Anyone For Burning Man?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 24, 2003
Pasadena CA
I don't know if this would fit better under the Travel or Life After FIRE topics but this looks like a good place to check in with other FIRE types headed to Burning Man ( The Burning Man Project :: Welcome Home ) What a great way to spend time in retirement (wife retired last year so we are not limited by her teaching schedule). Definitely for the EARLY retirement types as the average age is probably low 20s. Not your Good Sam type camp site. But there is a 'camp' or section for old [-]farts[/-]folks which, at 56, includes me. Makes for more interesting answers to the question: Whatta ya do all day?"

We are preparing our 1985 VW camper, off road bicycles, solar lighting and shower unit and foodstuffs. Bringing our artwork too.

Any other ER folks going send me your email and site location and we can[-]hook up[/-] get together ( hook up, bad choice of terms for Burning Man)
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Maybe it was a way for the author to define median without being didactic and New York Timesy?

Maybe it was a way for the author to define median without being didactic and New York Timesy?


Missed it by That much.

And, to be 1/2 responsive to OP, I thought you had a '65 bus from some other thread - or am I showing my air-cooled age? You be rockin' - finally cut my hair a few years ago and dealing w/ the tenants is making me increasingly stodgy and disheartened. Must say that the pierced/brightly colored and/or Goth youth of America i've had the pleasure to interact with have seemed to be brighter, sharper and all around decent. Kinda like the archetypical hippies.
Must say that the pierced/brightly colored and/or Goth youth of America i've had the pleasure to interact with have seemed to be brighter, sharper and all around decent. Kinda like the archetypical hippies.

Judging from the photos the pleasure should be that much greater at Burning Man,since more body hardware will be exposed. I saw a photo of one of these gals whose nothing-more-lovely looked like a tool belt.

Yakers, take some pics for us horny guys who will be staying home. ;)

I need a new avatar.

saw something about burning man on tv a while back. very fun. didn't realize tickets start at $200. seems like a lot of money "to keep the fire burning in their daily lives an environment in which to connect to their fellow community members." i remember when free love didn't cost so much.

anyway, looks like a great time. enjoy.
I've seen articles and specials on this. Facinating, but I think I am just no where near "artsy" enough to even spectate. To each his own :)

Have a great time! Gonna blog about it or at least post a report when you get back?
A $10 million business

I was just listening to a segment about Burning Man. It's a $10 million dollar a year business. Not just for kids anymore, eh.
A co-worker of mine is going to this thing. I went to the last Woodstock....never again will I go into a Port a Potty....if I were to do this type of thing, I would need at least a 3 star hotel nearby!
take dust masks and stuff like Visine for your eyes. Terribly dusty and gritty. Really, really hot, too.

Looks a little like mix between carnival time in South America and a bunch of mimes in a subway looking for attention. Quite a number of non-conformist... or perhaps it a rendezvous of hedonists.

Not that there is anything wrong with that! ;)

take dust masks and stuff like Visine for your eyes. Terribly dusty and gritty. Really, really hot, too.


I'll pass, would be more to my taste (and budget) to just go on down to Ocean Beach (where it all started) and chill out.
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