Re: Advise for short-term, easliy accessable inves
Oh boy, are we in lazy mode again?

See above!
I highly recommend them; they've been my bank since I was 18. Basically no minimums for anything, no fees, almost everything is free, and their rates are pretty darn good. Excellent online banking and phone banking services.
click "join now"
If you live in a couple of small towns in MA you qualify.
If you work for, retired from, are related to someone who worked for or retired from, a list of about 500 companies including the defunct Digital Equipement Corp (who spawned this CU), Compaq, HP, Intel and many others. The list is on the web site.
Are part of one of several organizations (which cost $8-50 to join). I am willing to bet that 99% of the people who belong to some of these groups joined to get into the credit union. Once you are joined, I dont believe you need to continue being a member of the organization to continue to participate in the credit union.
Here are the organizations, also delineated on the dcu web site. DCU includes a pair of dual purpose applications that sign you up for both a DCU account and makes you a member of the AAPD or the tower hill group.
AAPD – American Association of People with Disabilities
AAPD Member Services, 258 Main Street, Suite 203, Milford, MA 01757
AAPD Web Site | AAPD/DCU Application Package (pdf format)
AAPD is a national nonprofit cross-disability membership organization dedicated to ensuring economic and political empowerment for all people with disabilities. Member benefits include access to DCU, mail order discount pharmacy discount program, and more. Memberships start at $8.
MRWC – Merrimack River Watershed Council, Inc.
Merrimack River Watershed Council, Inc., 600 Suffolk Street, 4th Floor, Lowell, MA 01854 • 978-275-0120
MRWC Web Site
MRWC is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1976, dedicated to the protection of the Merrimack River watershed. We have a growing constituency of individuals, businesses, municipalities and community groups seeking to protect the natural resources of the watershed. We are the voice of the Merrimack. Memberships start at $25.
OAR – Organization for the Assabet River
OAR, Damonmill Square, Concord, MA 01742 • 978-369-3956
OAR Web Site | OAR/DCU Application Package (pdf format)
OAR is a nonprofit membership organization established in 1986 to protect, preserve, and enhance the natural and recreational features of the Assabet River, its tributaries, and watershed. OAR serves 21 Assabet watershed communities including Concord, Acton, Maynard, Hudson, Stow, Berlin, Marlborough, Northborough, Westborough, Littleton, Bolton, Boxborough, Sudbury, and Shrewsbury. Its activities also benefit downstream communities. Memberships start at $30.
Worcester County Horticultural Society – Tower Hill Botanic Garden
Tower Hill Botanic Garden, PO Box 598, Boylston, MA 01505-0598 • 508-869-6111
Tower Hill Web Site | Tower Hill/DCU Application Package (pdf format)
Worcester County Horticultural Society is a non-profit horticultural and educational institution whose mission is advancing the science and encouraging and improving the practice of horticulture. The Society manages Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston. Members enjoy unlimited free admission to Tower Hill Botanic Garden, the quarterly newsletter Grow With Us!, and many other benefits. Memberships start at $50.