Anyone got any travel planned?

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Wow! What a fantastic looking place. How have I missed this?

vedauwoo - Google Search

(I am not a Rock Climber -- My Atrial Fibrillation strictly forbids such an activity.)

well, it is still an uber interesting place, even if you don't climb. I'm adding some pieces to my climbing rack...the cracks at the woo are huge!!!!

i know this isn't a recommendation thread, but i noticed someone else was hooking through northern arizona. This place should be on every american's bucket list.
I'm thinking about Belize/Guatemala/? in December+January. I've never been there before.
Planning a cross country (WA to MA) bike trip in the next year or so. The Iceland volcano put pay to my planned ride around the island this year, but I will get to it next year. Last year I rode 350miles from London and over the North Yorkshire Moors. Here are a couple of pictures


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DW and I and a couple of friends are going on a bike and barge trip to Holland at the end of September. Three days in Amsterdam to finish it off.
DW and I and a couple of friends are going on a bike and barge trip to Holland at the end of September. Three days in Amsterdam to finish it off.

Glad to see that a bike is part of your plans!:clap:
Going to Yosemite in mid September with DW. Lots of hiking planned. My first time there and I'm very excited.
Our trips always look so boring on paper. Within the next week or so, we will explore Eastern Nebraska, Eastern South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota. I figure it will take about four weeks. (North Dakota will have to wait for next year... unless...)

But not so boring, however, when the rubber hits the road -- this, for instance, is why even the least "first to mind" States have so much to offer. What a wonderful place is the USA. What is that quote about the "Road less traveled" making all the difference?

Dakotagraph: Whimsical, weird and wacky, but fun to shoot
Also considering a December marathon at Rehoboth Beach, DE, or possibly Austin, TX.

Cool, let me know if you do the one in Rehoboth. I live about 30 minutes away. I'll come watch you run past. :D Even buy you a beer after if you survive.

Just need to blow the dust off the Harley.

Yeah, DW has been telling me I need to do that too. :LOL:

No big plans for us. DW has a hypnotherapy class for a week in Kill Devil Hills, NC at the end of Sept. I'll be there too, probably laying on the beach and adding another layer of dust.
"DH and a buddy will be leaving on a motorcycle trip August 18th and will be on the road for three to four weeks. Southern most part of their trip will be in New Mexico and they'll make their way to Montana."

Can I come too? Just need to blow the dust off the Harley.
I told him about your post and he said "Sure!" They often pick up friends along the way that will ride a while. Then he saw this....

In late August we plan to hike in Appenzell, Switzerland then head down to Lake Como. Perhaps a drive through France afterwards. Very unstructured trip.

Ck 6
Uh oh, sounds like you've got some wonderful plans. Maybe next time. :greetings10:
We're heading to Madeline Island, in Lake Superior off Bayfield, Wis, in a few weeks. We'll bring our little camper and the kayaks and take the ferry to the island to stay at the Wis State Park there.

We're going to visit friends along the way and arrive at the ferry Labor Day afternoon. Prior to Labor Day, the state park is booked 100% all summer. Looks like, according to the reservation site, bookings are sparse after that. We expect the ferry to be loaded with shore-bound campers when we arrive Labor Day but to be near empty going out to the island. A nice advantage of retirement, camp when popular venues are near empty.

DW and I love it "Up Nort" and also love beaches. We're hoping this location gives us the best of both!

Between now and the Madeline Island trip, we're heading up to northern Minnesota for our second week at "fishing camp" of the summer. A quaint American Plan place with great food, oldish log cabins and wondeful views over a 3k acre lake. Our freezer is already bulging with fish from last autumn and this spring, so I'm thinking this will be primarily a catch and release trip. That means lots of experimenting with different techniques and time to teach DW some new methods.

We'll be heading to the Northeast (New Hampshire with stops along the way) for leaf peeping in late Sept / early Oct.
3 days at the beach at Topsail island, NC (starting this Saturday).

A week at the beach at Topsail Island, NC in September.

It's looking like a week long cruise to the Bahamas out of Charleston in Jan 2011.

We just returned from a long weekend in Washington DC. Always a fun city!
Cool, let me know if you do the one in Rehoboth. I live about 30 minutes away. I'll come watch you run past. :D Even buy you a beer after if you survive.
Will do. If there's anything better than a beer after a marathon, it's a free beer after a marathon!
We're going to drive to the Columbia River Gorge (Oregon) and do some camping/biking there,


and then continue on to the Couer d'Alene trail in Northern Idaho, and camp and bike there.


It's pretty open ended. When we get bored we'll drive home.
We [-]are[/-] were on a three week RV trip visiting my sister for a few days then on to the mountains of central New Mexico. Three days and 400 miles into the trip DD#2 called to say she'd gone by to feed our dogs and our AC compressor was making a strange noise. She looked in the window and could see our digital thermometer reading 90 :nonono:.

DW couldn't bear the thought of her houseplants roasting and all the candles melting, so we turned the bus around and headed back home. We're sitting in the driveway in the RV waiting for the AC service guy to show up. System is 13 years old - probably time for a new, more efficient unit - and a dip into Uncle Sam's pocket for an Engergy Tax Credit.

If we get it all taken care of in short order we may head out again for an abbreviated version of what we originally planned.

Oh, and in November we're heading to Florida to see the launch of Discovery - only two shuttle launches left before the program is history.
Ha! You've obviously never w*rked there. :mad:

True enough. I'll probably keep it that way. Although my company is looking for a person to move to No VA to open up a new office... :D
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