Are your devices running slow...perhaps being crypto-jacked?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 7, 2004
With the increasing popularity of virtual currencies, hackers are now putting malicious software on people's cell phones, TVs, smart refrigerators and using them to mine for digital money.

So-called "crypto-jacking" attacks have become a growing problem in the cybersecurity industry, affecting both consumers and organizations. Depending on the severity of the attack, victims may notice only a slight drop in processing power, often not enough for them to think it's a hacking attack. But that can add up to a lot of processing power over a period of months or if, say, a business's entire network of computers is affected.

My laptop has been running so slow but only on Firefox .I tried reinstalling it and same problem .I finally eliminated it and am using Internet Explorer and it is running great .
I've noticed (or I think I have) that some sites, particularly "news" sites, load slowly or with a noticeable delay. I determined that my ad blockers were effective, and that the site was not showing up until all its ads, videos, etc. had been preloaded, although I never saw them.

The reason I think this is the problem is because they loaded much faster if I temporarily disabled my stuff.

Maybe this could be the OP's problem? Seems as if some browsers might work differently with different ad blockers.
my browser ( Opera ) lets selected ads through ( like your download app feature ) but does block a lot it might just stop the resource hogs
If my computer has been compromised to the point where an unauthorized individual can run arbitrary software, then a few cpu cycles/kwH lost to Bitcoin mining would be the least of my worries.
I would blame windows 10 updates as to why their browser works better then firefox. Firefox will probably come out with updates to counter that.
Not really on topic but Donors choose charity had a teacher ask for kits of books/software to teach her students how to mine bitcoins. That is probably good-teaches mad programming skills but -just WOW.
My start button quit working right after the last update. I found a fixit on youtube and am back running ok. Can't tell if I am slow,because I am slow.I Would hope malwarebytes picks up on something like that-or windows defender.
If my computer has been compromised to the point where an unauthorized individual can run arbitrary software, then a few cpu cycles/kwH lost to Bitcoin mining would be the least of my worries.

That's exactly what I was thinking when I read the OP.
Are your devices running slow...perhaps being crypto-jacked?

I dunno. As I understand it, being crypto-jacked usually speeds things up

note: edited due to numerous requests
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I guess the article resonated with me because when I was in Buenos Aires, Argentina in December, we were warned about using cell phones, tablets, etc. in cafes due to heavy crypto-mining hacking in those locations. :confused:

With the increasing popularity of virtual currencies, hackers are now putting malicious software on people's cell phones, TVs, smart refrigerators and using them to mine for digital money.

By "digital money"... are you only referring to currency like Bitcoin ?
Or are you referring to any money that can be stolen via hacking ??
I guess the article resonated with me because when I was in Buenos Aires, Argentina in December, we were warned about using cell phones, tablets, etc. in cafes due to heavy crypto-mining hacking in those locations. :confused:


Maybe they are hacking in through unsecured wireless connections at those cafes? I have no idea.

After reading this thread, I ran Malwarebytes and Norton and both came out clean. Haven't noticed any slowdowns.

Just for kicks I ran speedtest dot net, and it says I am getting 120.45 Mbps download! Fastest ever, due to Cox Cable upgrading their midlevel service this week in my location.

OK, I really need a hobby... I am having too much fun fiddling with my laptop computer. :LOL:
By "digital money"... are you only referring to currency like Bitcoin ?
Or are you referring to any money that can be stolen via hacking ??

I believe they are referring to crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and the like.

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