^ But the writer didn't write the "whole truth" and that is what you are missing. Which is why I encourage everyone to always look independently to what others say or believe. I make my own investigations and decisions. Do you?
Bestwiveever wrote in the preceeding post, "Yet reading the Forbes' series as cited in post #33 will provide much information on the options that are available. How could reading this series be harmful to bmcfonig? The more education, the better before locking into something that likely would be expensive to back out of if one needs to."
So, rhetorically, Bestwiveever, How "much information on the options" is the reader getting? Is the reader getting ALL of the options, some of the options, selected options for his artlcle, Or if the writer is even writing the truth, but we assume he is. But you will never know, unless you see for your self.
I have said previously that I have seen dozens of presentations for annuities. I see so many because there are so many annuities and no representatives sell them all. I want to see the difference good or bad to what we have, pension, SS, MF, managed accounts, unmanaged account, brokerage.