Another wave. Here we go again.

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Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 10, 2021
On 4/17 my hospital system was down to 13 COVID patients. As of yesterday, 5/12, the number had increased 6-fold to 78. Not a good trend at all. I’ve been off the past couple of weeks but my coworkers have been reporting a sharp rise in urgent care COVID patients too.

Get your vaccines and boosters and please, please wear a mask in public even if it isn’t required.
On 4/17 my hospital system was down to 13 COVID patients. As of yesterday, 5/12, the number had increased 6-fold to 78. Not a good trend at all. I’ve been off the past couple of weeks but my coworkers have been reporting a sharp rise in urgent care COVID patients too.

Get your vaccines and boosters and please, please wear a mask in public even if it isn’t required.

I'm not a big fan of the messaging from our not so illustrious leaders in regards to preventing Covid. Too much confusion, too much contradiction, too much politics. (How does the virus know who I voted for in 2020?)

Combine the above with the virus' ability to adapt and evade infection protection, and we are probably in for another wave of infections.

I still have my KN95 masks and N95 masks. Just the other day I did not go to a social event with a lot of people I don't know because it was indoors in a limited space room for 3+ hours. Our colder than normal Spring weather means more closed windows and less ventilation indoors. Not so good.

Don't get me started on the example set by our political leaders and various other members of the glitterati at the recent Correspondence Dinner. 2600 people of influence doing something stupid. No doubt they will point their crooked little fingers of guilt at the rest of us when we get another wave.
On 4/17 my hospital system was down to 13 COVID patients. As of yesterday, 5/12, the number had increased 6-fold to 78. Not a good trend at all. I’ve been off the past couple of weeks but my coworkers have been reporting a sharp rise in urgent care COVID patients too.

Get your vaccines and boosters and please, please wear a mask in public even if it isn’t required.

So, are these increases break-through infections (infections of people who have the vaccinations)? Perhaps they are reinfections, folks who have had COVID once before and now reinfected with the newest variant? Or are these totally new infections of people who are unvaccinated? I ask because I'm trying to figure out my risk. I'm vaccinated 3 times, and boosted twice, still caught COVID and in the hospital for a week in ICU with covid pneumonia. I'm told I likely now have super immunity since having a break-through infection and severe case with the resultant severe antibody reaction for a few months anyway. I still wear my mask in public, shop via instacart or curbside pick up and rarely go into any public setting. I do family visits occasionally for birthdays and holidays, but even there I stay at least 10' from anybody other than the few seconds we greet or say good byes.
Numbers here have been steadily increasing ever since mask mandate stopped. Go figure.
We continue to wear masks all the time when out, vaxed and double boostered.
We test weekly because we care for our DGS once a week.
Just back from a trip to see friends, went out to restaurants for dinners, but no outside dining where we were, which was very unusual! Outside of my comfort zone.
We are testing again in a couple of days.
It's a bit concerning numbers are increasing so much during warm weather when folks are outside. Hate to see what happens this Fall/winter. Ugh.

disneysteve--thanks for your personal medical expertise and advice
skipro33--glad you are doing better, how frightening of an experience with covid!

Take care everyone
So, are these increases break-through infections (infections of people who have the vaccinations)? Perhaps they are reinfections, folks who have had COVID once before and now reinfected with the newest variant? Or are these totally new infections of people who are unvaccinated? I ask because I'm trying to figure out my risk. I'm vaccinated 3 times, and boosted twice, still caught COVID and in the hospital for a week in ICU with covid pneumonia. I'm told I likely now have super immunity since having a break-through infection and severe case with the resultant severe antibody reaction for a few months anyway. I still wear my mask in public, shop via instacart or curbside pick up and rarely go into any public setting. I do family visits occasionally for birthdays and holidays, but even there I stay at least 10' from anybody other than the few seconds we greet or say good byes.

There is no durable immunity in many cases. The new variants are sufficiently different that reinfections are quite common. See this all the time in the Long Covid support groups. Just look at school kids. Second and third cases over weeks.

I don't understand the superimmunity reasoning. You are probably immunosuppressed if you are having chemotherapy. Ask your doctor about getting quantitative antibody tests to see if you have antibodies. You may want to get Evushield, if your doctor feels it is appropriate in your situation, especially if you have low antibodies. The currently recommended double dose is effective for at least the earlier versions of omicron.

Vaccinations and boosters reduce the chances of Long Covid to varying degrees, but do not eliminate them.

In your shoes, I would completely isolate. I'm doing that now, as I don't need another case of this. That's not possible for many people. Fingers crossed for you.
On 4/17 my hospital system was down to 13 COVID patients. As of yesterday, 5/12, the number had increased 6-fold to 78. Not a good trend at all. I’ve been off the past couple of weeks but my coworkers have been reporting a sharp rise in urgent care COVID patients too.

:banghead: Sounds terrible. Thanks for the heads up, though.

I re-filled my pantry with non-perishables, and we stay home most of the time. So I suppose I'm as ready as I'll ever be for another prolonged lockdown. Not that I like the idea. :mad: But then who does.
:banghead: Sounds terrible. Thanks for the heads up, though.

I re-filled my pantry with non-perishables, and we stay home most of the time. So I suppose I'm as ready as I'll ever be for another prolonged lockdown. Not that I like the idea. :mad: But then who does.

Grocery delivery for the win! I just signed up for Safeway's version, Fresh Pass. Unlimited delivery of orders over $30 for a year for $99, less a $30 incentive from the American Express card. A $5.00 per month credit for the first year. So $9 net for the first year. I use the club card to get the sale prices. I might not let them pick bacon, but fine for most things.
Grocery delivery for the win! I just signed up for Safeway's version, Fresh Pass. Unlimited delivery of orders over $30 for a year for $99, less a $30 incentive from the American Express card. A $5.00 per month credit for the first year. So $9 net for the first year. I use the club card to get the sale prices. I might not let them pick bacon, but fine for most things.
That sounds great! We don't have Safeway, but I suppose I should start looking for something similar to that. We have a Super-Walmart pickup at a drive through nearby so that could work.
Thank you Steve for the raw numbers.
We continue to mask when shopping or indoors, anywhere confined with people outside of our bubble.
The actions of humans can help, but virus gonna virus. We can do our best, but the virus is doing its best too. So, this assumption that the problem is all due to some policy or some group of bad people is getting really, really old to me.
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There is no durable immunity in many cases. The new variants are sufficiently different that reinfections are quite common. See this all the time in the Long Covid support groups. Just look at school kids. Second and third cases over weeks.

I don't understand the superimmunity reasoning. You are probably immunosuppressed if you are having chemotherapy. Ask your doctor about getting quantitative antibody tests to see if you have antibodies. You may want to get Evushield, if your doctor feels it is appropriate in your situation, especially if you have low antibodies. The currently recommended double dose is effective for at least the earlier versions of omicron.

Vaccinations and boosters reduce the chances of Long Covid to varying degrees, but do not eliminate them.

In your shoes, I would completely isolate. I'm doing that now, as I don't need another case of this. That's not possible for many people. Fingers crossed for you.
Their reasoning I may be super-immune is that I survived, therefore I had to have produced something to fight off the viral pneumonia. When I was in the ICU, the doc told me that 44% of patients on Rituxan do not leave the hospital. Also, when I got my 3rd full dose of Moderna after I was discharged, I had a reaction; fever, chills, muscle aches, etc that lasted for 6 days. Prior doses had no reaction at all. My chemo consisted of rituximab/Rituxan. This kills off B-cells that the vax uses to train to fight COVID. It also killed off my bone marrow stem cells that are used to make b-cells. It is now suspected that those patients who get covid and are on Rituxan or treated within the past year are the reason for the variants of COVID. The thought is that COVID lives long enough in those patients who have no immunity and treated with medicines. In the meantime, it survives long enough in the human body to mutate. It is now recommended that Rituxan not be administered if any other treatment is found to be as effective.
I was involved with a study conducted by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society where we were tested before and after each dose of vaccine for antibodies. I didn't have any for the first two. After I contracted COVID, the study wasn't interested in testing me any longer. I asked both my PCP and oncologist about testing for antibodies and they both said it wouldn't matter if I had them or not. I either was going to be open to further COVID infections or I wasn't. Knowing would not provide me any more protection than not knowing. They said that the test is also under emergency authorization, not approved and that it is simply suspected that it measures antibodies, not proven. For that reason, they don't care to authorize the test. They both said to get the 3rd full dose of Moderna and act unvaccinated; staying masked, avoiding crowds, etc. The thing is, I had been at home for 3 weeks, never leaving when I got COVID. My wife never tested positive and I was never near another person. I live on 5 acres in the woods. They don't believe me, said I must have been in contact at some time and long enough to contract it, but I swear I was not. They don't wanna hear that. The implication is that COVID is more than transmittable person-to-person, it's airborne or is on contaminated surfaces from items brought into the home. It is already measurable in sewage water, perhaps it's also in tap water now that was treated drinking water. I don't know.
I did recover and now after 3 months, fully recovered my lung capacity. Where before I could not even get up to use the toilet, on oxygen at 15L, I am now back to walking 4 miles a day and testing at the lung capacity of someone my height in their 20's. The exercises work! Ha!
I've asked about Evusheld. Here's the scoop;
The federal government bought it and distributed it to the individual states based on population. California distributed it to only some medical providers. In my area they distributed it to UCDavis, Sutter and Kaiser. I belong to United Healthcare. UHC doesn't have it and can't get UCD, Sutter or Kaiser to give them doses. I'm sure the state intended for those larger providers to distribute, but not given explicit direction to, so they don't. I can log on to see that the greater Sacramento area has over 5,000 doses of Evusheld, that those are distributed to UCD, Sutter, Kaiser and the jails/prisons. But I can't get a dose because my provider is UHC. Great. My PCP and oncologist keep trying though, but they both tell me it was developed under Delta variant and there is zero medical evidence it has any effect for Omicron or other variants, so that alone has them both saying it's not something they'll push for. Perhaps when Evusheld is proven to be effective for variants other than Delta that it was developed under, they will pursue it for me.
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Their reasoning I may be super-immune is that I survived, therefore I had to have produced something to fight off the viral pneumonia. When I was in the ICU, the doc told me that 44% of patients on Rituxan do not leave the hospital. Also, when I got my 3rd full dose of Moderna after I was discharged, I had a reaction; fever, chills, muscle aches, etc that lasted for 6 days. Prior doses had no reaction at all. My chemo consisted of rituximab/Rituxan. This kills off B-cells that the vax uses to train to fight COVID. It also killed off my bone marrow stem cells that are used to make b-cells. It is now suspected that those patients who get covid and are on Rituxan or treated within the past year are the reason for the variants of COVID. The thought is that COVID lives long enough in those patients who have no immunity and treated with medicines. In the meantime, it survives long enough in the human body to mutate. It is now recommended that Rituxan not be administered if any other treatment is found to be as effective.
I was involved with a study conducted by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society where we were tested before and after each dose of vaccine for antibodies. I didn't have any for the first two. After I contracted COVID, the study wasn't interested in testing me any longer. I asked both my PCP and oncologist about testing for antibodies and they both said it wouldn't matter if I had them or not. I either was going to be open to further COVID infections or I wasn't. Knowing would not provide me any more protection than not knowing. They said that the test is also under emergency authorization, not approved and that it is simply suspected that it measures antibodies, not proven. For that reason, they don't care to authorize the test. They both said to get the 3rd full dose of Moderna and act unvaccinated; staying masked, avoiding crowds, etc. The thing is, I had been at home for 3 weeks, never leaving when I got COVID. My wife never tested positive and I was never near another person. I live on 5 acres in the woods. They don't believe me, said I must have been in contact at some time and long enough to contract it, but I swear I was not. They don't wanna hear that. The implication is that COVID is more than transmittable person-to-person, it's airborne or is on contaminated surfaces from items brought into the home. It is already measurable in sewage water, perhaps it's also in tap water now that was treated drinking water. I don't know.
I did recover and now after 3 months, fully recovered my lung capacity. Where before I could not even get up to use the toilet, on oxygen at 15L, I am now back to walking 4 miles a day and testing at the lung capacity of someone my height in their 20's. The exercises work! Ha!
I've asked about Evusheld. Here's the scoop;
The federal government bought it and distributed it to the individual states based on population. California distributed it to only some medical providers. In my area they distributed it to UCDavis, Sutter and Kaiser. I belong to United Healthcare. UHC doesn't have it and can't get UCD, Sutter or Kaiser to give them doses. I'm sure the state intended for those larger providers to distribute, but not given explicit direction to, so they don't. I can log on to see that the greater Sacramento area has over 5,000 doses of Evusheld, that those are distributed to UCD, Sutter, Kaiser and the jails/prisons. But I can't get a dose because my provider is UHC. Great. My PCP and oncologist keep trying though, but they both tell me it was developed under Delta variant and there is zero medical evidence it has any effect for Omicron or other variants, so that alone has them both saying it's not something they'll push for. Perhaps when Evusheld is proven to be effective for variants other than Delta that it was developed under, they will pursue it for me.

The double dose of Evushield is supposedly effective on the early versions of Omicron. It's being prescribed still because of that. Who really knows, though?

For Paxlovid, concierge doctors have been very helpful to the more resourceful folks. Evushield distribution is different, I guess. I'm going to ask some folks who got it.

How is UHC your provider? I thought they were strictly insurers. I have the AARP UHC Medicare supplement and I use Sutter and Stanford.

The virus has been shown to be persistent, similar to Ebola. It hides in the intestines and in immune privileged sites. Many if not most Long Haul patients are potential variant breeders. Not just people on Rituxan. This is going to be a long battle...
The double dose of Evushield is supposedly effective on the early versions of Omicron. It's being prescribed still because of that. Who really knows, though?

For Paxlovid, concierge doctors have been very helpful to the more resourceful folks. Evushield distribution is different, I guess. I'm going to ask some folks who got it.

How is UHC your provider? I thought they were strictly insurers. I have the AARP UHC Medicare supplement and I use Sutter and Stanford.

The virus has been shown to be persistent, similar to Ebola. It hides in the intestines and in immune privileged sites. Many if not most Long Haul patients are potential variant breeders. Not just people on Rituxan. This is going to be a long battle...

UHC is the insurer, you are right. I'm with Dignity Health.
I took both Paxovid and Monupirair when I first tested positive for COVID. 5 days of pills and I felt fine. Another 5 days and still felt completely over COVID. Then the hammer fell. I had left for Quartzsite, AZ to camp in the desert and get out of cold weather. Within 24 hours, I had fever and cough. My O2 levels so low, I passed out repeatedly trying to pack up to drive 12 hours back home. My wife drove us as I did not want to be in a hospital 600 miles from home with my wife and an RV she didn't know how to drive. Somehow I was able to convey to her how to drive this rig, a manual transmission and she's never shifted in her life, towing a 35' 5th wheel. Ha!
Got home to my PCP, who insisted I go straight to the ER. ER released me within 4 hours. 2 days later, PCP wanted to see me for follow up. She said I now had pneumonia and sent me back to the ER. I was admitted and administered remdesivir and baricitinib. I asked about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Doc said neither had been tested to work. I asked why haven't they been tested, he didn't know, but that he not only could not prescribe, any pharmacy who was presented with a prescription for treatment of COVID would report him and his license would be held under administrative review. That's when he told me 44% of patients on rituximab in the ICU for COVID don't survive. So I signed that I agreed to taking remdesivir and baricitinib. He warned me that I would not see any effect for 5 days before it would show results. For 5 days, I was on O2 at 15L. I woke up on day 6, it was like a light switch was switched on. I felt much better, O2 down to 5L. By noon I was down to 3L O2 and holding my level at 92% while resting. They discharged me, telling me that they were concerned I'd catch something else in the hospital and home was safer. I went home that day and took a month before I could leave the bedroom.
Evusheld is administered as an infusion so it's not just a pill or oral medication. Either injections or an IV. UCD told me they could not fill any other health care provider's prescription, I would need to be referred to their doctors and then their doctors would have to prescribe Evusheld before they would infuse me. The stress of trying to get Evusheld, along with the stress of fearing death caused my hair to fall out. 6 months of chemo, no hair loss, 1 year later with COVID and I was shedding hair so much my wife followed me where ever I sat with a hand vacuum. Oh well, at least now I am saving on hair cuts. The doc told me that it will grow back once the stress is gone. Not sure when that'll be.
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I take both Rituxan and Methotrexate for my illness. My doctors have told me to act as if I have absolutely no immunity ( I've had both Pfizer and 2 boosters) so I continue to isolate (Live in the woods of SW Oregon). Good thing I'm very introverted. I've asked about Evusheld and was told that since no studies have been done for people with my condition it was not recommended.
Our numbers are heading back up slowly as well. Last night I noticed that some local graduation events will be requiring masks. It took forever to get us OUT of masks, but I guess we'll eventually all be back IN masks again.

Kinda hoping I can get back to the mainland before the airlines again require masks. I know. Some folks swear by masks. Others just swear.:facepalm: It's a rich tapestry of humanity out there so YMMV.
Wow skipro, what a nightmare! That's always one of my fears when traveling with our fifth wheel. DW has driven the truck and towed the trailer a few times but it would still be nerve-wracking. I do all the driving because it's a non-event for me. I suppose someday we will downsize, and get an automatic transmission truck.
Regarding masks and air travel; I wonder if or when those who are immunocompromised are going to be considered disabled, a handicap and public providers, like airlines, restaurants, indoor events, etc. have to make accommodations for disabilities and handicaps including the immunocompromised. Right now we are told it's our own responsibility and I agree and I will. But sooner or later, someone is going to make the argument it's as much a disability or handicap as any other and accommodations will be mandated.
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I have been laying low and wearing a mask in stores etc. I have a long planned Grand Canyon raft trip in two weeks and I would hate to have to cancel so I am being extra cautious. I flew to Phoenix a week ago for a funeral and was one of very few masked travelers in the airports or on the planes.
Just back from a trip to see friends, went out to restaurants for dinners, but no outside dining where we were, which was very unusual! Outside of my comfort zone.
Cooler weather in my area keeps us inside more than we would normally be in Spring. That has to be partially why covid is on the rise. I can't even open my windows yet.
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The latest variants have additional mutations and apparently they're good at evading antibodies, even antibodies generated from a BA.1 infection.

We're also approaching 6 months from the peak BA.1 wave, so whatever immunity people may have acquired may be almost gone by now.

But in these 6 months, the mask compliance is going down. We don't have the blaring headlines from December to February about skyrocketing new cases or hospitals being full.

So people have let down their guard.

The other thing is, there's an attitude that everyone is inevitably going to get infected because Omicron variants are so infectious. So masks for instance are useless (as opposed to less useful or less effective than against previous variants but still having some benefits) and boosters don't prevent infection either.

So might as well get it over with and get infected, get natural immunity which is better than vaccine immunity.
... I did recover and now after 3 months, fully recovered my lung capacity. Where before I could not even get up to use the toilet, on oxygen at 15L, I am now back to walking 4 miles a day and testing at the lung capacity of someone my height in their 20's. The exercises work! Ha!

For a while, you were not posting and I noticed. Glad to see you back.
Regarding masks and air travel; I wonder if or when those who are immunocompromised are going to be considered disabled, a handicap and public providers, like airlines, restaurants, indoor events, etc. have to make accommodations for disabilities and handicaps including the immunocompromised. Right now we are told it's our own responsibility and I agree and I will. But sooner or later, someone is going to make the argument it's as much a disability or handicap as any other and accommodations will be mandated.

What does that look like (accommodation?)
So, are these increases break-through infections (infections of people who have the vaccinations)? Perhaps they are reinfections, folks who have had COVID once before and now reinfected with the newest variant? Or are these totally new infections of people who are unvaccinated? I ask because I'm trying to figure out my risk. I'm vaccinated 3 times, and boosted twice, still caught COVID and in the hospital for a week in ICU with covid pneumonia. I'm told I likely now have super immunity since having a break-through infection and severe case with the resultant severe antibody reaction for a few months anyway. I still wear my mask in public, shop via instacart or curbside pick up and rarely go into any public setting. I do family visits occasionally for birthdays and holidays, but even there I stay at least 10' from anybody other than the few seconds we greet or say good byes.
I expect he is seeing both.

Since Omicron, breakthrough infections have been routine. Vaccination and boosters help reduce bad outcomes significantly for most, but no longer protect against infection and transmission with these new Omicron variants. There is also vaccine waning coming into play (thus the boosters).

Reinfections are also common and the % went up with the Omicron variants. One related family all had Delta (adults were vaccinated), and 90 days later bingo all but 1 caught Omicron BA.2 most likely. Both times likely brought home by the youngest under 5.

I’m very glad you are recovered and back with us from what sounds like a horrific experience!
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On Long Island, a few friends just caught (and or re-caught) Covid, some vaccinated and boosted, some not - so at least from personal reports, it appears to be waxing again. Seems that the variants become more and more contagious.

Luckily none of them reported being very sick this round (that I know of).
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