Best Buy has horrid after purchase service!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 10, 2007
Got the 40" Sony Bravia HDTV, but it took 10 days for delivery (yes, that was TEN I said:rant:)--and MANY follow-up calls on my part--as the order was so screwed up. Obviously, they couldn't even get the order right.
Then Best Buy is to call Directv for installation of the satellite, but Best Buy told me to do it. The Directv installation department were totally thrown by this, for some reason, but they are supposed to install the satellite tomorrow. We'll see.
However, I had been told to NEVER trust what Best Buy says. Boy! Are they right! The Best Buy sales staff told me it was $5 a month from Directv for HDTV--NOT (it's $10). Total amnesia about informing me there was a $139-plus charge for having Directv install the satellite AFTER asking them more than once if there were any other fees:bat:.
Since a tv blew recently, the Best Buy guy--who was supposed to bring a $29 power surge with him--had only (what a surprise..ha!) an $80 power surge with him. And, since it was raining, I was not going to take the chance on getting a new power surge cheaper. With my luck so far on this tv, a thunderstorm would start, and the tv would blow totally.
Regardless, Best Buy has realllly crappy service after sale. Just be prepared if you buy there.
Unfortunately, the area I am in now has only 3 places to buy tv's, so Best Buy was a forced choice of sorts.

***You've been warned!***>:D
Aw! I am so sorry that you had such a disappointing experience getting your new TV.

Despite that, I hope that once you get Direct TV on it, it will be everything you had hoped. Sony makes good products.
Lets start trashing them. Then you can take this thread to them and see if they will make you whole. You could then post that experience mitigating the damages and everybody would be happy.
So, donheff, you consider reporting horrid customer service as "trashing" a company? Better explain that one to me. Obviously, we are certainly on different wavelengths. I thought I was warning you as to what can happen at Best Buy, and that you should be on your toes there since they don't seem to be.
And I was warned myself by someone else about the horrible after sale care you get at Best Buy before I even went there, so I can only assume my situation was not unique. Obviously, this is relatively common service there. So, I guess this is "trashing" the company, too, eh?
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So, donheff, you consider reporting horrid customer service as "trashing" a company? Better explain that one to me. Obviously, we are certainly on different wavelengths. I thought I was warning you as to what can happen at Best Buy, and that you should be on your toes there since they don't seem to be.
And I was warned myself by someone else about the horrible after sale care you get at Best Buy before I even went there, so I can only assume my situation was not unique. Obviously, this is relatively common service there. So, I guess this is "trashing" the company, too, eh?

In fact, i think i recall warning that Best Buy, while often having the best bricks-and mortar price, was not stellar for service. My experience and that of neighbors. Sorry to hear it's looking like that for you as well.
So, donheff, you consider reporting horrid customer service as "trashing" a company? Better explain that one to me. Obviously, we are certainly on different wavelengths. I thought I was warning you as to what can happen at Best Buy, and that you should be on your toes there since they don't seem to be.
And I was warned myself by someone else about the horrible after sale care you get at Best Buy before I even went there, so I can only assume my situation was not unique. Obviously, this is relatively common service there. So, I guess this is "trashing" the company, too, eh?
Actually, we are on the same wavelength but I was poorly communicating. What I meant by lets "trash" them is let's pile up our complaints about poor service. You could then use the thread to show them how they are perceived. They might very well be tempted to rectify your problems in hopes that that would be reported on the same thread -- undoing some of the damage to their reputation. Companies recognize that word of mouth matters.
We bought our 56inch Samsung HD TV from Amazon and the delivery and set up were perfect. I was pretty afraid to do this but hubby perservered and was delighted. Price could not be beat, even with shipping, by any local retailer.
I understand you now, donheff. For awhile there, I figured you were one of their biggest stockholders.
The profit margin by Best Buy--according to a guy who owned a tv repair shop in Houston and taught at the local community college--is the lowest on tv's in the nation, but, unfortunately, once the sale is ain't so hot.
However, the Sony Bravia...fantastico even before the HDTV receiver is connected by Directv, the satellite company. I didn't buy a lemon, anyway, and am thrilled with the picture even now. Just wait till I get the HDTV doggie!
Calmloki, I wish I had seen your post before. I heard it was bad, but not this bad. Sigh.. I'll live....
i am expecting someone to declare at any moment that
the government should be taking over best buy due to the damaging
acts being perpetrated by them on our fair populace..
I have not bought anything from Best Buy in .... let's see.... maybe 15 years... they have not cared about their customers for a LONG time...

Mine was cheap and easy.... I bought two computer items... (keyboard and something else.... can't remember).... both had rebates...

well, I got neither... and I called... and called... and called.. sent emails etc... NOTHING... so I go to Best Buy... and they are STILL selling the products WITH REBATES... so I ask if they can help.... nope, it is your problem... so I go to the manager... same thing... so I go to the REGIONAL manager and they tell me the same thing... it is YOUR problem that you are not getting your rebate... YOU have to deal with the company... I said YOU are still offering the product WITH the rebate and ADVERTISING it...

So sorry, we will not help you... DONE with Best Buy.....

Now... Let's go two years ago... bought something from Fry's.... had 30 days to get in the rebate (did not know this new tactic).... but, I sent it in on the 30th day... got rejected... sent in an email, still rejected... mailed something in... still rejected.....

Go to Fry's... tell the guy and he CALLS to see about getting the rebate while I am there... but comes back to me and said "Sorry, this rebate went off two months ago and I can not help"... I said, I am leaving all this paperwork with you... if I do not get a check, I will never shop in your store (and gave my Best Buy experience tale).... and then left...

One month later.. in the mail comes my checks... $75 worth!!! SOOOO, I will shop at Fry's even with the long lines and sometimes low inventory.... because of their customer service that I got...
The only good thing I ever liked about Best Buy was their selection of DVDs. I can get cheaper electronics with better customer service online, and have.
Best Buy, Circuit City, etc. all have the same issues. Poorly trained staff, commissioned sales, make the sale and move on.... I went to Circuit City for an "on sale" TV, salesguy says my credit card rejected, but offers to sell me a higher-priced TV. :confused:? "No thanks", and left.

Call the credit union, the CC has zero balance, nothing wrong with it. That was about 20 years ago. I haven't set foot in a Circuit City store since.

Howzzat for holding a grudge?
We've had problems at Best Buy too. DH bought a flat screen wall mount for her gym TV at work. It didnt fit the TV. Since it was purchased using a business account name (but with DH's credit card), the item could not be returned at the store. We had to UPS it.
I honestly haven't had any problems with either Best Buy or Circuit City but I do feel compelled to stick up for my local Circuit City. While I have never requested any after the sale help, the pre sale experience at Circuit City has been truly outstanding. On several occasions, with cameras and computers I was truly impressed with the knowledge and enthusiastic effort to explain and demonstrate equipment. I’m not an easy guy to please but on one occasion I went out of my way to express my delight to a manager at the store. Now that I think about it I’ve had similar good experiences at two of the local Circuit City locations. Maybe I’m just a lucky guy!
I've never had any prblems with best buy, but I will agree that their sales staff is not very knowledgeable- you need to do your own research brfore setting foot in the store.

I prefer Best Buy to the online retailers for several reasons.
1- you can return the item right away
2- you know that they are an authorized dealer
3- you can physically see/touch/feel the product before you buy

I had a bad experience with an online retailer who turned out to be only an authorized reseller, not an authorized dealer. Turns out there is a difference if you have warranty issues. It basically made my warranty worthless.
My pre-sale at Best Buy was pretty honest, I felt, and I came in with alot of knowledge from Consumer Reports and other articles. No complaint on pre-sale. After sale sucked so badly that I don't know if I would willingly use them again. As I said before, there is really nowhere to purchase tv's here hardly--even tho this is an area of 400,000.

***Maybe this will help someone: My friend and neighbor told me to take their credit plan for the tv--which is 0 (zero)% interest for 2 years. THEN if something goes wrong with the tv, you can return it (you haven't paid for it yet) within the first year of factory warranty and give it back to them.
I did it, and thought this was a pretty swell idea. You have to protect yourself with creepy companies who don't care about you once they have sold you something.

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