Baby Boomers

50+ old phart... got a nice ring to it! O0

Painting as large a group as the Boomers with too broad a brush is illogical, as Spock would say.
There seem to be an awful lot of 'retired early' 50+ old pharts (pardon the expression) around here, with some level of latent anger about having worked so long or some other troublesome issue.

As a 50+ old phart (actually 60- would be more accurate) I can say that the anger seems a lot more patent than latent to me, but maybe that's because my mind has turned to mush from all my acquisitions. And,yes, I am mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. What were we talking about again? I forget.

Hush my mouth, slap your Grandma, Dave...

Don't care how she got them britches on... how does one get them off?? >:D :angel:
davew894 said:
I have been bothered by the condition the boomers have left this country in for as long as I've known what a 'boomer' is.


As a boomer who has always admired dissent, I appreciate hearing your viewpoint . While the resentment against my generation surprises me, it doesn't offend me. I had at least noticed how much harder it is for your generation to get started in life compared to us. I was aware of all the breaks I had growing up, getting scholarships, gettting into IT when it was all shortage, making money in the 90's bull market, and selling my home in the current bubble. Although I worked pretty hard at times, always lived below my means, and abhorred debt, I never felt entitled to any of it and still don't. I always knew that the American middle-class stood at the top of the consumption heap of history despite their persistent feelings of victimhood.

I gather that to your generation the boomers collectively seem like an army that has descended upon the land and is despoiling it. Point of view is everything here. While armies are powerful, a soldier is not. I suppose that can't excuse us any more than the Grande Armee.

Anyway, good luck to you. Staying out of debt is still a good strategy. Opportunities may yet surprise on the upside.

Being preoccupied with either over consumption or under consumption is still being preoccupied with consumption. I find both extremes offensive and borderline doctinaire. Blaming Boomers, or any other single group, for the "current state of things" is just plain silly and Wag the Dog, at best.


You need help. How you jump to to Arabs from my meager post is a little scary.

To be taught to think like a boomer?

This question assumes a lot.

Over generalizing about an entire generation hardly shows that the assumptions are valid. Lighten up.

Phew... I think someone here has poopy in their diapers.
"But do I have to use the word 'poopy'"? :eek:

Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day"

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