Are you color blind?

According to this test no, but some of the numbers appeared very faded to me towards the end of the test.
DW's color vision deteriorated a lot with cataracts to the point she was asking me what color things were. With new lenses, she's fine again though it took her a bit to get used to bright colors once more.
In college I had a friend who was full-on color blind but could see normal colors when he partook of certain recreational hallucinogenics...
In college I had a friend who was full-on color blind but could see normal colors when he partook of certain recreational hallucinogenics...

"Psst....paisley elephants aren't 'normal'." :LOL:
Normal color vision here, but I had a friend who was color blind yet became a successful electronics technician. He trained himself to somehow identify the colored bands on resistors to read their values, which I always thought was most impressive. I think our brains are capable of more than we think.
When you take the test, what is the difference between the little number pad and buttons (to the right), and the larger number pad/buttons?

DH is colourblind (strong deutan), but he wasn't impressed when he tried on one of those glasses. He noticed that the colours looked brighter and more vibrant, but so what?
DH is colourblind (strong deutan), but he wasn't impressed when he tried on one of those glasses. He noticed that the colours looked brighter and more vibrant, but so what?

Maybe that is what "normal" people see ?
The weird part is how to describe to someone else, a color.

Perhaps that is simply related to the grass is greener on the other side. ;)
Maybe that is what "normal" people see ?
The weird part is how to describe to someone else, a color.

Perhaps that is simply related to the grass is greener on the other side. ;)

No, DH, who is colourblind, said, "So what?"
He was like if that's what normal people see (just brighter colours), he wasn't impressed.
When I got my IOLs implanted (cataract surgery) the first thing that struck me was how bright and vivid all colors looked. So there are multiple factors involved in our vision.
No, DH, who is colourblind, said, "So what?"
He was like if that's what normal people see (just brighter colours), he wasn't impressed.

Sounds like he sees some color, which is good.


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Sounds like he sees some color, which is good.
He is considered a strong deutan (green-red colourbkind), but he used to be a commercial artist, and he says he somehow distinguishes colours by warmness/coolness... He can also see so many more shades of what seems to be the same colour, grey, or many other colours than I ever could, by warmness and coolness...
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