One thing all of us who have the means (FI, I mean), we have to have the correct theory of mind for those heirs who are not FI. I've been warned multiple times about advances and gifting as it can demotivate but worse yet it can setup an expectation of entitlement, in the heir's mind this is free money, something for nothing, born on third base type lottery winnings. I've been warned to BE CAREFUL what I do as there are many ways for this to go wrong.
Money changes some people and you never know who those people are until they are confronted with a windfall, especially an unexpected windfall. I wish there was a way to gift money to heirs well ahead of time that would be locked up until they reach retirement age like SS or a pension. It has to be locked up so they can't get to it before they are well into their 60's. That would allow them to live their lives "normally" and still have to work for a living.
A friend gave his 4 kids $1M when they turned 30. Let's just say this didn't turn out the way he expected and he immediately saw changes in their attitudes, motivation and spending habits. He's quite wealthy but lives very much below their means. He made 4 problematic offspring worse in various subtle ways. Unbelievable buyer's remorse in this case.