Another Can I Retire Question

TNBigfoot - No, my plan isn't relying (too) heavily on SS. I only inputted 20K per year in the calculators, which should be a good sum less than what I am currently due to receive. However, I am 57 now, so who knows where it will be when I actually take it. I assumed 3% inflation.

I’ve used 3.5% where I can adjust. The FIDO calculator doesn’t allow that option.
DH is 63 and I am 61. We currently pay $1,876 per month with an $3,300 deductible for ACA healthcare. I do have to admit, our ACA plan sucks but it will have to do until we both get on Medicare.

Don't want to wish our lives away, but can't wait till we turn 65. Will get a big raise! Yay!
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