Are You Allowing Others Into Your Home

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We don't plan on hosting any dinners or parties and don't have a cleaning person. A best friend may be coming for a brief visit after some air travel (pleasure) out of the country (which I think is stupid at this time.) Now he is reconsidering and I hope drops the idea. If he does visit, we will be social distancing.

Just because he wants to visit you doesn't mean you don't have veto power..
We have sequential bathroom upgrades ongoing in our home (it's taking far longer than expected, due to defective deliveries three times in a row), as well as periodic maintenance on a/c, etc.
We are also in the process of remodeling all of our bathrooms. Right now, we still in discussions with the designer, selecting materials and getting estimates. We’re considering delaying the actual work until we know/understand where all of this is going.
I have 2 robotic vacuums and a robotic mopper and they work great without any recurring costs. The other day we were sitting out on the patio drinking beer and had all three of then going in the house. We do the rest of the cleaning ourselves. We had something stolen once and had a cleaner come over who was not healthy in the past so I just prefer cleaning the house myself.

No guests other than offspring. We see our neighbors on walks. We all chat and keep our distance but two petted our dog today. I have to discuss that with DH more to find a polite way to discourage that.
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Giving our cleaning lady paid time off.

Might be time to buy a robot vacuum.
Our cleaning "lady" is actually 3 ladies. They are due to come this Thursday and we're not sure yet what to do. We will pay them if we tell them not to come. If they do come, they will wear gloves and mask. Otherwise, no one is coming into the house.
I miss hugging my grandchildren :(
We normally have, over the course of a week, 6-12 folks coming through our home. Our friends and youngest DS's friends. We re not going to change anything. Our friends are aware and smart enough to stay away if they are not feeling well. Most of these travel beyond the local area much less than we do.
We're keeping our cleaning service as they have a documented protocol and we aren't in personal contact with them (I take the dog for a walk or do errands and DH stays in his office which they don't clean). We had an out of town friend drop in for dinner Friday on short notice - we didn't hug or hold hands for grace before dinner but otherwise it was just as usual. I have an electrical project that I haven't fully scoped out but may go ahead with next month (or not, haven't decided yet).
Mine refuses to dust or clean toilets.

Right, which is why I posted that we do the rest of the cleaning ourselves. With the vacuuming and mopping out of the way, and two of us split the rest of the chores.
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Nobody except me DW and I have been in our house for over a week, we'll keep it this way, it's like our own sanctuary.

We just went for a long bike ride today, I've never seen so many people out walking. The town parks which are usually almost empty were full of people. I'm guessing that many don't like to be cooped up in their homes especially without televised sports? Maybe after this is over some people may change their ways and make this type of exercise permanent?
I signed up for a new internet service sometime back. It will be faster and cheaper than my current provider Spectrum. Well, construction is finally completed and they are scheduled to install next week. Now, I am wondering about canceling for the time being. Installation would mean someone coming in our house and bringing in new equipment.
I am in the process of selling my house and moving. Last week my agent was here with the photographer. My brother was here over the weekend. Both times I have wiped down all contact surfaces before and after. I'm not too concerned about an individual person, but no groups of people (not that I have groups in my house). My real estate agent talked about having an open house once the house was on the market. I nixed that a couple of weeks ago just because I do not want looky-loos in my house.
A total turn around from the days of yore when I tried to entice people, (OK, OK, young women), to come into my place.

I'm open to women visiting for a threesome, but somehow I don't think that's gonna happen... :)

Otherwise, no one ever comes to our house except for UPS, FedEx, and USPS deliveries. Most of the time I never even see them, they just drop the package on the porch and run.
Nope. Had a 55th birthday party planned for hubby on April 3. We've already canceled.
My two twenty something nephews wanted to stop by yesterday. They’ve been out and about all week despite the Massachusetts guidance to stay out of crowded places like restaurants etc. We told them come up and visit when this blows over.
We are done with visitor for awhile.

I cancelled the cleaning service in January - more because now that I am retired I can do it. Would have cancelled this month otherwise. My elderly parents are giving their cleaning person paid time off.

No community spread detected here yet - so we had our hair stylist come to the house yesterday.

I also had the AC units tuned up last week. Glad I did because one unit was on its way out the door with a leak. No other contractor repairs anticipated.

Our poker game has been suspended. More time at the beach with the neighbors.

Gym memberships suspended for a few months and now have free weights at home.

All of our preparations will appear to be overdone before the peak of the pandemic, and after it is over it will evident that we did not do enough.
I've decided that we shouldn't allow anyone who knows us into our home. That may seem silly, but it's primarily because of one of the many new policies that DH's employer has implemented that doesn't appear to be too well-thought out, considering the restrictions on who qualifies for a coronavirus test. The way it's written, the employees could actually lose their jobs.
We've been self isolating since we returned home from 2 months in Arizona. Last Monday I was diagnosed with a mild case of strep throat and sinusitis. My DW 4 days later with the same. I see no reason to expose anyone else or be exposed to anything else at this time. We'll be doing our part to flatten the curve.
Unfortunately there are still too many unknowns about this virus. I've not had any fever and have a wet cough and sinus draining. My DW has the same along with a low grade (below 100ºF) fever. Neither has any muscle aches or shortness of breath.
It's a good time to be an introvert!
Only kids/GK so far, although tomorrow furnace repair is coming, but they stay out in the garage.
I am spraying/wiping/disinfecting surfaces in the house daily, probably overkill, but I don't care.
Well, after thinking about it, I am canceling installation for now. Cheaper, faster internet is just not worth the risk.
Our cleaning lady came today while we were out at lunch. She normally does us and the next door neighbors on the same day. However, they are about ten years older than us and more vulnerable, so they asked her not to clean today. They paid her anyway, which is very nice. She is due back in two weeks. We'll reevaluate closer to that time, but if we cancel, we'll also still pay her.
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