Age 48, retiring


Confused about dryer sheets
May 8, 2024
Hello. I did not plan to retire, but here we are. 1 kid just starting job, 1 kid to start med school, and one in middle school still. Wife (49 now) and I mostly likely won’t work from now. 7.3m in equity, 500k in bond, 600k in a rental property, 1.5m in iras, and our home of course. Calculations show we are fine with 240k yearly expense. Hope all goes as planned.
Congrats. You should have no financial issues.
Congrats. What do you plan to do all day?
You sure shouldn't have any issues financially. Very well done and you been very disciplined through your younger years.
With that spending rate you will have plenty of room to tighten the belt if you have too.
Great Job!
Congrats! My .02, in contrast to others above, is enjoy some time off without feeling like I MUST HAVE A PLAN FOR WHAT I WILL DO WITH MYSELF ALL DAY. You figured out how to accumulate $7 million. You will figure out what to do with your time. In my experience, stopping the noise, clearing your head and having some empty brain space for a while, can open your eyes to all kinds of unexpected opportunities and new interests. Or not. It’s your choice. Do it your way.
Welcome to the forum Aciranger. Enjoy some time with your family. Let us know how ER goes for you.
Welcome and congrats on retirement. Your middle schooler will appreciate having parents available for trips to sports practice, art classes, ( insert hobby here ). Mine did.
I too retired at 48 with a middle schooler, a high schooler and two in college. It took me about 5 min to adjust to retirement life. After 30 years hustling, I found, to my delight and to my DW's dismay, I'm a natural sloth and never found or needed a "purpose" in the past 7 years. Financially, as long as you aren't betting it all on bitcoin or game stop, you should be fine. Welcome aboard!
Hello. I did not plan to retire, but here we are. 1 kid just starting job, 1 kid to start med school, and one in middle school still. Wife (49 now) and I mostly likely won’t work from now. 7.3m in equity, 500k in bond, 600k in a rental property, 1.5m in iras, and our home of course. Calculations show we are fine with 240k yearly expense. Hope all goes as planned.

When you have a moment and the inclination, tell us about your non-planned early retirement. Inquiring minds want to know.;)
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your retirement!

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