Baby Boomers

Look at the enormous amount of money the internet porn business has made off of her...umm...efforts...
davew894 said:
Taxes are at least part of the reason a lot of people FIRE.
Geez, Dave, you're how old-- 34?  Or at least presenting that age to the board?

When I was that age I thought that my view of the world was much more complex.  Now I'm gonna have to go scrape the DeadHead sticker off my Cadillac.

Taxes are the LEAST reason that I ER'd.  And I don't think that the millions of people with the ER fire in their belly are motivated for that reason, either.  In fact, judging from the "Hi, I Am..." postings, I'd say that taxes are NO reason for FIRE.

HaHa said:
A look at an economics textbook will show you that if you aren't being economically productive you are being supported by someone one who is.
A look at our retirement portfolio shows that we're economically persuading hundreds of worldwide companies to be more productive so that we'll buy their shares and so that they can pay us dividends/cap gains.  Works for me.

Jay_Gatsby said:
Hmmm...would Paris Hilton fall into the same category?
Considering their "contributions" to society, some people should be paid not to work.  Paris would be a charter member of that group!

Gee, I wonder what Ted's up to these days... Dory, has anyone checked his old IP address against our current user list?
fyi - Winston Churchill was not always wealthy despite his background, his was not the side of the family with the estates. He had to write books to avoid bankruptcy, and nearly lost Chartwell. He always had wealthy friends who could, and did, help, and, at the end, a grateful nation. In the 20th century many (most?) titled families in the UK had very little liquid cash - often seeking rich Americans to marry. No pre-nups!
Army pension surely? From his commision and service in the Boer war. His Navy role at the Admiralty was in government, not service.
Are you saying that if you're an early retiree, that you're a parasite on society?

Well for goods and services (in the broad sense) to be produced you can either bring labor or capital to the table. Without both of these two items goods and sevices will not be produced.

So to suggest that an early retiree, that is only supplying capital, does not contribute is just not correct.

Labor alone will not produce what everyone wants without the means of production that capital provides.

Therefore the comments about retirees being parasites are misguided.
davew894 said:
From the article... [The Baby Boomers] will remain cynical, self-absorbed and disaffected.

I have been bothered by the condition the boomers have left this country in for as long as I've known what a 'boomer' is. It's a part of the reason why I want to FIRE. I'm not paying for these people to continue to rape, loot and pillage everything they see... be it moral, ethical or financial.

I don't necessarily blame them. They lived in an unususal era... where the benefits of the industrial revolution, marked increases in productivity and the end of 'world wars' brought unprecedented wealth and unsustainable consumption. Never before has the world seen such 'progess' in regard to these matters... and the baby boomers not only drank from the sweet trough of industrial success, they picked it up and dumped it all over themselves.

I think history will explain the excessive consumption of the baby boomers as the time when no one realized or paid attention to the fact that the world is a place of constrained resources, that decisions impact the environment and that one-sided governmental policies can wreak havoc with our nation and nations around the globe. Consumption will need to revert back to the 'mean' in order to have a sustainable planet on which to live. Hopefully charitable activity and morals/ethics will revert back to the mean as well.

The next generations certainly have their work cut out for them.

I nominate this as the most stupid post ever written on this forum!
Nords said:
Considering their "contributions" to society, some people should be paid not to work. Paris would be a charter member of that group!

Paris apparently still believed in santa claus until recently.

This may have been caused by old white haired and bearded men constantly yelling "Ho! Ho! Ho!" when they saw her...
Cut-Throat said:
I nominate this as the most stupid post ever written on this forum!

Oh come now. I can think of a dozen that are far, far stupider without even looking. Heck, I wrote half of them.
Nords said:
Gee, I wonder what Ted's up to these days... Dory, has anyone checked his old IP address against our current user list?

IP address doesnt mean squat. I can have my next 12 posts come from 12 different IP addresses and make a couple of those untraceable while i'm at it.

Heck, you can download a linux boot disk image replete with all sorts of anonymity tools loaded up that uses a whole set of public domain relay proxies that is virtually guaranteed to give you almost a completely anonymous, untraceable, unrecorded session with no evidence that you even turned on the computer at your house. For free. Its slower than ****, because a ton of people use the 'free' facilities, but free it is.

I say "almost" because the pro's can still tell one machine from another. The IP spec includes a time stamp thats pretty well detailed. All computers fill it in. Almost all computers have a clock. Almost all clocks have a certain degree of inaccuracy and a certain amount of 'drift'. Both of those change over time but only a little. After a while, you can predict the inaccuracy and drift. Doesnt take much expertise to look at a couple of series of IP packets from different sessions and analyze the accuracy and drift to determine if they probably came from the same computer. Its not DNA testing by any means, but its close enough to know.
Glad I hit a nerve!

Ya know Dave I'm a boomer but your original post didn't really bother me much because although inflammatory there is some truth in it.

But I was disappointed in your suggestions on what to do about it.

This is what I got from your response "The world s_ _ _ _.  It's not my fault and I don't give a s _ _ _ about doing anything about it and that's why I want to ER."  Correct me if this is wrong.

Why don't you suggest a solution?

For example, a politically unpopular thing that I would like to see is a european-type tax on gasoline.  I believe that this would:

- reduce oil imports and the trade deficit
- reduce CO2 emissions and global warming
- reduce urban sprawl
- encourage more livable and socially connected neighborhoods

The down side is that it is a regressive tax but overall I think that it would be a good thing.

In return, I get endless taxes (including SS tax, which is higher now than it has ever been), fewer holidays than any other industralized nation, longer hours than any other generation

Will things ever change? I hold hope but I have my doubts.

Just a thought Dave...The US may change and you may get what you want once the US loses its economic edge. Ever wonder how things may change if another country were to dethrone the US? We may have less incentive to work so hard if we know our attempts are not going to produce desirable results. I think part of the drive is to stay on top as challengers enter the arena - could be wrong but just a thought.
Seems to me like Dave is entitled to an opinion, as wrong as it might be, although some of what he says isnt too far out there ;)

But then again, the last time I stuck up for someone, it turned out to be Hosuc.

So dont listen to me... :LOL:
Dave, I was feeling annoyed with your politics and anti-boomer attitude--and was about to ask you which of the gay cowboys serves as your avatar--but then you quoted "Africa."
I luv ya, man  :cool:

astromeria said:
Dave, I was feeling annoyed with your politics and anti-boomer attitude--and was about to ask you which of the gay cowboys serves as your avatar--but then you quoted "Africa."
I luv ya, man :cool:


Howling on the Floor and LOL! :D :D

Come on folks, Dave is a CPA. As we recently learned, if you're a CPA *and* a marketing exec, you can write a book on a topic you have no personal experience with and the info in it is not only unquestionably valid, nobody should talk about it.

I'm still unclear on whether its just the CPA thing, the marketing exec thing, or the combination that creates the indomitable expertise, however.

So in the plausible case that Dave is also a marketing executive, I think we should accept his thesis, if not the gayness as well.

davew894 said:
To quote the Men at Work song 'Africa': "There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do."

Uhmm, that would be "Toto" not "Men at Work". You're definitely not a boomer. :LOL:
davew894 said:
Again, I take personal shots at me as a compliment, as I wouldn't want to argue the other side of some of my messages either.

Wait a minute.....a cowboy avatar and an attitude of "I'm under attack because I'm telling you the unpleasant truth".

Dave, you aren't really GWB are you? :eek: :eek: :eek:... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
davew894 said:
Again, I take personal shots at me as a compliment, as I wouldn't want to argue the other side of some of my messages either. There seem to be an awful lot of 'retired early' 50+ old pharts (pardon the expression) around here, with some level of latent anger :rant: about having worked so long or some other troublesome issue. I won't make the same mistakes. Keep your eyes closed and the personal attacks coming. They're funny. :LOL:

Good! - I'm glad we struck a nerve! :D
Dave, I'll have to take back my earlier comment,

This is what I got from your response "The world s_ _ _ _. It's not my fault and I don't give a s _ _ _ about doing anything about it and that's why I want to ER." Correct me if this is wrong.

This is better,

I have suggested solutions. I have paid money to support policital parties whose voices have been purposely silenced by the two political parties. I have done what is asked of all of us in terms of obtaining an education and being a productive member of society. I have dedicated and continue to dedicate a signficant portion of my time toward these efforts.

At lot of disillusionment but still much better,


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