Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
One of our posters (JoeDreaming) suggested this excellant NASA site, Astronomy Picture of the Day . I really liked that idea of just checking it out occasionally or daily. Then I got more interested in understanding the star life cycles. Periodically I rekindle that interest. I found some useful study material below.
1) This site goes into quite a bit of detail. One can take quite a bit of time studying this (there's no hurry
). Also the lower link goes to the site home page: Life and Death of Stars
2) This site contains detailed lectures on astronomy (see Lectures link). It also has a link to a Cosmology lecture series (AST 123). Astronomy (U of Oregon undergrad courses)
3) This site is a good encyclopedia site for some astronomy topics: Cosmos
4) And there is always good stuff on Wikipedia. This link has a nice periodic table showing where all the elements of our Earth come from: nucleosynthesis
Feel free to add your favorite astronomy sites. There was a thread on astronomy awhile back but I don't have the link.
1) This site goes into quite a bit of detail. One can take quite a bit of time studying this (there's no hurry
2) This site contains detailed lectures on astronomy (see Lectures link). It also has a link to a Cosmology lecture series (AST 123). Astronomy (U of Oregon undergrad courses)
3) This site is a good encyclopedia site for some astronomy topics: Cosmos
4) And there is always good stuff on Wikipedia. This link has a nice periodic table showing where all the elements of our Earth come from: nucleosynthesis
Feel free to add your favorite astronomy sites. There was a thread on astronomy awhile back but I don't have the link.