to take on the responsibility of caring for a senior. The old multigenerational family system is dead, so I am going to plan as if I will be solo in old age.
I have never fit in well with all-women groups.

That's too bad because sometimes the topics my Monday women's coffee group discuss, and end up laughing hysterically about, would probably embarrass or perhaps horrify men. Political discussion abounds, though, which some might find tedious. I imagine not all coffee groups are like mine, though.
Sadly I think it is an issue with the elderly, especially because as time passes, there are way more women than men. In my dad’s assisted living facility, two women were kicked out because they were fighting over him constantly.

I wonder if the “fighting” will change in the next decade or so. I’m just thinking about how women have changed and are still changing now. I think that because women are not as dependent on men as they were in my grandmother’s and mother’s time, that more women will possibly become less dependent on having a man in their old age.
My observations (anecdotal, naturally) have been that old ladies are pretty much the same people they were as girls in high school.

If they were kind, considerate girls, they'll still be just as nice.

If they domineered over the other girls, they'll domineer over other old women (and there are always some who are willing to be domineered over).

If they were science-fiction-reading loners then, they'll be science-fiction-reading loners now.

And if they were the sort who squabbled over boys, I imagine they'll still squabble over old men, even without the hormonal imperative.

I wonder if the “fighting” will change in the next decade or so. I’m just thinking about how women have changed and are still changing now. I think that because women are not as dependent on men as they were in my grandmother’s and mother’s time, that more women will possibly become less dependent on having a man in their old age.
My observations (anecdotal, naturally) have been that old ladies are pretty much the same people they were as girls in high school.

If they were kind, considerate girls, they'll still be just as nice.

If they domineered over the other girls, they'll domineer over other old women (and there are always some who are willing to be domineered over).

If they were science-fiction-reading loners then, they'll be science-fiction-reading loners now.

And if they were the sort who squabbled over boys, I imagine they'll still squabble over old men, even without the hormonal imperative.

That’s an interesting observation. You might be on to something there.

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