Anyone got any travel planned?

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Just great! And I'll have you know that the slideshow was a great accompaniment to my sandwich at lunchtime--very enjoyable!

I like your captions. And your legs must be in great shape after climbing all those towers! It is definitely a beautiful place and I appreciate your sharing the highlights.

The concentration camp is especially chilling, and the symbolic laundry shot is compelling And I can't believe the flooding! And that it got worse after that to cover the bridge! Yikes!
The Charles Bridge was closed to the public, but it wasn't underwater......boy, that WOULD be a flood. ;)
Ah, that makes a bit more sense! When I saw your picture, and I remembered reading the news story, I thought--wow, that water rose a LOT! Thanks for the clarification! We'll be in Klatovy, south of Prague, as we make our way across Europe. Should be interesting to see how flooded that part is by the third week of July.
Just back from a leisurely three week camping trip with the travel trailer to Cloudland Canyon, Georgia (a beautiful state park) and then up the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Now planning a fall camping trip to Colorado, Utah, New Mexico with a return east through Texas and up the Natchez Trace.
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Took two weeks from cincinnati to get to Tok Alaska. Heading down towards Kenai Peninsula tomorrow. No rush, with our truck camera. Plan to hang around until the weather kicks us out.
Back from Alaska, Fairbanks, dome train to Denali, couple of nights at Kantishna, 95 miles inside the park. McKinley Explorer this time to Anchorage, flight to Juneau. Boarded The Wilderness Discoverer, 62 passanger small ship for 7 days inner passage cruise to Ketchican. Not typical NW weather sunny and 70-80. Had a terrific time, but glad to be home. House/pet sitter reported 2 different black bears in the yard, while we were gone.

None planned now. Just returned from Copan and Marcala Honduras doing some volunteer water engineering work. Beautiful country, but has its hazards.

One night went to a bar and the dude singing was ~60, been there 17 years from my state, not that good. The place and he were just like a typical expat banana republic cliche from a Buffet/Jerry Jeff Walker/Delbert Mclinton song! I love to travel to places like this but can't see making it home.
At the Hong Kong airport now waiting for my fight to Singapore. Staying a few days and then off to Indonesia for some nature and walks.
Back from Alaska, Fairbanks, dome train to Denali, couple of nights at Kantishna, 95 miles inside the park. McKinley Explorer this time to Anchorage, flight to Juneau. Boarded The Wilderness Discoverer, 62 passanger small ship for 7 days inner passage cruise to Ketchican. Not typical NW weather sunny and 70-80.

Amazing! We may have been very near each other. Your trip was nearly identical to the trip we just returned from.

A week on the 62-pax Lindblad/National Geographic Sea Bird from Sitka to Juneau, then four nights at North Face Lodge (practically next door to Kantishna), then the dome train to Anchorage.

The entire trip was such unbelievably great weather that the Alaska veterans could hardly believe it. Would have been perfect except that it was peak mosquito season in Denali NP.
Amazing! We may have been very near each other. Your trip was nearly identical to the trip we just returned from.

A week on the 62-pax Lindblad/National Geographic Sea Bird from Sitka to Juneau, then four nights at North Face Lodge (practically next door to Kantishna), then the dome train to Anchorage.

The entire trip was such unbelievably great weather that the Alaska veterans could hardly believe it. Would have been perfect except that it was peak mosquito season in Denali NP.

We saw your ship in dock in Juneau June 15th, had a great lunch at the Hanger on the Wharf Pub. We set sail the same day. In Denali we stayed at the Kantishna Roadhouse, took many cloudless photos of the hill. Ms G wants to do Lindblad/NG for the Galapagos. Took the McKinley Explorer Fairbanks south to Denali, and than south to Anchorage. One leg would have been enough, but I will only see it once in this lifetime. Sorry no mosquitos where we hiked, saw all the big critters, but wolves, did see some fresh tracks.
Not 'planned', but on the "hmmm" list (with a bunch of other places)......Romania; read previous posts by people who'd been there a couple years back...anyone with (more) recent experience?

Have never taken a tour, and dread the idea of eventually having to take one, (Dylan Thomas-ish, we "Do not go gentle into that good night")......wondering about taking trains/renting a car.......any suggestions?
Not 'planned', but on the "hmmm" list (with a bunch of other places)......Romania; read previous posts by people who'd been there a couple years back...anyone with (more) recent experience?

Have never taken a tour, and dread the idea of eventually having to take one, (Dylan Thomas-ish, we "Do not go gentle into that good night")......wondering about taking trains/renting a car.......any suggestions?

We will be doing some stuff in Romania this month. I just booked 11 of us in a cool fortified church in Sibiu for a night. There is a party there before we take on the Transfaragasan (the best road in the world, according to Top Gear) and then we head to a beach party just north of Constanta on Oha beach, which looks beautiful.

I will let you know how it goes, but I can tell you the Romanians we have met as part of the rally have been the nicest, most helpful, and most fun folks you can imagine. Who knew?
We will be doing some stuff in Romania this month. I just booked 11 of us in a cool fortified church in Sibiu for a night. There is a party there before we take on the Transfaragasan (the best road in the world
What is this, some kind of invasion? ;)

Love to hear about the logistics of this operation......are you renting the vehicles, buying them, shipping them? How many people involved, etc, etc? (I figure any peripheral info I can acquire can go into the 'stored data file' for possible reference down the road.)

Looked at pics of the highway.......some parts looked like coastal roads I'd taken in Greece and elsewhere...others the Saudi desert.

Eagerly anticipating your trip pics.
Just back from Central/Eastern Europe for three weeks. Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and Hungary. My DW speaks several Slavic languages, so that made the trip easier. We took sleeper trains between the major cities, at times a trying experience. DW still has cousins in Ukraine, so that was really the highlight of the trip.:cool:
5 months from ER and am in travel planning and drooling stage. So hard to think I will be able to go at any time, any where!
Next week is our annual houseboat excursion, aka Booze Cruise. Plan is to wander around in the Smokies for a few days afterward, though the weather forecast indicates lots of rain.
Nemo, it is an invasion! But we are invading Mongolia instead of the other way around!
Easy answers here:
That's my bus and my team. The other 287 teams are taking tiny cars to Mongolia, but we are doing the rally as part of a short bus circumnavigation. It is an epically insane idea that was allowed to grow into an actual plan thanks to a total lack of adult supervision. :)
Feel free to ask questions at will. My logistic skills are at full stretch on this piece of madness, but I'm getting a lot of help!

HFWR--Love the booze cruise! Y'all have fun!
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