Air America and Bias in the media

Heh, and don't forget the Fox "News" so-called accidents, like putting Mark Foley on with "D" (for Democrat) next to his name once the scandal broke. They did this more than once.
We have Air America here in Seattle and I've listened to it a couple of times - I always thought it was funny to hear that kind of programming from progressives.

I think the "problem" with that kind of radio is this: most liberals are just that, liberal. We believe others are entitled to their opinions and don't particularly feel like getting bent out of shape when other people do something we don't like. Of course this administration has pushed me too far, I don't think they have what is best for America on their agendas - but unlike "dittoheads" etc. I don't like to get all worked up everyday about some trivial issue that takes away from the overall goal of being a better person.
shiny said:
but unlike "dittoheads" etc. I don't like to get all worked up everyday about some trivial issue that takes away from the overall goal of being a better person.

Agreed, except for when I am falling asleep behind the wheel.
Foley is a Democrat! He's always been a Democrat, and he has been masquerading as a Republican for years. All that time waiting to drop his little scandalous email timebomb and torpedo the GOP just prior to a critical election. I think I heard this on talk radio. ;)
brewer12345 said:
Agreed, except for when I am falling asleep behind the wheel.

Good one! That is the one thing these radio stations are good for!

samclem said:
Foley is a Democrat! He's always been a Democrat, and he has been masquerading as a Republican for years. All that time waiting to drop his little scandalous email timebomb and torpedo the GOP just prior to a critical election. I think I heard this on talk radio. ;)

That would be pretty wild, but he should have done it in 2004!!!
brewer12345 said:
Agreed, except for when I am falling asleep behind the wheel. compose your posts from behind the wheel??
youbet said: compose your posts from behind the wheel??

Ah, I see we now have a suspect for originator of the "most negative poster" topic...
brewer12345 said:
Ah, I see we now have a suspect for originator of the "most negative poster" topic...

Uhhhhh.......what did I miss?
samclem said:
Foley is a Democrat! He's always been a Democrat, and he has been masquerading as a Republican for years. All that time waiting to drop his little scandalous email timebomb and torpedo the GOP just prior to a critical election. I think I heard this on talk radio. ;)

Everybody know that. Fox couldn't show it if it wasn't true, could they?


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This afternoon's top 3 stories:

-- World's Seafood Stock Depleting
-- Scandals Test GOP House Reign
-- Murder Alleged in California Wildfires

-- With election driven by Iraq, voters want new approach
-- Former software executive receives 12-year sentence
-- Tending a fallen marine with skill, prayer, and fury

-- Suspect Charged in Wildfire Arson
-- Tom Cruise new Top Gun at Studio
-- GOP Targeting 'Blame America' Dems
TromboneAl said:
T. Al:
"On the radio on the BBC World News, this story was very big:(Global Warming)

They mentioned that the story was a big deal in Europe but not covered much in the U.S. press. NBC Nightly News didn't cover it at all.

Is the U.S. Media just tired of global warming or is there something else?"

Corporate Oligarchy. It's not total but infuses our culture and politics.
One of the biggest problem in mainstream American media is it's partnership with big business and by that I mean, it's total dependency on advertising. I don't see how you can have objective reporting if you are concerned about losing a sponsor. The coverage of the invasion and killing of Iraqi civilians makes my point. Reports have ranked civilians death as a direct result of American intervention anywhere from 30,000 to 200,000. How much of that was covered in the American media? Where was the outcry? I am a big fan of the BBC. They report the news straight and covers the globe indepth. Does anyone know why? Check out how BBC is funded?
samclem said:
Foley is a Democrat! He's always been a Democrat, and he has been masquerading as a Republican for years. All that time waiting to drop his little scandalous email timebomb and torpedo the GOP just prior to a critical election. I think I heard this on talk radio. ;)
Yeah. . . I heard that too. And he was put up to it by Clinton. :LOL:
ladelfina said:
Now I dare anyone to come up with a more belligerent, hawkish, red-meat, conservative than Bill Kristol. I double-dare you. I double-dog dare you.

I'll take that dare. :)

brewer12345 said:
Heh, and don't forget the Fox "News" so-called accidents, like putting Mark Foley on with "D" (for Democrat) next to his name once the scandal broke. They did this more than once.

I thought that stood for dickhead. :)

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