My spouse and I may lose our jobs in 3.5 years (our work project will be ending). I am wondering whether we have the resources to ER at that time.
We should have (conservative estimate) 1.6 million saved (850 tax deferred, 750 taxable). My spouse would be 60 and eligable for $16,000 in social security at age 62. I am 54. If our benefits don't change, we would have health care for both of us for five years (cost of $4000 per year). We would need to purchase health coverage for myself for last six years.
We don't own a house (we live in a very expensive east coast city) and plan to move to a more affordable area. So we would need money for that purchase. We are both in excellent heath, have no debt or kids, and are very careful with our money. We would like an income of $50 to 60K per year.
Since our hobby is hiking, we would love to retire while we are still physically able to travel/hike across the country. We both like the type of work we do, but our current work situtation is hostile/stressful. We could probably get lower paying jobs for another couple of years if we lost our current jobs. I am trying to decide whether having additional retirement resources is worth putting off our dreams of travel/hiking for a couple more years.