Are your neighbors ignoring the stay at home orders?

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Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 4, 2013
Southern California
My neighborhood has a lot of people who don’t like to be told what to do. They have been resistant to staying at home. We live in a beach community where the beaches are still open. Every day I look out my window and it looks like spring break. The city has only done some minor things like closing a few rarely used parking lots and closing the pier. They removed the volleyball nets over a week ago and today some kids showed up in front of my house and put up their own net and played for several hours. The bicycle path is packed. Public restrooms are still constantly being used. People play football, frisbee, and beach games in large groups.

Today I called the city to complain for the first time. They took some notes and said they would look into it. But nobody came by to talk to the volleyball players. I just don’t think they are taking this seriously, so I’m not surprised the residents aren’t either.

Is anyone else having this problem in their neighborhood? B7ED1EFC-98A0-49DA-9D38-3DEBE38E038A.jpg
Seriously, 8 people. Time your photos with better evidence.....
I see 2 volleyball players. Have there been more than that?

There were six of them. You can see at least two more on the bottom left side of the photo. But the point is the city took down the nets because we closed all the sports parks to prevent groups gathering and playing sports that involve close contact and sharing of balls. And they reiterated that lesson a few days ago by saying they would fine people who showed up to the parks to play sports while the parks were closed. But enforcement has been very lax.
The neighbors catty corner across the street had several cars parked up and down the street weekend before last. Just found out that the woman of the house has Covid. All the rest of our neighbors seem to be social distancing.
If I was near a beach, I'd be out there walking the surf at dawn and dusk.

In our neighborhood, I see walkers come by every so often. 1-2-3-4 in a group, not bothering anybody. Not sure if we are supposed to stay inside in NJ.
Well, tonight is the first night of enforced stay at home declaration in FL. Non-essential businesses are required to close. If you're out you need to be going somewhere essential, either as a worker or as a user. I'm not sure what the penalty would be. But it's really quiet out there, for the first time since we've lived here.

However, as I said in another thread, there are people out there shopping with their whole families, and over in the 55+ trailer park they are visiting in their yards and playing games in the community center. I can understand a single parent needing to bring their kids with them, but not intact families with both parents.

And my direct neighbor I think is finally getting it, although I don't want to give him too many chances to be face to face. He's pretty deaf, and has a tendency to walk into your space. As recently as yesterday he was having friends over. They were hanging out in the yard, but even after he went back inside they were hanging out in his driveway, playing loud hip hop music. I'm not sure what the relationship is, since he's in his 70s and they're in their 40s. But the music was so loud they couldn't even hear DW yelling at them to turn it down. Hopefully now that martial law has been declared they won't be back.
People walk in the parks but maintain a minimum of 6 feet distance. The only exception is when passing, and that lasts only a few seconds which is usually not enough to infect another person. The parks may be busy, but they are far from crowded. Playground equipment is off limits.

Overall people are taking the advice to avoid contact very seriously in my area.
People are playing basketball at the park down the street from me every evening. I highly doubt they all live in the same residence and that would be the only way that would be ok. Seems majority of people are following the rules but the few that aren't can ruin everything for everyone else.
Yes, I have neighbors on 3 sides that bring out their children to play together on warmer days. And the family dog is milling about, and the adults are sitting together closer than 6 feet. :facepalm:
Our neighbors had a big party last week . Plus our friends who are in their 70's with health conditions are partying with several people in their neighborhood most nights . People just don't get it .We are on lock down and only spending time with each other .So far I haven't been tempted to put a pillow over his head .
Our neighbors are all doing as told; our neighborhood as quiet as a tomb. The silence is almost unnerving. The neighbors are home, but staying inside except to mow once a week. There are almost no cars on our residential street any more.

Like us, most of our neighbors are well over 60.
I live in a SFH.

My neighbor on one side is a young man (36-ish) who is taking it seriously and self-isolating, as am I. One day he popped over with a package Amazon delivered to him instead of me. He was wearing gloves and very tentatively approaching my front step as I opened the inner door (but not the outer storm door!) We spoke through the glass for a few minutes, from a distance of 8 feet.

My neighbors on the other side are 66 (him) and 64 (her). Both have serious underlying health conditions.

I don't know where they are staying during the week, but they are only home Thurs - Sun now. Which means they are traveling back and forth to somewhere, and it isn't for groceries. :facepalm:

Two weekends ago they had 4-5 cars coming and going all weekend. Last weekend they had the same cars coming and going. All ages of people. They were standing close together on the back deck, and standing close together working on one of the cars in the driveway. They had a birthday party for the neighbor.

That neighbor has met with two contractors this week (different trucks) and they appear to be giving him estimates for something. They had long conversations, and stood about 2 feet apart, peering at the same clipboard.

The more distant neighbors on either side here seem to be staying inside except for grocery trips or medical appointments, because I rarely see their cars move.

I am so fed up with people who are not taking this seriously, because they are going to make it last longer than it otherwise would, and I already believe it will last for several (many?) more months.
the beach folks are tweeting at the local PD where i live. I am fed up though with the scofflaws, just stay home and let's get this over with.
Our neighbors are all doing as told; our neighborhood as quiet as a tomb. The silence is almost unnerving.

Pretty much the same here, silence except for the occasional lawn mower. I do occasionally see people walking singly or in pairs (apparently married couples) but fewer than usual. When I went to get a prescription this morning the lack of traffic was almost eerie. And no one in line at the pharmacy drive-through window, I've never see that before! After that I went to get my truck washed (fully automated, no attendants) and intended to stop at the grocery store but one look at the parking lot told me the effort would be futile so I went back home.

The HOA has wisely decided to not open the pool although the contractors are doing the maintenance, and all other stuff like tennis courts are closed. The few walking paths are of course available but we can't see them from our house.
I had to pick up a pistol at the range that was done being fixed. I went in this morning right as they opened with the idea that I would get in and out with no other customers around. That part worked fine. The only problem is that I am a regular and they recognize me on sight. One of the owners came up to say hello and I managed to turn it into an elbow bump instead of a handshake. They clearly did not get the memo on social distancing.
We go out walking every day, either in the neighbor or in a park 2 miles away with a walking/running trail. No real issues with folks keeping distance. I try to not even talk, just nod my hello. a couple of people have wanted to have a brief conversation and I had to keep backing away from them, they were distance challenged. I had to show them how long 6 feet is, and they were surprised.

I contemplate going out with an adjustable walking stick, to use as a "distance check". :)
Many people around our neighborhood are having large parties. They don't seem to care. Pending test results are over 60,000 and only 90,000 tests have been conducted in a state with almost 40M people. Test results are taking over 12 days and the private test lab Quest Diagnostics has become a horrible bottleneck. The state is switching over to blood based tests that they recently procured from South Korea.
I live on 10 acres out in farm country, with my nearest neighbors 1/4 mile in each direction. I was on my KLR250 today running farm lanes, and wooded trails and came across one of my neighbors. He was in his side by side. We chatted for about 1/2 hour never breaching the 6' rule.

He is the only non-family member I have talked to in 2 weeks.

Big cities are where the problem is with overcrowding, and a sense of entitlement from those who "deserve" to be out.
People in our neighborhood are mostly over 60 and seem to be staying in except for outdoor walks, hiking or biking. Traffic is very light, so it seems that most people here are not going out much. We went to the grocery store yesterday, our first outing in 10 days. We’ve been self-quarantining with no visitors for almost 3 weeks now.
Auto traffic around me is way down. I went to a pharmacy several miles out of my way at "rush hour" and realized there was no rush hour. Neighborhood foot traffic is way up and my dogs are monitoring the situation closely. It's usually one person or couple and sometimes their dogs. My buddy in a different subdivision says that gaggles of women in groups of 3-5 seemed to have missed the memo and are out walking together, usually with kids. That was last week and maybe they are getting it this week. The weather is gorgeous, so it's hard to stay inside but be outside ALONE!
The problem I see in California is that while we are under a strict stay at home order, there is an exception for “fresh air and exercise”. There is no definition of what that means. So when people hear they can go exercise it gets interpreted as all kinds of things - volleyball, basketball, frisbee, lying on the beach, bicycling on the path, etc. And a lot of these sports involve groups, so you see a bunch of people getting together to play.

If everyone exercised in their own neighborhood most of this would not be a problem. But when people hear they can leave their home for exercise they all want to head to the destination areas - beaches, harbors, parks, trails. We have a lot of people in this state and if everyone heads to the same areas it defeats the purpose of trying to maintain social distancing.
It took the lockdown here in FL to get people to finally stop playing pickleball and tennis. After the dog parks closed people were using a back unlocked gate to get in.

The outside bars on the squares drew crowds even though there was only radio music piped in. The bars finally closed as a result of the lockdown.

The avg age here is ~ 67 and while the community is healthier for their age than average it’s like they have a death wish.

Even with the lockdown there are still folks at Lowe’s buying supplies for home projects. I don’t get it.
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