Assasinations Foretold in Moby Dick!


Moderator Emeritus
May 8, 2004
SW Ohio
A few years ago the tabloids were atwitter with "proof" that the Bibe (in Hebrew) contained hidden messages that had been recently discovered.

A few guys (with way too much time on their hands) were abe to extract similar clues in Moby Dick. Amazingly, the book provides hard, tangible warnings of assasinations years in advance!

-- Observations:
--- The processing power needed to do this kind of work is amazing. The number of different grid configurations, checkingthe key words against all the different possible sequences (forwards and backwards, etc). Wow.
--- Same process, different details apply to other "uncanny" retrospective findings (Nostradamus, Revelations, a "clear" picture of any kind of conspiracy you can think of, etc). Lots of ways the prediction can be read combined with a whole universe of facts from which to find "matches" equals a gaurantee that something will be found. If you showcase the findings in the right way, it looks "amazing' to some people. These people buy supermarket tabloids (and high-cost managed mutual funds--oops--sorry)
Amazing!! Amazing that anybody would spend the time to work this out, that is! :LOL:

My favorite book, and my favorite enigma (JFK assassination) tied together at last. ::)
Want2retire said:
Amazing!! Amazing that anybody would spend the time to work this out, that is! :LOL:

My favorite book, and my favorite enigma (JFK assassination) tied together at last. ::)
Nixon did it. He was in town at the time, he had the motive and the opportunity. They didn't call him Dead Eye Dick for nothing.
bssc said:
Nixon did it. He was in town at the time, he had the motive and the opportunity. They didn't call him Dead Eye Dick for nothing.

LOL!! Somehow I can't imagine Nixon being a crack shot, especially with that awful Mannlicher-Karkano (sp?) rifle that Oswald was supposed to have used.

But thanks for an amazing mental picture to chuckle about and muse over. :)
My first dog and I had a strong bond. She knew me very well. Apparently, I gave off visual or behavioral cues that she noticed. She always knew what I meant for her to do or not do. It was like she could read my mind. We called her Nostril-Damus as a nickname. I guess there's a reward in being boring and consistent.

BTW, one of Nostradamus' true believers at work got really pissed when he heard that story. People are so @%$ing sensitive.

Mike D.

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